How Jewels Prove God Exists ~ (Science Is FINALLY Catching Up!)

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You will learn how these gemstones and jewels in Revelation 21 and Exodus 28 prove that it's impossible that man could have written the Bible. Only God could know this!


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Wow! This reminds me of Rihanna’s song, Shine Bright Like a Diamond. In the occult, Lucifer (Lucy) is the Light Bearer—AKA the false light 💎💡. He shines bright like a diamond, but is really black or dark when hit with pure light. The Light of Jesus Christ!


This is fascinating! When I got married 40 years ago I didn’t want a diamond, I wanted a pink sapphire. Diamonds seemed boring to me. After watching this I know why. Our God is so good.


I think there's even more to this. In 1 Peter 2:5, we're described as living stones being built into God's temple. Daniel tells us that those who are wise and turn people to righteousness will shine like stars. Paul tells us that God's fire will test our works and reveal what quality they are. I've also read a (non biblical) book that analyzes personalities and puts them into geometric patterns that resemble gemstones. It's called personalysis, and is like Myers Briggs on steroids. I feel like all these things are connected, and that just like the pure light of Jesus shines through the facets of our individual personalities here on earth, we'll see a deeper version of that in our new bodies.


<3:57> Chart of 12 STONES
Jasper (Quartz), Sapphire, Chalcedony, Emerald, Sardonyx, Sardius (Carnelian), Chrysolyte (Peridot), Beryl (Aquamarine), Topaz, Chrysoprasus, Jacinth (Zircon), Amethyst ✝️


light rays don't crash into each other: photons don't interact. This means a single photon interacts with physical objects but not with other photons. this fact itself proves our reality is contained in a larger spiritual dimension if you really think about it. The thing that really proves God exists is that Jesus forgave those people who were killing him as they did it: that is beyond human nature!


It’s a powerful metaphor; stones cannot change their quality, and cannot develop the ability to channel God’s light, if they cannot naturally do it - but we can! We can choose to accept God’s love, and make ourselves channels for God’s Holy Spirit.


I would like to see someone put all of the gemstones stacked on top of each other and see what it looks like with laser light shone through it to see what it does.


My favorite mineral under a polarized scope was Calcite. The pastel color and its twinning pattern is spectacular. Optical mineralogy was fun. God is such an awesome architect !!!


I had heard of topaz, never saw it.. had a NDE, went to Heaven and I think I met God, He was very large, and his clothing a robe shimmered with living colors, aqua, purple and blue. years later I read in Ezekiel, that when he went to Heaven the man he saw had an appearance like topaz.. I googled topaz, and was stunned to see that one kind of topaz, is aqua purple and blue.


As a graphic artist, and a seamstress, i love COLOR. So this makes me soooo happy !!! Heaven is going to be astounding !!!! I praise the Name of God !!! He is wonderful and marvelous !!!!


Wow! Mind Blown. God knows ALL and created it ALL! That’s our God, whom we serve. Praise His Holy Name!!


It's crazy how none of the jewels which are considered precious in the world aren't on the list.
“As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, ”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Gives a new meaning to "you don't know what I am doing now, but you will later" ❤


None can fathom what God has for us, thank you Jesus.


Every day that passes make my longing for home more intense. Praise be to God, The Almighty, Praise to Jesus who is the living son of the living God.


Amazing God Yahuwah. Glory be to his name. Amen.


I have the book on my shelf where this discovery is explained more fully. It was loaned to me by a friend and when I gave it back I asked God to give me a copy. Walking past a charity shop in Chichester my wife looked in the window and commented "Isn't that the book that you wanted?" This book was a brand new copy on sale for 50 pence. I was able to use this in a teaching I once did on light in the Bible


"Sillä pahat hävitetään, mutta jotka Herraa odottavat, ne perivät maan. Hetkinen vielä, niin jumalatonta ei enää ole; kun hänen sijaansa katsot, on hän jo poissa. Mutta nöyrät perivät maan ja iloitsevat suuresta rauhasta." - Psalmit 37:9, 10, 11 - Raamattu 1933/1938


This reminds me that God does not judge according to what can be seen on the outward (with normal eyes and light), but he sees inside with his knowledge and perfect light....whether it's someone's heart, or inside a jewel.


As with all things with God, he does not value outward beauty, he does not place value on outward appearances which mankind LOVES to adore and exalt… God, the Creator of all things, looks to the heart, beneath the outer appearances… you can be beautiful, or say all the right things, say that you know God and be exalted by your fellow man but God exalts the lowly and poor of spirit, the peacemakers, the meek, and those who thirst and hunger after righteousness (true and pure light)… in the presence of God all are seen as they truly are whether they are filled with darkness or filled with the spirit of God and shine like the 12 foundation stones and reflect God’s perfect and pure light to the world.
