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In this video, Technologia takes you through the process of canola farming and how it is turned into cooking oil. Canola plants can grow in many countries and are now considered the second largest oil crop in the world after oil palm. Canola oil is believed to have more health benefits due to its high content of unsaturated fats.

The process of planting canola begins with plowing the land to eradicate weeds and fertilize the soil. Basic fertilizer is then spread throughout the land area using a fertilizer machine. Canola seeds are planted in narrow rows and the seeding process is carried out using a seeding machine. Proper care must be applied to produce maximum yields, and canola plants are given nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers to avoid disease.

The harvesting process is almost identical to harvesting wheat, and the harvested canola seeds are stored in a container which is in the middle of the combine harvester machine. Once the bed is full, the harvest is brought to the factory warehouse and immediately processed for canola oil extraction. The average yield per canola crop throughout Missouri was 1.6 tons per hectare in dry fields and 4 tons per hectare in areas with high rainfall.

When the canola seeds arrive at the processing plant, they still contain foreign materials such as plant debris and other contaminants. The first step is to clean the seeds using a vacuum filter, and then crush them into small pieces. The canola seed flakes are then squeezed under high pressure in a pressing machine, and the canola oil that comes out is accommodated in a reservoir. The extracted oil is then stored in a large tank and purified using sodium hydroxide. After the canola oil looks clearer, it is ready to be packaged and distributed throughout the world.

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Title: Inspiring Corporate Technology by Dredstudio
Title: Positive Inspiring Corporate by Dredstudio

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