How Much Money Our Small Farm Made this Year

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Gold Shaw Farm
PO Box 225
Peacham, VT 05862

About Gold Shaw Farm: Gold Shaw Farm is more of a farm-in-progress than an honest-to-goodness farm. We dream that someday we can transform our 150+ acre parcel of land into a regenerative and productive homestead and farm.
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I like that you are willing to share what you make each year from the farm, so everyone can learn the business side of a farm.


I'd like to see a yearly report next year too. I like seeing how the farm is growing!


Speaking from a guy who grew up on a sharecroppers farm in Central Arkansas back in the late 60s through the 80s, your accomplishments are really impressive. I've been watching your videos for over two years, and I have to say your are a visionary and a hard worker. Just one tidbit regarding processed beef. I would change the phrase from "grass fed" to "grass fed and grass finished." Technically, you only have to feed your cattle grass once in its life to call it grass fed. Grass fed and finished means it was fed grass its entire life. For people living the Keto Lifestyle, that's a huge purchasing benefit. Keep up the good work. I love your videos! 😁


Considering you never know how long the YouTube revenue potential will continue, it’s wonderful the farm is growing year over year. It seems like the YouTube income is a great way to build out the farm infrastructure. This breakdown is very interesting. It would be a wonderful tool for teachers in farming communities.


I think your pricing is great. We pay about $30 for a duck here at our local meat market. I think it's a huge bonus for you because people see your birds on YouTube and know they're being ethically raised.


That’s an incredible number and you should be so proud! Congratulations on the growth of your farm!


We honestly need WAY more of this info on YouTube. This was AWESOME. Thank you for educating us on the numbers and being thorough.


I hope you never have to pay taxes .
With those gains you are going to pay very little if anything.
You are doing a great service to a community.
We need thousands of farmers like you spreading across our nation.
Food is medicine.


I'm so glad that you share your revenues and expenses every year, Morgan. It shows us that your farm operations are getting more successful and it creates a better viewing experience with all the fun and wacky stuff that goes on in your vids. And hey, maybe even next year you can even start hiring farm hands and videographers/editors to assist you


$18, 000 is a really respectable number especially compared to last year. I can't wait to see next year's numbers as the business continues to scale.


I know you mentioned that some people wouldent want to see the break down on Excel sheets, but I LOVE that you do a yearly break down. Congrats on the year over year profit for 2022! I’m a new follower, so I have been binge watching to catch up, and now that I have, I love seeing new videos of your farm. You’re funny signature saying and naming SO many animals makes it feel like a big family. There is a world in which I choose to farm like you, but sadly it’s not this life, so thank you for letting me be apart of your farming life. It’s a nice way to break away from the 9-5 rat race. Good luck to you in 2023!!


I love spreadsheets and I gotta say this makes me want to continue to support my local farmers even more.


As an accountant and someone interested in having a homestead one day I really do enjoy these videos. It's a great resource for newcomers to get an idea of the reality of owning your own small farm. Also, with regards to your cattle allocations, I would divide the total expenses by the average number of cows you had this year. List how many cows you had each month, take the average, divide your total expense by that number and you will have approximately Kurt Cobain's (RIP ❤🐂) share. It's not perfect, but it would get you close.


I'm impressed by the farm's revenue growth. Thanks for sharing, Morgan.


As a numbers nerd and farm fan, I'm always happy to watch you go over spreadsheets! :D


That's an amazing increase from last year! I absolutely think that your farm will continue trending upwards in revenue... you're still learning, making adjustments, creating new products, etc...
Thank you for being transparent, even though it's honestly nobody's business...
Edited to include: Congratulations! It must be a wonderful feeling seeing the growth of Gold Shaw Farm!!!


Every year, this is the one video of yours that I am most interested in. I'm an accountant and I always find videos like these interesting. This is very informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing


Although I may never farm myself, it's still interesting to see how it's done and how each aspect of your farming life and work, comes together to help you run an ethical, environmentally friendly farm in the modern world. I was born in a farm back in Northern Ireland UK and I wonder how things were for my parents back in the day. Anyway, thanks for an interesting behind the scenes peek at your farm finances. God bless you and all those you love. And I hope you have a very Merry Christmas from my family to yours.


That growth trajectory is impressive! You could see that last year your growth had started to slow down, but then you went and expanded with the cows and clearly that was a wise decision. Good job managing so many mini businesses and planning for the future of your farm!


I love people being transparant about their money
