Jury Nullification

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if jury duty wasn't an economic hardship most people would be fine with it. It's not that people don't want to do their civic duty. It's that they don't want to go broke over it.


For those that didn't know. The guy saying he's racist is from a TV show called "Jury Duty" in which one guy on jury duty thinks everything is real but everybody else is an actor doing some of the craziest things.
I enjoyed watching it including the end with the revealed everything to him including the mistakes that they made.


There is no way in hell a prosecutor is going to find 12 new Yorkers that don't hate insurance executives


I remember that one video that made jury nullification seem highly illegal. It started with warning people that even watching that video might get them disqualified from jury duty.
It was pretty popular, and the algorithm liked it...


Yeah, I was 21 and showed up for my first jury duty responsibility. The lawyers all asked questions that I answered 100% honest thinking surely they’d dismiss me. They didn’t. I was chosen to sit as a juror on another young man’s case. Then, the guy sitting beside me says, “I just don’t want to serve” and he got let go! I have to say, however, that I really learned a LOT about why we see BLATANT criminals get found not guilty while others with very similar circumstances get found guilty.


You forgot to mention that during jury selection the opposing sides want different outcomes. So, just because it benefits one side to have someone who believes in jury nullification doesn’t mean that the opposing side won’t choose to excuse you.


cgp grey telling everyone years ago that saying "jury nullification" could get you out of jury duty is crazy


I just got a notification for jury duty. I'm a houseless disabled veteran with unreliable transportation. I'm turning in my VA letter of exemption instead of serving jury duty in January. Don't want to let me register to vote for not having a physical sticky bricky house? Don't expect me to sit on your juries.


the way to FIX the financial burden of jury duty is to pass law that requires employers to pay the employee their full wage, but then the COMPANY gets to write off the WHOLE amount paid to the employee while they were serving their civic duty as a tax break/refund so the company's W-2 payments to the emplooyee is essentially removed from the burden of the company in the form of a tax break.


This is gonna be a big phrase in that luigi, mangiani case


I was told by the judge in the jury selection process about jury nullification, and they explained it as, "Not Guilty by reason of the LAW being in the wrong." It didn't mater if the defendant did the thing that the law said was wrong; the jury has the right to decide the law was the one in the wrong.

In the most recent case I sat on, an uncontested failure to stop at a red light before turning right and a DUI were being charged. The defendant stated on the audio for the cop car that yes, he had partaken of (illegal substance). But the LAW stated that it was all about whether or not he was *impaired* while driving. So we did the opposite of a jury nullification, we looked at the footage of him doing the "walk a line" impairment test, listened to his words, re-watched him driving ahead of the cop car (absolutely failed to stop at that red light, not even a "California stop" before turning right...but we were instructed to ignore that part off the case because it was uncontested)...and he was absolutely NOT intoxicated, NOT Under The Influence, and aside from that failure to turn right, he drove in a safe and responsible way that did not endanger anyone. If the law had been "Driving While Doing Illegal Substances" ...that would have triggered a chance for a jury nullification, because he WASN'T intoxicated. He WASN'T endangering anyone, which is the *spirit* of that kind of law. But we didn't have to try to force the *old* law into use, because *taking* an illegal substance is no longer illegal, it's been decriminalized. We only had to look at whether or not he was impaired, and we judged that no, sir, he was not impaired.

...And tried not to laugh when the cop, demonstrating the walk-a-straight-line on the flat, level courtroom floor, tripped...while the defendant on the dash cam video walked a perfectly straight line on a section of road that was NOT flat and level.


idk if it's the same thing but i always just say it will bring financial hardship on me if i have to take time off work, no matter what my job is, and im excused every time. it's only happened twice, but 100% success rate all the same.


I swear 99% of the people who say the words "Jury nullification" either heard it from someone else or watched the CGP grey video and took away "Saying Jury Nullification means you don't need to go to Jury Duty" which is not at all true


jury nullification for those who dont know can be simpilifed to the very basics of:

think guilty: say innocent (because you think the context of the law doesn't quite ethically protect this person)

think innocent: say guilty (because you think the context of the law isn't properly prosecuting this person.)


I was just a pain in the ass 😂 told prosecution I hold cops to a high standard and even higher if there was any force involved (which there was in this case), asked judge for a bathroom break (which pissed him off and had others thanking me since they were afraid to ask), and in a sense jury nullification because Id go against the law if I believed the legal results wouldn't be morally right. The defendants team reallyy wanted me but I was the first dismissed by the prosecution. I feel bad since half the jury said theyd find him guilty during the jury selection with no evidence presented yet, both the judge and I were like wtf, NO. He's gotta be innocent in your eyes until evidence proves otherwise


I’ve had the opposite experience. I kept getting pestered for jury duty every 6 months. Get selected and then dropped. I got fed up with it, said I know and believe in jury nullification and I magically stopped getting selected for jury duty. I haven’t been bothered since.


I actually did a lot of research on jury nullification and I think it's helpful. It was used quite frequently when the USA fought for its independence from the British. In order to get out of tax evasion.


Well, this is good to know. I learned about jury nullification thirty years ago, and even saw people harassed for passing out jury nullification pamphlets. You say it's no big secret, but it certainly seems to be little known among laymen, and nobody ever brings it up.

On the other hand, I've never been called up for jury duty. Just lucky, I guess.


One easy way to get off a Jury. You say "I don't believe an individual should be convicted if there is no victim, I will not convict if this is a victimless trial".


This, right here. If you're going to tell me it's my responsibility to judge someone for something, I'm gonna do it according to my thinking and my conscience, not someone else's.
