Save on TAX in Portugal with the Non Habitual Residency scheme (NHR)

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Hi guys, thank you so much for your wonderful comments. I am more than happy to answer all your questions, please put your details into the landing page, that my loving husband has so kindly put together for me 🤗


Cayman Islands, Monaco, Andorra, Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Bermuda Jersey and the Channel Islands all have advantageous environments. Portugal used to come close to those with the old NHR, but it changed in 2020 and a 10% rate now applies to Foreign pension income.

A superb video Nick. Your best to date. Awesome information.


Manuela, I'm so glad that Nick finally let you make a video with him! We want to retire in Portugal as quickly as we can, and will be needing your Services! So happy to have found you! Bookmarking this one!


I have been travelled in Europe in the last 10 years... what i found is Portuguese is more friendly and chill people on earth 💕


@Algarve Addicts What a lovely lady! I hope you have her on your channel more often ( or maybe she needs her own channel... wink, wink).
I'm truly enjoying your content and your take on the Algarve region. It's very helpful as I research/consider relocating to PT.


Nick, another great video, Veronica said your wife is a great resource and an interesting person, she was correct. Awesome resource and information. I was just researching the NHR and our decision around renting and buying a home. Cash flow and Taxes.


Well done you two! I love and can recommend Manuela! She is fabulous and the past president of our Rotary (Estoi Palace Rotary). She is even more brilliant than she is beautiful (if that is possible). I love her inside and out and if it were not for this amazing woman I wouldn't have met our fabulous Nick!


Hi Manuela, been watching Nick’s videos for a couple of months, and only just clicked that he might be connected to you! 😆
Nice to see you here, even tho we’re neighbours! Bjs xx


Thank you Nick! Lovely wife and family! As soon as we come there, we will contact Manuela. Awesome video, as always.


Thanks for introducing us to your beautiful wife! Hope she shares more of her expertise and experience.


Cheers Nick. Nice to meet the wife. Her accent is really good.


What a lovely couple you guys are. Thanks for the great video and information on tax.


That was a surprise. I didn't expect Manuela to sound South African! Cool! Thanks for the great info guys. Hope the restrictions life in the UK soon so we can come and explore the Algarve!


Nick, thanks so much for hosting this!

Your wife answered something which Ive been hunting for months. That NHR residents are taxed 28% on capital gains (SOURCED IN PORTUGAL)

Can you please confirm from her (if possible) that is the case and that the 28% doesnt apply to capital gains from other countries. Im looking into the company she works for and its amazing.

Much love


Thank you, Manuela. Money is clearly a major concern when moving to another country and tax is a something nobody likes paying. I'd be interested in banking and interest rates for a future video if that's something you can shed a light on. I shuddered when you mentioned the traffic in Lisbon and had flashbacks of my twice-weekly drive over the bridge to Barreiro for work, not to mention the almost daily car crashes (not me) when driving home from Lisbon to Parede. When I returned to the UK, first thing I did was buy a bicycle.


So glad i got to watch this again. I'm feeling a bit discouraged with the immigration agency I'm working with, you know them. Perhaps things will soon start looking up now.


Well done. I'm feeling the vibe from now. Thanks for sharing this information Manuela!


Manuela Thankyou for your lovely candour and sharing your knowledge! 🌟🌟🌟


Can you please do an updated video please. I’m terrified about long term paying double taxes in Portugal and US after the 10 years. Great info thank you!


Fantastic information. I'll be in touch! Huge thanks from Australia 🇦🇺
