5 Amazing Facts About Resveratrol That You Need to Know

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Resveratrol: What is it?

Resveratrol is something I hold near and dear to my heart. I discovered the power of resveratrol more than ten years ago while visiting with my cousins in France. It’s an amazing powerphenol that can be found most potently in red wine and dark chocolate, two of my favorite things!

It this video I explain the “French Paradox.” The “French Paradox” refers to how the people of France have some of the lowest coronary heart disease rates despite constantly consuming foods that are high in saturated fats. When red wine and dark chocolate were popularized due to noting a trend of decreased heart disease in the French population, there appeared to be a relationship between the amount of wine consumed among the French and less heart disease.

I also dive into my favorite benefits that resveratrol offers our bodies:
1. Anti-Aging
2. Anti-Inflammatory
3. Better Cardiovascular Health
4. Protects the Brain
5. Eases Joint Pain

Since it would take about 500 glasses of red wine or multiple squares of dark chocolate to make a dent in the dosage required for these amazing effects, resveratrol is best taken as 250 mg in a concentrated supplement. It can be taken once or twice daily.

If you want to learn more about resveratrol, make sure to check out all the links below which offer some more in depth looks. Thanks for watching and I look forward to sharing more exciting content in the future on all things happy, healthy, insightful, and informative.


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Excellent ! I have been using it for months and I no longer have palpitations or chest pain


As a French girl I agree so much which you Naomi! Thank you for spreading these good news! 🥰


Sunshine and a butter rich diet is the reason the resveratrol sticks in the french diet.


I really enjoy your energy and the autophagy interviews you've done, and am looking forward to reading your blog. That being said, I have to debunk the French paradox which is bad science based on correlation, not causation. At the time of the studies, the French diet was a Mediterranean diet which consists largely of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, and limited amounts of fish and poultry. We all know that the Mediterranean diet is good for cardiovascular health. The french living off butter and fat is exaggerated. When they have a proper dinner, it is indeed rich, but they consume child like portions. I'd be more inclined to believe caloric restriction was the main factor when they could boast about great cardiovascular health. I swear my friends try to starve me every time I visit, . Thankfully I'm usually coming from or going to Italy where they love to eat. Have you been to a house party in France? A house warming for instance. Plenty of booze, they can certainly drink. At a party for 30 you can expect snacks for about 10 toddlers. I've traveled all over the world and France takes the award for the most anorexic country. It's ironic because they are foodies and foodies generally feast. Not the French, they do not eat, they graze and nibble really nice food. Spain isn't too far behind.

These days CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) is the #1 cause of death in France, so much for that wine theory. The 500mg resveratrol doses used in most human studies equals about 40 litres of wine. Pretty sure not even the French would not be able to keep up that type of wine habit for life. David Sinclair takes a gram of the purest/best quality resveratrol and admits very little is absorbed which is why he takes such a high dose. He also takes metformin. I'll save my money for now and get my resveratrol from food, and use fasting and broccoli sprouts for the anti-aging and endless health benefits.


I have stenosis and my pain is nearly gone at 74. I love it❤😊!


Stable mood, happier mood. I think it helped me get out of a depressive mood after the holidays. I knew about it before but stopped taking it. Found a new brand and am enjoying it again


Resveratrol brought back my strength 💪 amazing


I have been taking resveratrol for 2 months. I have bronchiectasis for a long time. Sometimes while I cough there has been hemoptysis. But after taking resveratrol supplement for 2 months the blood disappeared.but still coughing though.I feel relieved without blood coming out of my bronchus.


100% organic extra virgin OLIVE OIL also has Polyphenols.


Thank you so much... i love your research n also the sincerity tht u portray it...


Thank you for the video. What are your thoughts on the new research on resveretrol and possible harm?


Great informative video.Started taking resveratrol a month ago.I look forward to noticing some results !


Most excellent presentation. Very complete with enough support to suggest these polyphenols really are important for a whole bunch of stuff and not another health scam!


So true! that's why here in Philippines we have a Lean n' green resveratrol juice...really good for our immune system and had a lot of health benefits..my baby drinks it too...that's why...am selling it too😍


I literally just started using it yesterday. Read up that it can make you lose power in the gym and I didn't believe it. Well....took 1000 mg yesterday after a meal and within 20 minutes I felt drowsy. It doesn't feel bad...actually feels kind of nice. Relaxed. Just....not ideal for the gym.

So yea...if you want to give this a try to improve exercise....keep in mind that it does make you feel heavy. It is best to take after a workout and it stays in the body a few hours so plan ahead.

P.s: I'm writing this about 15 hrs ago and I'm still feeling a little drowsy.


Thanks so much for your clear explanation. I have less back pain, due to arthritis by taking this substance!


i am loving the color you are wearing. You look fresh and pretty


I love this video!! Very well explained!! I'm taking 1gram of Trans Resveratrol a day, along with 1 gram of NMN. Due to my work as a horse trainer, I sometimes have really tough days, physically. On those days, I double my dosage and I feel that my body just recovers so quickly!! I'm 30 now, but hope to be the first to reach 200 years old :) :)


So if we would need to drink 500 glasses of red wine to get the results of the study, how is red wine able to help the French? Do they really drink that much red wine?


Hi Naomi, very informative video!, going to start taking it daily, could you also tell us the benefits of niacin for anti aging, Thanks again David
