Angular vs React in 2021. Which one is better JavaScript framework?

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If you are wondering who is better Angular vs React in 2021 and which one is better JavaScript framework? What is the best JavaScript framework? React and Angular are the two most popular JavaScript technologies in the Frontend world, and I wanted to give you my opinion on which one is better.

As this one is a never-ending discussion, and I see so many discussions on different platforms but I don't necessarily agree with all of them.


0:00 Intro
0:28 What are React and Angular
0:58 Which one is more popular
1:32 Which one is more powerful
2:05 Ease of upgrade
2:42 Easier to learn
3:20 Final verdict
3:55 Outro


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Angular is the most accomplished framework out there!


I’m part of a small development team in a startup and we use Angular for pretty much everything. It just always does the job!


After dealing with many React projects across 3 years i'll say go with Angular and spare yourself some problems longterm, i find maintenance of Angular projects superior to React, Angular is giving you straight rules and multiple tools to let you know if something is messed up, React on the other side of things is giving you plain component creation library and you are free to use anything you want to for everyting else and i find this approach good for some people but not for me bcs i don't want to build a framework for myself and learn basicly new framework every time i need to fix something in another React based project again and again.


Great video and good methodology!
You'll be a great tech youtuber!

Ah, your scenario remember-me a Portal, this could be your visual style, because the video visual was beautiful.
Continue with this channel! You started an awesome mission!


Recently I started Angular and I am loving it ❤️


Just found your channel, super good thanks sharing that stuff.

About Angular VS React, I choosed Angular because there is more Jobs around me in this framework than React.
I do not know that much of surface of React, but for Angular I just enjoy working with it. Everything is smooth, not so easy to get in intermediate and advanced concepts, but once you break one, every thing get insane about that, concepts in Angular force you to learn things that are important in software in general.


This was a good video, I'm a lead at American Airlines now days React has fallen popular in big enterprise organizations because most big companies prefer frameworks over libraries. Most startups or mid-size companies use react because it's easy and fast and good for new devs. The only issue I had with using React is that it relies too much on 3rd party libraries in which big companies are against. React is really only good for monolithic apps but doesn't scale well in enterprise applications.


I use angular in a major product at work. I can crank out work in next to no time. The react devs take forever and also bicker about which libraries to use.

I know all 3: Vue, react and Angular. I always use Angular in big projects and then I use Vue in old fashioned multi page sites (which not many people consider) but it’s a great replacement for jquery.

Having known all 3 I’d say the best reason to use Angular is complex form validation using reactive forms. I had real problems in Vue and React. Want to eat steak with a spoon? No, get Angular 😁


When I was in my code Bootcamp we learned ReactJS. I haven’t had the opportunity to learn Angular and I don’t know of I will. There is just too much to learn in development. Great presentation by the way.


Such a cool channel! Please post more content


Tech recruiter here with both react+angular background. I can confirm, react community is filled with noobs and "bootcamp developers" and "kickstart your blabla" udemy courses. The complexity of angular filters out the bad developers from the good ones. Thank god my project manager switched to angular. Our react days were hell, more than 50% turnover rate - we hire people and fire them in less than six months because the senior devs were not satisfied with their performance on code reviews.

*Post an angular job - 50+ applicants, 90% strong candidates, a few bad ones who are new to webdev but already have strong c++/c# background(so its easy to teach them).
*Post a react job - 300+ applicants, newbies, bootcamp resumes, shtty code samples, hobbyist, obviously googled "frontend interview questions". out of 20 resumes only 1 strong candidate. good luck filtering the pack of sheep.


4 weeks ago I Started Angular
Angular Is Most Powerfull than React


Sir, All Doubts Are Clear Now😊🙏🙏✨✌Thank you so much 😊🙏✨✨


zdravo! Kako ste? Your videos are great! Keep up the good work!


If I just want to develop my own product and to maintain the product myself, say as a freelance developer....will Angular still a better choice to minimise headaches and problems in the future when I need to maintain or update or upgrade the application? I am currently learning React...and I am quite exhausted from so many different libraries and frameworks..including Gatsby JS and Next JS...


A New follower here. Thanks for the explanation. Angular is the best framework in the world😉.


I think the job numbers are a little misleading, it also reopened on how many developers there are to fill these jobs. For sure though Angular has a much higher learning curve, but there are some nice features (I’m a fan of services and dependency injection for example). Honestly though, React isn’t that bad to learn, I don’t see anything wrong with learning both. If you learn one, those skills will certainly help with the other.


I started angular, but i feel there are very few resources (in term of good tutorials/projects) for angular than it is for react also there are much more resources for react maybe cause it's more popular.


Sir But we are looking for a College level Project(Final Year Project). So Which framework should we prefer. Only this question is there for me? Plzz clear 😊😊🙏🙏


being a full stack javaee+angular dev I can say angular is for experts and react is for noobs.. After worked with many frontend devs I realize those who want to be a quick dev they learn html css js and jump to react.. A noob/bootcamp baby can't afford angular. For Starting career in development react is good choice..
