Is the Cadborosaurus still lurking in the depths? #britishcolumbia #cryptids #seamonster

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The Powell River News May 28, 1947
"Caddy" Sighted in Water Near Harwood Island
At least three district residents got a glimpse of B.C.'s famous "Caddy" over the weekend. Kathleen Templeton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Templeton saw a strange-looking sea monster swim by her Friday afternoon as she sunned herself in a rowboat off Harwood Island. On Sunday afternoon the elusive sea giant was sighted by Jack Ellis and Walter Graham, who were returning by gasboat from a Harwood fishing trip.
Both times "Caddy" moved too quickly for witnesses to tell much about his physical appearance, except that he was "huge.
Biology Trip:
Miss Templeton, a grade 12 student at Brooks High School, had gone with her class on a biology trip to Scuttle Bay, north of Sliammon. The class was under the supervision of science teacher Harvey Davidson, Kay and three companions, Les Holmwood, Jeff Burkinshaw and Wayne Gould, took a skiff across to Harwood Island, where they went swimming.

“I was siting in the skiff with my back to the shore, ” Kay told the News, “when all of a sudden I saw this huge dark bump come out of the water. It went down again and then two bumps came up, about ten feet apart. Then a head with a sharp point on top came up and made a loud blowing noise twice. The head was about a foot long. The bump parts had sharp points sharp points on them too, like a dinosaur. Whatever it was would go down, and and then go up and make this awful blowing sound two times. When I last saw it, it was headed off toward Comox, and i could hear the blowing noise till it was e out of sight."
She said she couldn't tell what color it was, as it was rather murky and the sun was dazzling her eyes. It was about 100 feet from her when she first noticed it.
"I must have drifted out from shore, " she said, "because I turned round and made back as fast as I could. Of course, everyone kidded me a lot about my biology specimen. I guess it sounds far-fetched, but it was certainly something out of the ordinary."
