Accepting Responsibility For The Conditions of Your Own Life - Jordan Peterson

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PURPOSE is the key here, weather it be parenthood or something else, one needs PURPOSE!


Accountability is rare in the people of this generation.


He is talking about my life until I became a father. 100% true for me.


I just turned 50 and I have friends that are still living like they are 25. My youngest daughter graduates high school this year. Very proud of my kids look forward to seeing them mature in life.


I LOVE 💕 listening to Dr.J.P. speak, in any capacity. Thanks to him, myself & my two young teenagers have made it our “mission” to increase our vocabulary by each learning a new word daily; then sharing those words each other . It’s been extremely positive and actually quite fun for all of us. My 15 yo son now wants to join the school debate team next year.
Keep up the great work Dr.P.👍


having kids in and of itself does not make people mature. there's no shortage of parents out there who stubbornly refuse maturity.


Peterson sounds like a relic from the past. Decades ago there was something wrong with a woman or a man if they didn't have a marriage and kids by 30 years old. Times are changing and we have more freedom and choices now. Thank heavens that we do. I'd hate to have lived decades ago when you were literally expected to get married, have kids and stay married, regardless of the misery, until you die


I want to thank this psychologist for INCREASING my anxiety, and thanks to some of the commenters out there for easing it...

I'm 33, never married, wondering if I'll ever have kids...I feel torn to pick between helping my aging parents, working a career, and raising a family. It stinks being looked at as "directionless".

I look over at some of these other men - Stuck at a job they hate, a wife and kids that spend all the money, making six figures and literally living paycheck to paycheck. They complain they'll never be able to retire. Cellphone addicted teenagers at home. They leave their elderly parents in the rearview. Makes me question if I even want to...

Elderly people I know, who's kids all grew up and moved away, didn't get so much as a phone call when they're dying in the hospital. Life can be brutal and there are no guarantees in anything.


Never wanted kids.
Then had my son aged 39 and realised i never would have known what pure love is without having him.


the responsibility of taking my Stepdaughter full time was Life changing. in the best way possible for us both . thankfully made Dad so happy too ❤.


This guy is so articulate you can almost see the words coming out of his eyes.


One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to give them responsibilities and let them figure it out by themselves. You can only use slight guidance so as not to take away their achievements. Taught me patience, and made me proud of them.


Not having kids certainly doesn't mean that you're hedonistic and irresponsible. There are many personal reasons someone might not choose or be able to have kids.


im moving from a rent to a another rent, so im blessed, thank god, i can speak what i want, and party as a king


He’s completely correct. I am now 49 and I never had children. When I was young, up until about 45, I had many much younger lovers and enjoyed myself a great deal, but I am now paying the price because I never put anybody first other than myself. Do not make the mistake, it’s profoundly painful.


Tbis is the hardest truth and hit harder than rock


Finding a purpose in life outside of marriage and children is in many ways far more challenging and requires a high level of self-discipline. There are no social props to hide behind - no spouse, kids, grandkids, etc. You will deal with people viewing you with suspicion because you didn't do all the usual stuff. I have found that as you get older as a single person, you will encounter jealousy because you are NOT miserable and lonely. Ironically, this jealousy comes from people who were/are married with kids, grandkids, etc. Why? Perhaps it's because they have found out what a lot of single people knew all along, that you alone are responsible for creating a life for yourself.


Work, weights, walks, books, sesh sorted


Never had kids and I've never regret it. I don't have any addictions, I simply go to work pay my bills and save money for things that I want. I'm mature without that life style, just make good decisions. lol


I'm 40 and have a partner but no children. And I'm very happy about the situation. I recognise Jordan's warning though: you have to avoid the trap of a hedonistic empty lifestyle, since you're not relying on anybody for your life, and bear no responsibility towards anybody but your spouse.
