Gen Z Nostalgia Be Like…

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Being born into generation z we lived a very care free life as compared to the previous generations. We grew up with the technological revolution and the rise of the internet, So lets reminisce on the good times that we experienced in our childhood.

Hope you enjoy! :)

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A lot of Gen Z kids share nostalgia for the last remnants of Millenial nostalgia before it stopped being the most relevant


i really miss the late 2000's and early 10's to be honest, i'm turning 18 this year and i'm not ready to be an adult either, i have basically almost the same nostagic vibes as you and it's crazy.


2002 born here.Almost every segment of your video is true to me.The only difference I live in europe so some things are not as quite on spot as it is there, but maaaan...I feel old.


I was born in 1998, growing up in the 2000s/early 2010s was better than it is in 2023. I wish there was a way to turn back time, so that I can relive those moments.


its weird because i was born in the late 2000s but many of those things still hit me with nostalgia( probably because i grew with older cousins and family)


This is the best early 2010’s nostalgia video I’ve seen by far. Bro really covered EVERYTHING


I'm 30 and the fact that people feel nostalgia for Flappy Bird and Minecraft is astounding to me. I finally know how Gen X and further beyond feel about The Youth™. There is probably gonna be a whole generation that has to be reminded that Saturday Morning Cartoons were a thing. And worse... the after school blocks that were isekai'd years before.


Man, I never really sat down and started digging for old songs until recently and man, I straight up cried listening to these songs. Like trap queen, safe and sound, and dynomite. I miss the old days of my life, not having to worry about much, just booting up skyrim. I guess all the stuff i was blind to really came back for me, because now that all of it's gone, I can't help but just sit for like 20 minutes straight just remembering everything.


Finally! someone i can relate to. @LoneE you're someone i wish i had as a friend growing up because not a lot of people IRL could relate to some of these nostalgia things i was into. But hey, that's what youtube is for. it's easier to build a community.
I'm 22 by the way. time flies with adult responsibilities after high school, so it's important to have fun in the little moments in life.


I was born in the 2 year gap between millennial and gen z so I got nostalgia for this and the last generation
5:39 Bruh got Zaboomafoo, that was the absolute best show to watch back in the day, along with Little bear and 7 little monsters, glad they're on youtube so I can relive those moments again


I'm assuming you're born in the 2000's? For us who are older than you, most of this stuff was more our teenage years or adult years that you described. But for people who are born 2000+ I feel like this video really describes the Gen Z experience.


Im 2012, VERY late. I remember Fidget spinners, Trading pokemon, Watching my sister play fortnite, and the Wii. Good stuff man (Yall remember DanDTM "Dab" poliece)


As much as I feel super nostalgic over this video (born in 99'), just the few things you scratched the surface on made me think of how much entertainment, toys and technology we actually consumed in our childhoods before social media, smartphones and tablets became mainstays (except facebook and youtube). On top of that, I feel like older gen Z were the last gen to also go outside to play whilst having all the tech and TV that already took a lot of our time. Even though you mentioned stuff briefly I can think of A LOT of shows, movies, games of different kinds and youtube content that I used to consume constantly together with different toys, I didn't understand how much it actually was until now. We are a transition generation to technology becoming such a huge part of the daily life and I definitely understand now why my grandparents worried about me playing my DS in bed all day and later Minecraft, youtube and moviestarplanet until 3am, I consumed so much technology and was sucked into it. It's something I'm trying to unlearn a little bit because I now have more limited time being an adult and all.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE and cherish the memories, stories, characters, worlds and people I got to immerse myself into with all the different medias and it brought me and other kids closer together, but it does indeed put things into perspective of what we used our time on. For kids nowadays they have more clear access to phones, the internet and social media so it's waaay more toxic and unsanitized for them now. I can at least be happy we were in the beginnings of the internet and we had more sanitized and kid-friendly media to consume from. But other than that, technology is technology and it caught our attention, just like the gen that came after us.


I was born in 2006 and honestly I don’t remember a lot from when I was young, but I will say that I was never really an inside kid and I have lots more memories of me being outside and never played video games. The first time I had a video game was magical to me and it was on the PS3. I played lots of amazing games and my brother and me played this game called Disney Infinity and we thought it was the coolest thing and wanted to collect all of the figure and the extra stuff for our figures.


Who else remembers the McDonald's commercial where the judge of the art contest calls the sunshine and rainbows picture nice, the starry night ripoff interesting, and the fountain impressive? The girl with the fountain responded "I know."


The 2010s were pretty alright to me, though I was that weird kid who didn’t really understand the trends until later on. I think middle school would be an interesting topic to cover.


This brings back so many memories of being a young kid in the late 2000s and early 2010s. I have to worry about GPA and getting into a college I like and all that now, it’s not like those days back in 2013 where my 8 year old self would turn on some Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network or watch Minecraft videos and all that. So much nostalgia.


I remember the Rice Krispies commercial with them putting a doll inside one of three holes (the other holes already having dolls in them) and then a mystical voice said "snap, crackle, pop" before the wall opened up to reveal a chamber full of cereal. There was another version of that commercial with cards instead of dolls. Am I the only one who remembers that?


definitely want a part 2. I love remembering this stuff and we had a lot of those in common so it hit twice as hard lol. im bout to grab all that stuff i still got and relive these awesome times


I was born in 2008 and I just entered high school. Some of these things applied to me and others didn’t. I’m just really sad that my parents didn’t marry earlier because it sounded like the 2000’s were awesome. Great vid man.
