Framing The Floor On Our Off Grid Home Addition

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Greg you & Katie have done such a great job with building & looking after your homestead animals all happy 👍Work safe take care ❤ Keep up the great work !


Hello Greg & Katie,
I hope I have your names right. Anyway, I love watching you two work together. Thank You.


Katie and Greg you 2 are my heroes. You rock. God bless you both.❤


Lookin good yall. Just watch and be careful of old tools. That decking went well. Very much enjoy visiting with yall. Greetings from Texas.


It's amazing to look at your building projects and know that 2 young people have accomplished it. Your skill set has grown from build to build. As usual I can't wait to see it done. I want to see the finished home. I'm very spoiled from watching cable TV where the complete finish is done in an hour. 😅 Not real life. Be safe heal up carefully. 🥹


Looks & hallelujah, Continued prayers on healing Greg. As many shady situations i been in my life Building houses, and Manufacturing, learned a lot about close calls. Think it through, take the time to prepare. I learned that, because i could never afford to miss work, ever. Made me think different i guess. Moneys always been tight for me. Still livin in my truck since 2020.... almost to my retirement👍 Be blessed you 2🙏🙏🙏🤙🤙


I suppose you have discovered that in any box of nails about half of them have heads on the wrong end. I'm sure you are cleaver enough to realize that those nails are for the other side of the house!!!❤❤ love your vids -Curt Kuhns


Greg, don't give up on angle grinders they are one of the most versatile machines you can have. Go get a new one, but leave the guard and handle on it and you'll be fine.
A suggestion as to what happened might be that as mentioned below, loose clothing wass a problem, but also look after the wheels, particularly the fine cutting discs, don't just drop the grinder on the ground when you're finished cutting, let it run down to a stop and place it carefully. Dropping the grinder on it's disc can crack it and when you go to use it, it can explode (I think that's what happened, no?) or when cutting try keep the disc cutting in a straight line, don't twist it, that can make the disc shatter too. Good luck buddy, glad to hear you're on the mend and take care .. we want to see many more episodes from you guys, you're my favorite off-gridders.
Cheers TJ


That's so great that you're arm is healing so fast. You was a very blessed fella, it could of been so much worse 🙏. Thanks for sharing guys. Oh, an Katie there's a shovel somewhere with your name on it 😉. Bet Greg knows where it is, don't you Greg😊. Thanks again 👍.


Good to hear that Greg is healing fast, great job with all the deck.


@28:44 Perfection! Love your videos and yes, the music does add quite a bit - been learning a lot from your editing - you both should be so proud of all the work you've accomplished in the last 4-5 years, it's pretty amazing🤗


As always wouldn’t have missed the chance to see Katie handling 3/4 inch sheets of plywood better than I did haha 😂. Great job and positive it will look great 👍 glad you’re healing well Greg. Thanks for your great Chanel can’t wait for the next episode. 👍👍❤❤❤❤


Great Work Katie and Greg, so pleased Greg your injuries are healing ❤️‍🩹 oh I now watch the Ads for the full 30 seconds as it helps you both. I love following your progress with all the projects. Seems your Dogs are the Supervisors always watching what you are doing. Hope you had a relaxing evening. Love ❤️ to you both from a very Wet Huddersfield England ❤️💙🔨🪚🛠️


Greg the best thing for safely working with rotary tools is watch for loose clothing and hanging strings or ties. Just always work and prep for safety. 🙏🏼. Great you’re healing fast.


I can remember the pictures of your very first post o pillars like this, and now you have some more! Except now you have a “one-armed-bandit” on staff! I guess operation machines is one small possibility (with hopefully amazing results! Keep on building: never give up!


After seeing the thumbnail with Greg showing off his bandages & watching that episode, I've subscribed & started over from the 1st episode. Glad to hear Greg's healing as Katie continues to stoke his fire...


Hi both, Greg I’m glad you’re healing well. Katie you are marvellous there’s not too many ladies that would get stuck into building the sub floor and floor as you did you well done I bet you’ll be doing some stud walls next and standing them up before you get on with doing the roof. You are one in a million Greg is a very lucky man don’t let him forget that.😂😂😂😂😂😂 till the mid week video bye. ❤xx


Katie and Greg I believe you all can build anything you guys really work good togeather❤.


You guys may be older. But you guys are wiser! Like the progress, keep up the good work.


If you don't want to use a grinder anymore, maybe you could try out a handheld " Bandsaw " . It probably doesn't do some jobs a Grinder does but it can cut through Rebar pretty slick . Don't overdo the arm because even though you don't feel any pain, it could still be doing other damage ! Happy Trails from Eastern Canada to Western Canada . ✌ out .L8R
