How to Use Voidgrubs RIGHT!

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Voidgrubs are the newest epic monster to be added to League of Legends, and have a ton of mechanics unique to them that many players don't quite seem to understand. Today's video discusses when to take Voidgrubs, how to think of the value their buff provides, and how contestable they are relative to other objective monsters.

Edited by Lumixy: @itsmelumixy
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Good Video! A lot of people don't consider the opportunity costs to jungle objectives, probably a symptom of many laners only really seeing jungler as someone that should be ganking them, or smiting objectives, they don't consider the economy of it or additional responsibilities.


Isightful. Allways surprised by the opinions of much more experienced players, they're never what I expect.
Thank You.


This video makes me want to time Yorick taking 2nd tower with and without grubs to see the difference.

Time is money!
