The Extraordinary Things Hubble Has Seen | 100 Incredible Images Of The Universe Montage (4K UHD)

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Since it launched more than three decades ago, the data that the Hubble space telescope has collected has been used to write more than 18,000 peer-reviewed scientific publications, from planet formation to gigantic black holes. But it is Hubble's awe-inspiring images that have reinvigorated the public interest in astronomy. At the click of a button, anyone can gaze at distant parts of the universe and the wonders that it contains, without ever having to leave our planet. Not since the days of Galileo has a telescope revolutionised our understanding of the cosmos and so broadly piqued the curiosity of the human race. Hubble is our window into the unknown.

Sit back, relax, enjoy the incredible music and allow your eyes to scan across some of the greatest images ever captured. This is just a tiny part of the universe we exist within.

Music attribution -
Fortitude by Lance Conrad (Artlist)
Boundary by Kevin Graham (Artlist)
Last Planet by Roman P (Artlist)

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The hardest part about this video is realizing that the things we're seeing are actual things that exist in this universe


The images of the galaxies get me the most. Just knowing that every little speck is another star system, maybe just like our own. Each one possibly containing planets just like our own. Each planet with possibly people like us, with the same hopes and dreams and experiences that we have had … but we will most likely never know about them, stuck on our own planet fighting with one another…


It really opens your eyes to think about humanity's place in the universe


The Ultra Deep Field has to be the most incredible and humbling image ever. It’s my personal favourite for sure. Awesome video again, thank you!


The universe is a vast and beautiful place


Seeing these images is incredibly surreal, knowing how insignificant we and our planet are in the indescribably massive, dark expanse of the universe. And all these galaxies, with millions of stars and solar systems possibly with planets like ours and people like us. Being able to see these breathtaking images and experiencing how far we've come is truly on another level of amazing.


Once again, I am humbled and awed by this paradigm we call the Universe...thank you


8:34 😍 The Hubble Ultra Deep Field is one of the greatest milestones of the Hubble Telescope, I wonder what will James Web Telescope capture for us to observe...


Oh wow i had goosebumps and tears in my eyes watching this, Hubble should be brought back to earth and placed in a museum when useless.
Thank for this wonderful video, cheers from Guatemala 🇬🇹💯


Nothing, NOTHING seen by men's eyes until this age is more majestic, surreal, or thought provoking than these deep space, unfathomable in size and scale, creations. The unimaginable glory and grandeur that it provokes in my mind makes me feel so still, immutably a part of it in a very personal way.


I cant imagine how beautiful the universe is... Thanks to hubble telescope for letting us see the beauty of the universe


The images are simply humbling and breathtaking; the universe has always amazed me by its wonders ever since I was a kid. We owe it all to Edwin Hubble who gave birth to the Hubble Space Telescope 🔭 (I am also Edwin 😊😊)


I am glad that we get to be a small part of universe and observe its wonders❤


It’s really amazing that Hubble is able to capture so many beautiful pictures when it just orbits the Earth. Especially the pictures of Saturn, which is very far from Earth. Every one of the pictures in the video was beautiful, Not one was boring or uninteresting. Also, not to mention that they aren’t paintings or hoaxes. They are genuine pictures. Another great video V101!

Also, another suggestion for a spacecraft video. Maybe a video about the Ulysses spacecraft, the spacecraft that was launched in 1990 to study the Sun's poles. (Just a suggestion)


I met one of the astronauts that worked on the Hubble upgrade when it's optics needed correction. It was 93 and he was giving a lecture at a University. Just before the lecture they had a banquet and I was standing in line and a woman Infront of me asked if I knew who the man standing behind me was. I turned around and looked but didn't recognize him. She said he's an astronaut, which I then turned back to greet him. He overheard the whole thing and talked to me for about fifteen minutes about my academics and my interests in space. One of the coolest interactions with a person I've ever had.


James Webb telescope launch coming soon. Really excited for the photos to come.


What's incredible is the human brain can't comprehend just how utterly expansive space itself is. There has to be life outside of Earth. There has to be.


These images from our universe are absolutely breathtaking! I can't even find the words to properly describe something so miraculous. I also couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance between the stars, the galaxies, and planets in our universe to the gemstones and crystals here on earth. For example there is this opal called the Contraluz opal. And it literally looks like there is a brown nebula like cluster inside it. Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, amethyst, the list goes on. I've always been amazed by that.


Wow! These twelve minutes - watching this video - easily count as some of the most immersive I've ever; awesome images, add dramatic music to the presentation and, the effect is nothing sort of mesmerizing!
Fantastic piece, job truly well done!


There is no way there is not other life out there, i cant even grasp how much space is truly out there.
