I Was Diagnosed with Cancer and so was My Twin Brother | Kris' Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Story

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Kris W. worked 40 passionate years as a senior developmental engineer and was hoping to work another 10 years. But unexpectedly, he was forced to retire after he was diagnosed with Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

In this story, he shares what it was like finding out his cancer diagnosis on his own, having to retire earlier than planned and learning his twin brother was also diagnosed with cancer. He also shares his experience going through treatment alone, due to COVID restrictions, and what it was like dealing with isolation.

The interview has only been edited for clarity.

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Contents of this video:
00:00 - Intro
02:17 - Describe your first symptoms
05:55 - Finding out the results of the CT-guided biopsy
08:46 - Processing your diagnosis
14:31 - Describe your side effects from chemotherapy
16:07 - Undergoing cancer treatment during the pandemic
17:44 - How to deal with the feeling of isolation 
26:32 - Words of advice
#dlbcl #DiffuseLargeB-CellLymphoma #lymphoma #thepatientstory #patientstories #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #cancer #chemotherapy #cancertreatment #isolation #pandemic #cancerstories #cancerpatient
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I am 29 years old with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I have an identical twin sister and she doesn't have Hodgkins and hopefully never will. She's also my caretaker ;P


Thanks for sharing your story, Kris. I would hope to have just a fraction of your humanity, humor, and intelligence if I met the same health challenges as you.


My symptoms began the same way. Horrific backache that never let up. I had 2 types of this cancer. Follicular remains. Hope both you and your brother are doing well now. 😊


This is the exact cancer that my dad had- twice. He was in remission for about 7 years.


It's interesting how patients have access to their medical records and results before seeing consultants and specialists, and how you book / arrange your own CTs / MRIs on your own, and that your GP / Primary doesn't do it.


Wish he could just tell his story without a moderator 😅


In New Zealand we have the ‘Topp Twins’. Dame Linda and Dame Jules. They are famous Sister entertainers. They both got breast cancer at the same time. Extremely sad. They are both still fighting
