Treason and aiding the enemy: Cramer v. United States | Criminal Law
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Today, we discuss Cramer v. United States, 325 U.S. 1 (1945), a case of treason, U-boats, and what it means to aid and abet the enemy. In this case, the court goes through a lengthy analysis discussing the manner in which the intent to adhere to one's country's enemies may be found. Treason, they find, requires an overt act, the intent for that overt act to be treasonous, and witnesses to back it all up. In providing aid and comfort to the enemy, one shows their intention, but it only counts if two people see you do it. No treason by adherence here!
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Disclaimer: Please be aware, no information provided in this video, or any other on this channel, should ever be taken as legal advice or recommendation. The information is provided for entertainment purposes only. Should you have legal questions or needs, please seek out a local attorney.
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Treason and aiding the enemy: Cramer v. United States | Criminal Law
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