Jake Holmes JUST Breaks Silence On Jimmy Page

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Jake Holmes JUST Breaks Silence On Jimmy Page

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It's OK to borrow, just give proper credit and royalties.


A friend of mine went to Chicago to the address of Chess Records. Him and his GF knocked on the door. The man who answered the door was the grandson of Willie Dixon. They asked him about the Led Zeppelin situation. He told them that Led Zeppelin pays the Dixon family privately.


Happy Birthday Jimmy you are the best guitarist and Ilove listening as well as crankin out on the fretboard.Thankyou.


I think everyone has always been aware that Page didn't invent the Blues. Blues singers, songwriters and musicians have been borrowing from each other for as long as there have been Blues. When you use another song's lyrics, that does need to be credited. But what made Zeppelin great was the fact that when they first hit, no one had ever sounded like that before. It was a new sound built upon foundations of the old like countless other bands have done.


In other words, Led Zeppelin is the best cover band in the world


He’s a great rock guitar player, but he stole tons of stuff. Black Mountain Side is a straight up rip from Bert Jansch.


Every musician follows the ones before him..
there is nothing wrong with that


The "Stairway" complaint from Spirit was absurd. There was a '50's guitarist that did that chromatic, descending root on a minor chord that sounded more like Spirit's "song" than "Stairway". Did Spirit steal that? It's a common thing used by musicians that can be heard in "Let It Grow", "Oye Como Va" and many more. Page added an ascending, counter melody on top of it for "Stairway" which made it more unique than all the others. I agree that credit should have been given to a lot of the others, but except for a few, most were altered so much into something else by Led Zeppelin that made it their own in many ways. The rest of their catalogue sounds like nobody else's such as Kashmir, Ten Years Gone, That's The Way, Achillies Last stand, Song Remains the Same, The Rain Song, In the Light, Good Times Bad Times, Heartbreaker


I was a kid in elementary and junior high school when Led Zeppelin was at their peak. To many kids and teenagers of the day they were like gods to me, especially Jimmy Page. Sadly in the wake of John Bonham's death and the dissolving of Led Zeppelin I can recall the many growing accusations of Plagiarism, devil worship, and pedophilia, even in the early 1980's. Although he was a great guitarist, it did chop down the idea as him being this super genius, godlike innovator I once revered him for


none of the artists did what LZ did with the tunes or we'd talk about them like gods


I have been listening to both songs since decades. Even the Spirit on Vinyl. As a professional musician I must state that between STH and Taurus there is no similarity.


Spirit was looking for a cash grab AND LOST in court. So piling their name onto the list is 💩
Plant used a few “Squeeze my Lemon” “Sweet Jelly Roll” lyrics but the music of You Shook Me, Whole Lotta Love, Bring it on Home and
I Can’t Quit You, Traveling Riverside Blues in no way resemble anything from Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters or Robert Johnson. Plant was lazy with the lyrics. It was settled out of court.
Page helped write “Becks Bolero” with his friend Jeff Beck and a small part of it was on ‘How Many More Times’.
Dazed and Confused was pretty bad though. LZ owes Jake Holmes for that one.
As far as Killing Floor. Hendrix did it without any whining. The early Beatles and Stones totally R worded Chuck Berrys hits. Many that were only 3-4 years old at the time. Cream, Yardbirds, Early Fleetwood Mac, Hendrix, John Mayall and the Blues Breakers ALL borrowed and stole. Never an issue.
Never an issue UNTIL Zeppelin began breaking records with album sales and tours. 🤔


Lapse in judgement....they like Hendrix elevated the borrowed to superhuman levels and made them their own ..they're humans. It certainly doesn't tarnish all their other original visionary quality works and the ultimately paid out so no harm no foul as far as I'm concerned...Thanks Jimmy for all the influence and artistry .#93 Love is Law Love under Will


Led Zeppelin is the Very Best. No one mentions the Genius of John Paul Jones and his many contributions to the Greatness of this band.


Okay, but at issue is only about six or seven songs. Even if Page did knowingly steal, (the key word is "knowingly"), you can't say six or seven songs means his entire career was built on stolen songs. On the other hand, considering how much money Led Zeppelin pulled in, it wouldn't have killed Page to throw these guys a writing credit and put the matter to rest.


I ❤ them
Thank you very much Philadelphia USA 🇺🇸


The credits now read Inspired By Holmes. I'm sure he's been paid plenty.


As they called it “they make the songs their own”


So lets hear these songs by these other musicians instead of you blathering on.


It's amazing what Zeppelin could produce in the studio, though could never repeat it LIVE.
It's been said many times before that they would've sounded better if they had a 2nd Guitarist.
JPJ's Bass never substituted for a Rhythm Guitar.
I rest my case your Honour.
