Malaska Golf // Where Does Speed Come From - Full Swing Speed Generator

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This year at the PGA Show I was honored to give 5 presentations on various topics. The first one, and one that the industry seems torn over, is about where you can generate more speed in your golf swing. Yes, there are many types of golf swings out there, and yes, what you see from the Pros is often on the most extreme edge of what an amateur can do, but if you want to play consistently and hit the ball a considerable distance I think you need to understand how the levers work in your golf swing.

Don't just play golf. Understand it.

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Well that was refreshing, makes sense and challenges every golf pro i have spoken to in the last 10 years. Excellent.


Most value per second of any golf teacher on youtube. Succinct, simplified, packed with wisdom.


This should be lesson #1 for all coaches and recreational golfers. You nailed it!


Unbelievable! I’m a Senior Golfer and I tried this on the course. I now hit my 7iron as far as I was hitting my 5wood!!! 150yds. Whoa! 😷🏌️‍♂️😎


Mike you are a gem, your approach and technique is simple and correct. Let the the forces of nature move the club but you direct it where it will have maximum impact without damaging your own body . I changed my swing completely and followed your tuition and now my swing is consistent and applicable to all the clubs in my bag . The driver is just amazing, minimum effort maximum result .


Invaluable insight and often overlooked. Thank you! 👏


Wow, easiest explanation, right on target. No blah blah blah no tararadum... Just the info exactly needed. Thanks Mr Malaska.


First, thanks for the multitude of free videos you provide. There is no argument that speed comes from the wrists, the issue is how does the golfer best produce that speed? For golfers who have developed the skill over years and years, and as you demonstrated, you can swing your arms freely and CONSCIOUSLY snap your hands and wrists. But for many, the way to produce that snap is NOT to consciously try to produce it; rather, if you rotate your body all the way through and keep your arms, wrists and hands loose the wrists will naturally snap through the ball. Again for some, if you consciously try to produce the snap then your arms, hands and body will stiffen up, your rotation may stall and you will get almost no arm speed. So yes, trying to rotate your hips and keeping your arms rigidly attached is obviously not going to do anything, but rotating and keeping your arms, etc. loose and not TRYING to manipulate your wrists can. Of course you're the expert, I just struggle, but for me this is how it seems to work.


That idea from Toski is without a doubt the greatest burn against the modern teaching industry.


Mike, so glad I found this video today. I’m battling a painful left hip (diagnosis pending) and was happy to see that good ball striking can still be had with a minimal of hip turn. Instead of being depressed I can be hopeful. It’s a great game and would love to continue playing as long as I can. Big thank you!


That's exactly what i was waiting for someone to say! I've always believed the hips as u say can ad a bit more but only if the sequence is right, but hands wrists and arms always seemed to be the answer for most of us who aren't pros. Thx so much for ur video.


Fantastic vid through you and one another coach who works in a similar fashion by the way you guys are as rear as hens teeth, I have rediscovered my golf swing I used to be a very good player as a young guy but the hands in the swing was coached out of my game totally and I lost my game, discovering you has allowed me to rebuild my game and enjoy my golf. Cheers


In high school I had a bad foot and leg for a few weeks. I literally had to swing while being basically immobile with my body. The only things I had to work with was my hand and wrists. Let me just say that I hit it just as far with my irons and I hit it further with my driver. My thoughts were just that my shoulders, arms, and hands were like wet noodles. I wanted to feel the weight of the clubhead being swung and flung. It worked then and it works today.


I’m still fighting the old self-taught golf swing from GD magazines, but when I feel like I execute your teachings, it is effortless and easy on my back and body. My daughter is attending GCU and I aim to come see you for a private lesson. Cheers from Texas!


Interesting. Never heard it put like that

Thanks for posting


It's so freeing to hear that what I've suspected for all these years is the right thing for me to do. Thanks for the confirmation.


watched episode 2 first it was great iam a older golfer 63 lost a lot of distance this makes so much sense . thanks


Pushing forward on the downswing with the power of Hogan's 3 right hand and allowing my body to respond naturally is the absolute key. Thank you Mike for validating what I recently learned. That the golf swing is really simple; just as Ben Hogan said it was in the 50s on the Ed Sullivan Show


Great stuff as always. It took me a long time to figure this out. I got so focused on turning the body for 'power'... the shoulder and hip movements are really just to allow the arms/wrists to get the maximum swing arch, and to position the hands and and properly to hit the ball square at impact. I love the one foot drill.... definitely my favorite to use when my body gets too involved to bring back the loose arm/wrist swing.


That so much Bob. Wonderful thoughts Mike.
