NotePerformer: Artificial Intelligence-based Playback of Musical Notation

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NotePerformer is an audio-generating software that uses an Artificial Intelligence-based approach to generate a natural-sounding orchestral performance directly from the musical notation in Sibelius, Finale & Dorico.

It analyses your score in real-time during playback in your music notation software and adds natural-sounding phrasing to every orchestra instrument.

NotePerformer uses its patented technologies to produce expressive musical sounds. This allows NotePerformer to seamlessly perform gradual or rapid changes in dynamics while performing a variety of articulations or even combinations of techniques simultaneously.

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Not gonna lie, this is probably the best $129 I have ever spent, the playback is phenomenal compared to other sounds. Yeah, there's a couple things here and there that could be worked on, but the pros of NotePerformer 3 greatly outnumber anything else out there. This upgrade is great!!


2:24 It makes me so happy to see those three together.


Will note performer 4 ever come out? I think NP 3 is great, but I think there could be improvements in the voices.


Note for the future, don't let the video vocal compete with the score. Place the vocal on top of the music. It makes it much easier to listen to the presentation.


I can't wait until this becomes compatible with musescore, please let us know when it happens


Just tested the demo version. My impression, in comparison to the preivous versions:

1. Enormous improvements in brass! They are now reeally epic. And also louder: if you use it on previous score you might want to decrease the volume of the whole section.

2. Woodwinds are now back to good. Thanks, WI, because in NP2 they were too digital, now much better.

3. With strings I am, however, unsatisfied. They are still decent, but they seem to have lost something they had in NP2. They sound more leveled, I'd say.

4. Piano has completely different lower pitches. They are lowder now and brighter - it's like you switch from a home piano to a grand. The expreessions in the previously written scores, however, should be completely reworked.

5. Also general notice. Non-legato now has larger pauses on almost every instrument (except the piano of what I've noticed). In woodwinds it maks sense. In strings, however, it sounds like players rise their bows of the strings between notes instead of just turning their direction. I don't think it's good, because you can always increase the pause by putting a pause symbol in the score, if you want, but no way to manualy decrease it.

After all, good improvement, but there's still way to go.


Noteperformer is a masterpiece. While a sample library may sound good when you test it, you more often than not have to tweak 'forever' to make it sound correctly. Although not every single sound in Noteperformer sounds impressive right away, one of its many great advantages is that it sounds great when you have completed your score page (provided you know how to orchestrate). The sounds melt so well together.
Even though Wallander obviously keeps perfecting his sounds, please do not overdo it, because NP sounds convincingly relaxed in tutti the way it is.
My personal wish is that there could be 'real emulation' of trills and tremolo in tutti strings. I don't know if this is possible.
Also, I particularly miss sul ponticello, be it solo strings or tutti.
I have a lot of sample libraries, and parts of the stuff sounds great. But when I get too frustrated with, I keep coming back to NotePerformer. It is mostly pure joy to work with.


Very expressive, I just upgraded from NotePerformer 2, and there is a huge improvement in how expressive the score sounds!


Noteperformer is worth every single dollar spent!


I have it! It is absolutely masterpiece! I didn't think it was possible, but it sounds like a real orchestra.
I hope that in the near future your company will add a breath simulation for woodwind and brass instruments to this technology, and then it will be a real poetry!
Anyway, for me this product is great and I don't regret the money spent on this miracle!


Replacing Sibelius' standard sounds with NotePerformer felt like replacing a cyst in your earlobe with a diamond earring, for the price for a regular doctor's visit.


this is just outstanding, thank you wallanderinstruments!


I bought noteperformer and i must say:
Strings(orchestral section)
They can sound very realistic but ofcourse sometimes, it kinda dooesn't(no playback system will always articulate correctly, but it does a good job trying)
Flutes, clarinets, basoons sound really realistick and good job for that but oboes don't sound that real but despite that, good job noteperformer
Okay, so this section sounds perfect, it sounds just how it would sound in a real orchestra
Pitched percussion:
It sounds real enough, sometimes, the sound can get bad but its good enough for me:)

I havent tried most of the percussion section so i can't tell much about this but the glockandshmiel sounds good:)

Thers just one thing that sounds *very* unrealistick, the violin but not in an orchestral section, the solo violin. The sound is very bad and doesn't sound realistick.

Conclusion: noteperformer³ is an excelent program, but there are bad things in every notation software, i give them an 8/10, its a really excelent program and i reccoment buying^^


Hey guys, just curious: Are you working on NotePerformer 4? I really love your product so far, would be great to see it improved even further.


I would like very much if you would post videos that demonstrate NotePerformer3 tackling solo string instruments, and also in smaller groups. Does it come with non orchestral instruments? Piano, guitar, drums?


I'm a hobbyist composer who uses FL Studio and EastWest Hollywood Orchestra. I'm not an expert at western musical notation and generally compose in my DAW. I have been studying classical music on MuseScore by downloading the MIDI, importing to FL Studio, and mapping that to EastWest. But I've found that it is quite time consuming because there are a lot of details that go into the actual performance of the music notation. I'm also a programmer and I think this process can be automated, with the performance dynamics (MIDI CCs) being interpreted from a MusicXML file (such as with NotePerformer's AI) and exported to a MIDI file. Then I could just import that MIDI and have it already be set up so all I have to do is load the samples in EastWest, set the channel numbers, and play it. MIDI CCs, keyswitches, etc. are already figured out.

NotePerformer is the closest thing I've found, and I'm very amazed at the idea of AI that draws from classical composers to interpret the playing dynamics. I would very much like to utilize this AI. However it seems NotePerformer routes these dynamics directly to its own sample library. Is there a way to integrate it with a different sample library such as EastWest Hollywood Orchestra? Is the underlying AI technology available such that I could feed in MusicXML and have it export MIDI back to me? This way I could benefit from NotePerformer's AI and the excellent quality of the EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Diamond sound samples. And I could learn not only about the notation of classical music, but also how professional performers would render it in MIDI CCs. I could learn so much.

Would any of this be possible with NotePerformer? Or do you know of similar technology or software libraries that would allow me to interface with this groundbreaking AI utilized by NotePerformer?


Any chance you guys are developing a version that can be used offline with a midi file? I've recently switched from Sibelius to Musescore (mostly because this is what my students are using). I realise that asking for Musescore compatibility is highly unlikely, but an offline version would be easier to achieve. Perhaps even something that could work with a midi file and/or musicxml?


When are you going to fix the playback delay in Finale? That would be awesome!


looks great, but you may consider replacing the music behind this as it is mixed way too loud and is so repetitive. Id rather hear the software in action


are you guys gonna make noteperformer compatible with musecore? I would buy noteperformer but I'm not finna pay $500 for Sibelius.
