'Tetralogue' Book Review

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A review of ‘Tetralogue: I’m Right, You’re Wrong’ by Timothy Williamson, a philosophy book!

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It would be nice to post more videos like this, book recommendation/review is very valuable from someone as engaged in philosophy as you.


Also a great book for newcomers to philosophy: "How To Be A Philosopher: or How to Be Almost Certain that Almost Nothing is Certain" by Gary Cox. 
Cox is a very witty writer and a very funny guy . He gives very brief introductions to very complex philosophical topics (from ethics to epistemology and metaphysics) and tells you where you can lean more on each topic. It's a great introduction to the wide ranges of philosophy.


Its nice to hear that your vlog has got quite a good reputation - even outside youtube :-) Just wanted to say keep up the good work, i really enjoy listening to it ! :-)



Oxford press is very smart for sending you that book. Now I want to buy it.


For my introduction to philosophy I kicked it old-school with Bertrand Russell's _A History of Western Philosophy_.


I loved timothy williamson's take on the analysis of knowledge. I have to say that his stance was brilliant!


Book recommendations : I Am a Strange Loop, Biocentrism, The Science Delussion by Rupert Sheldrake, Confession of a Philosopher by B. Magee


My book of choice for a youth: Sophie's World. For an adult: The Dream of Reason. For everyone: Tending the Epicurean Garden, and later A Few Days in Athens.


This sounds structurally similar to what I originally wanted to do with my own philosophy "book" (now downgraded to a series of essays). I had a setting where four invented characters representing four broad extremes of philosophical viewpoints and a fictionalized version of myself at college age all go see a movie (a nonexistent future-political-scifi-drama movie that I made up for this purpose), and as we share a meal after the movie and talk about it, two of those characters get into a philosophical argument about the moral of the movie, ending with the other three characters agreeing that both of those two are wrong, but then the other two characters getting into a subsequent argument about how and why the first two were wrong, with my author-surrogate in the middle of it all the while, agreeing with the good points made by each side against its opposite, but not really making any points myself. At least until the half way point where all four of them ask, if I disagree with all of them (or equivalently agree with all of their critiques of each other), what the heck is left? And the second half is my author-surrogate going back over all the topics covered, describing what is left when the good arguments from each opposing side of each topic are combined and the bad stuff ruled out, and defending that remaining position from critiques from all four sides.


Have you read Peter Sloterdijk's You must change your life? It has some interesting ideas going on.


The 'dia' in 'dialogue' means 'through' as in 'This is a book done through reasoning (logos)'.  So 'Trialogue' might be a misnomer, based on the assumption that 'dia' means 'two', and therefore a three person dialogue should be a tetralogue.

Or perhaps the book covers this and it's a joke?


Interesting book also as excercises collection for argumentations, fallacies, logic and so forth.


I am wondering if I am "not new to philosophy". Would following and understanding your channel qualify to read this book?

It sounds interesting, but I feel I might be in over my head. Advice?


I think your review was incredibly generous.  I found that the book went off in all directions and you were left feeling like nothing was ever fully discussed and/or every point of view was left on the table.  Just my opinion - not that it is worth much.


Why not write a guide book or spark note for Tetralogue?


Such a shame that out of all the genres of fiction, this is the least realistic. Superman is more likely than me ever being able to have a meaningful philosophical conversation with someone.


Have you read The Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous? If so, what did you think of it?


Recommendation: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. You are welcome.
