Black Ops 6 Perks, Combat Specialties, Streaks & More Leaked!

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With the huge Black Ops 6 Leaks from a couple days ago, we were shown a ton of menus including all of the guns, Perks, equipment, Field Upgrades, Combat Specialties, and Streaks from the limited build that was accessed and today, I wanted to discuss all of these items and how they appear to be structured. How are you feeling about the create-a-class system in BO6 based on what we've seen so far with these leaks?

0:00 Intro
0:45 All Leaked Guns
2:18 All Leaked Equipment (Lethal & Tactical)
2:39 Field Upgrade Leaks
5:25 All Leaked Perks
10:15 Combat Specialties Leaked
12:51 All Leaked Streaks
13:29 Wrap Up
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"And I really like the sound of this." I see what you did there, Ace.


No way they added the Spy from TF2 as a field upgrade💀💀


You forgot about wildcards. Gunfighter, overkill, perk greed. Perk greed allows only ONE extra perk, NOT THREE like CW.


In the trailer at 0:47 it looks like he throws an impact grenade of some sort.


Maybe it’s just be my playstyle but asides from the perk 1 tier it just seems like the stealth or “recon” perks are just going to be much more powerful or just much more universally useful than the other categories


I hope we get more streaks. Last few cods have been lacking with new/unique streaks. At least mw3 added some new stuff with dlc, but really want to have a cod with something new


So regarding "Sleeper Agent", COD on the Nintendo DS actually had something similar as a perk called "Team Player" iirc that would change your nametag from red to blue for enemy players and make you appear as friendly on radar. Your model would still be the same, so if you were on the US Marine side and stood next to someone on the Russian Spetznaz it was VERY obvious that the guy in green and the guy in brown were not on the same team. It really only caught the lowest bracket of players off guard and if you had played long enough to actually unlock the perk these players weren't exactly a threat to you.

If it's similar to Team Player, my concern is we don't have consistent skins anymore. I shoot teammates a dozen times each game because i have no idea if the generic white dude in a mask is a good guy or a bad guy because there's a near identical skin for each team and I see them before I see the name. On the other hand, if you spend money on a cool or notable skin you are actively hampering the perk's effectiveness by being too noticeable. I'd expect it to be frustrating on both sides - You get absolutely unfairly screwed in your first engagement with it because "How was I supposed to know the gundam was a bad guy?" then everyone knows "The player with X Skin is using Sleeper Agent, shoot anyone with X Skin" and now the player with the field upgrade thinks it's garbage because the enemy team now executes them on site without even looking for a red dot.

There is the unlikely scenario where it works like Spy from TF2 where you copy the model of an enemy player - potentially one you recently killed - but that just means once it happens everyone will start spy checking by blasting every teammate they see which would be a NIGHTMARE for hardcore modes.

All and all, I see absolutely nothing good coming from Sleeper Agent


scavenger ninja and ghost being in the same category hurts


Bro, if that Sleeper Agent thing works like it realistically should, can you imagine the situations of getting bamboozled by a "teammate" that shoots you in the back, or situations where youre in a voice call with somebody and they frantically tell you "THATS NOT ME" as you see your friend walk by you. Thatd be so fun


If any one of those perks specializations is significantly better than the other two, the perk meta will be locked in place so hard and there will be no perk variety at all.


Isn't this system going to make the Perk Greed wildcard almost mandatory? Everyone running the full Red package is going to want Ghost or Ninja, everyone going full Blue is going to want whichever one of Ghost or Ninja they didn't get, and everyone going full Green is going to want Ghost, Ninja, Tac Mask, Bankroll, or Engineer depending on what part of the Green tree they're leaning into and what gamemode they're playing.

And because of the colour matching bonus, you can argue that because the Perk Green wildcard allows you to keep all matching and the flexibility you're looking for, its quasi giving you two perks (just no choice on what one of those perks are).


I like the idea of Sleeper Agent because it's a test of your awareness and game knowledge. If you take a good look at which operators are on your team when you drop in (or are partied up and know what operators your buddies are using) and then you see a blue name over an operator that you know shouldn't be on your team, you know to shoot them. The less aware players who would easily get trolled and skill-checked by it can simply switch to the perk that counters it, but really aware players can counter it even without the perk.

Now if it visually changes their player model to look like one of your teammates, then that could be a bit unbalanced. We'll have to wait and see how it turns out.


Perk balance was always the thing I thought developers didn't care about, they never did any changes to perks over the life cycle of the game, it almost always had one of these issues: crutch perks, too little to perks to choose from, they never added new or interesting perks - we had like the same perks from COD4 type era like flack jacket, tac mask, faster movement speed, ghost and the more interesting ones were too underpowered or just gimmicks. Now, this perk system seems much more promising, even if everyone will use the specialities, it will at least lock them in one playstyle and there won't be do everything type classes. My proposed changes are: blue perks seems the most powerful, every tier has something interesting; and also red tier 1 seems underpowered


I like that they're trying to have a support streak system implemented with the perk. However whatever happened to having 2 separate streak systems like in MW3 (OG) and Ghosts and they even let each class have their own custom streaks. I feel like ever since then they've only been going backwards and then trying to get back to that system just VERY slow.


man this era has the coolest fucking guns. All of these are still relevant weapons 30, 40, even 50 years later


Tier 1 is OP
Probably going to go all blue because it seems to have the biggest pay off with the least amount of shitty perks.


Sleeper Agent sounds like a very creative and unique field upgrade for COD and I'm excited for it. Sounds like a really cool idea that is fresh. And just a note, if guardian "revives downed teammates faster" that must mean last stand is back in the game.


I wonder if the Perk Greed wildcard will allow us to activate Specialty bonuses in different ways. For example picking 2 Blue Tier 1 perks and then one from Tier 2 or 3. Or does it need to be one color from each Tier. Time will tell.


Starting to get excited for BO6. Currently, black ops Cold War is still one of my favorite shooters from call of duty. I am still skeptical of the Omni movement even though you can sprint diagonally in XDefiant which makes movement a lot more fluid


Ninja and Ghost competing in the same Tier is a little overboard along with Falk and Tac Mask. Blue and Green are lacking in the other columns to make it useful.
