Pros vs. Ams | Golf Swing Hip Rotation 🔄

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In this Pros vs. Ams, we're going to do something a little bit different!

In today's video.... we're going to take you through the actual lesson with this amateur... his swing before he started, the problems he was having with his swing, and the progression to his swing being corrected!

Are you excited? because we are EXCITED!
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This is unquestionably the most impactful golf video I’ve seen on YouTube, or anywhere else for that matter. I bet I’ve watched it at least a half dozen times and have shared it with 10-15 others. Fantastic work guys.


Call me a f*ckin psycho, but this video almost brought me to tears. A few years trying to fix my over the top, early extension, balloon slicing inconsistencies, and this one video changed all of that....I'm legit speechless. Downloaded this video to my account so I can watch it repeatedly until I perfect it.


I don't know how many more times I need to hear this, but it keeps coming back. Thanks for the excellent analysis. Hips rotation, side bend, elbow movement, timing, rhythm, weight shift, grip, invented this game was a psycho.


One word, incredible. Show me anyone in the teaching industry that has ever shown anything like this. Awesome.


This video is legitimately one of the best golf instruction breakdown videos that I've ever seen. Great job, guys!


I’ve been working on fixing my EE for 6 months (all off-season). I’ve watched probably 50 hours of YouTube videos and spent countless hours practicing with no luck. This video has somehow clicked for me and solved the problem. At setup, I had my butt too far back (away from target line), and at backswing, my left hip turned but my right hip stayed the same (like the wrench analogy). Within 10 mins of watching this video, I was able to make effortless swings without EE. THANK YOU!!!!


Never seen or heard anyone teaching the center of the pelvis movements. This is really good stuff...Keep it up!


This video saved my golf game. I’ve been golfing one year and developed sciatica. I’m only 33. It got so bad I was searching for answers. I couldn’t figure out to incorporate my hips into the swing. I watched this video in depth for a week and then went to practice. Not only did I gain power I also gained accuracy, and even more importantly with ZERO pain in my back.

Thank you guys so much.


I'm at the driving range right now, took the time to watch the video with headphones and understand the concepts explained. All I can say is that has completely changed the way I understood my golf swing. My swing changed dramatically for the better and all thanks to these wonderful development of concepts . Thank you so much for this, worth a thousand bucks in lessons. Thank you thank you thank you


I've been playing golf for over 20 years and this video has changed my game for good.


67 years old and been playing since I was 10. When I retired 10 years ago, I started a quest to really learn how to play. Spent thousands on lessons and heard over an over again that I had the early extension disease. None of the solutions worked - obviously they never tackled the real problem. I took the drills from this video and shot a 79 on a 143 slope course (from the tips). Thanks for the incredible detailed and logical explanations. Much appreciated!


Amazing. A decade ago one of the top golf instructors in the country was trying to describe to me what he called an internal pelvic rotation. Having watched this video I am positive that this is what he was trying to describe to me. You guys at AMG are doing something revolutionary. Thank you for sharing.


Absolutely outstanding video. AMG has, by a large margin, the best stuff out there. Thank you, AMG!


I never really understood early extension, but was always told i do it.
Im a scratch -2 handicapper (stupid new system). And the high right shot has always been my nemesis.

A friend sent me this vid... 25 balls at the range and my swing transformed.

I shot a 66 first round with it! Then followed it up with a 70 (having nuked my first shot of the day through the fairway into trouble and made a 7!)

I feel like the video has been the most important change in my golf swing ever!!

Thank you


I can't believe how much of a difference this makes! Your tip regarding setting up with ankle bend and forward shin angles (@ 3:37) literally fixed so many of my issues! I was getting 20-30 more yards out of every club, and my consistency was ridiculous. THANK YOU!!


Meeting this video is the best thing happened in my golf career for 2023. It totally changed my mind and concept of the hip rotation! The result: Increased distance, consitency and most importantly, my back feels comfortable after a round!!!


Who and why gave this information a ‘thumbs down’? This has to be the most enlightening video on early extension ever!


Your video lesson on how the hips work has saved me from quitting the game! I have recently struggled with poor contact and shanks. The video explained how I (like your student) was driving my hips and weight toward the ball. The visual of keeping my butt against the glass during the swing has saved me. Thanks so much for your valuable insight and clear explanations and visuals. The only video I have seen that clearly explained my issue and how to fix it. Just fantastic. Thanks, Keith


My God... personally, this was the best advice I've heard on Youtube for my swing. This was a complete gamechanger for me. Wow. Thank you so much!


Best Golf Video Lesson Ever - and I am in 60s and have seen many thousands. I was told by a couple of golf coaches that my early extension was due to the downswing, when the truth is it was the backswing all along. Thank you very very much.
