How to Add 10 MPH to Your Pitch (ASAP)

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Learn How to Increase Pitching Velocity in Baseball

Often when athletes are figuring out how to increase your speed launch sidestep a key component. Yes, they should be crouching to build their legs and rotating ball exercises to strengthen your core med. But you can also improve your casting speed with resistance bands-something many athletes do not realize.

Resistance bands strengthen the muscles of the back of the shoulder. The rear deltoids, teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis all help to increase the speed of different ways. They do not help you directly to pull harder, but unblocked force more furtive ways.

Try this band training three times a week and allow to really take advantage of its strength. A small set of resistance bands is cheap and portable, so you can make this short workout after your regular practice and training with very little time commitment.

Shooters band
Grasp the band with a hand grip with arms extended in front of you. Drive your arms to the side until you're standing in a "T." Returns arms in front of your body. This exercise is great for strengthening the rear deltoids difficult to reach.

Sets / Reps: 4x50

Yanks face
Wrap the band around a pole and pull it toward your face with elbows high. You should feel the contraction in the back of his shoulders. This again hit the rear deltoids and rhomboids, two of the main drivers in the upper back.

Sets / Reps: 3x15

bent flies on fly
Stand on two small bands and bend forward at the hip. While holding the bands, raise your hands to the side until your arms are parallel to the floor. Hold the contraction for one second at the top before returning to the starting position.

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