X-wing Second Edition - Recommended Squad Building Apps

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<italics> I think the apps broken <\italics>


Dare i say it? First... FFG really did step forward and started to pach it neatly. Cant wait for it to be done!


Yea FFG could have sent the app out as a beta and worked on it from there, it wasnt like we didnt have YASB to build up squads when they released the points. By now it probablt would have bene in update 1.1.x


I think the best X-wing app is the Startatics but the guy who made it doesn't wanna do a 2.0 version :/


Will utilize the FFG app/site when I need to print out a squad list for a tourney. But YASB will remain my primary tool. Building squads is so quick and easy, I have several saved already which I can easily update and edit, and it has XWS since I often play on Vassal as well.

Just an update on the release party... went 2-2. X-wings are nice in 2e... but just not my type of ship really. The Corran/Luke list did okay, but ultimately lost that fight to a Boba/IG-C/Pioneer list. That build for Hera in the other list feels really good. Won that match, where Hera was able to tank up or dodge out vs. Rexler/Whisper/Kestal.

Been playing some other lists though, trying to find ships that really fit me. Loving the TIE/v1... and here is one of my variations of such a list:

Grand Inquisitor — TIE Advanced Prototype 58
Supernatural Reflexes 12
Fire-Control System 3
Concussion Missiles 6
Ship Total: 79

Baron of the Empire — TIE Advanced Prototype 34
Outmaneuver 6
Ship Total: 40

Baron of the Empire — TIE Advanced Prototype 34
Outmaneuver 6
Ship Total: 40

Baron of the Empire — TIE Advanced Prototype 34
Outmaneuver 6
Ship Total: 40

I will probably need to pick up a 4th v1 model. Just quick notes on the above... position to flank from one or more angles, leveraging the Outmaneuver to make up for the 2 attack value. Generally only need to perform 2 actions... either boost or roll into a focus. As for the Grand daddy, he can use Reflexes to do either of those before his move, do a blue, and then another action depending on the sitch. FCS for further economy after the initial engagement with missiles boosting the 2-3 attack value, rather than trying to stretch his Force points. If positioning well, can just not use his pilot ability. Alternatively swap to Ion missiles for more bid and some control, as he does want to move after any opposing 5's. Enjoy.


has the status of this changed at all? I can't find an updated video. I'm just now converting to second edition. I hope I didn't make a mistake.


"2 bank" is also a squad builder and its good also However, I would like to see the movement dail on the apps for me this is very important.


Is there an app with Collection filter, so you don't have to look through your physical cards while using app? Coming from Armada I'm baffled that you don't have this. Creating squads in x-wing is a horrible experience.


Well for now I don't mind using the ffg app. I made this list on it, I wonder if I shouldn't have tried to push for more ships but here it is :

Kath Scarlett (firespray)
Trick shot
Ketsu Onyo
Veteran tail gunner
Inertial dampeners
Marauder title

Black Sun soldier (z-95)

2x jakku gunrunner
Contraband cybernetics

The afterburners are there to give the quadjumper that extra speed they sometimes need. Ketsu Onyo goes on Kath because she'll be the Factor for which ship should stay tracted. This should be deadly to aces, or so I hope


A lot of what you mentioned that is not working on the FFG app has been patched. There are still bugs to work through (it is the weekend so don't expect another patch before Monday afternoon CST or Tuesday) namely the Scyk's "Special" Slot (Who in their right mind green lighted that name???) not having its upgrade save and Outmaneuver not showing up as a Talent in the "Second Edition" game variant among others.


Yeah i got the app running on my iPhone. It cant math right now....i think variable cost upgrades still read 0 pts. In squad list pt total. Everything else seeeems to be working....Launch Bay Next, is great in place of the official app. We finished our launch weekend with a 200pt app builder tourney and i went undefeated to win it, didn’t lose a single ship.Gave up some half points here and there. Did a variation of the previous list i posted:


Whipser - Juke/Collision Detector/Vader/Stealth Device

Redline - Advanced Sensors/Proton Torpedoes/Hull Upgrade

Captain Jonus - Marksmanship/BT-1/Proton Torpedoes/Hull Upgrade

Basically changed the load out on Jonus. Tough decision now, both load outs were interesting. I got BT-1 to work more than catching ships with Proximity mines in the other build.

Great idea using the screen shot of Launch Bay Next! Nice one Nick!


I think I will wait for them to improve the app. I hope we can use alt apps for tornys. It's a shame they did not do an open beta test with everyone a month ago. So we could get this sorted before we bought 2.0 products


I think it’s pretty short sighted of FFG to cut List Juggler out of the loop. You know their devs had to have been relying on the data they compiled to throw that Nym/Genius nerf out so quickly into last regional season! They’ve never been that quick to react. I’d hate to see it go, but as long as that data is still accessible in some form I’ll happy-ish. I just don’t want them being able to dump broken combos down a memory hole without us knowing it. Of course, I guess the flip side is maybe if the limit the Dojo Effect, broken combos might not catch like wildfire.


I'd say give it some time. One weird thing I've noticed is it won't let me save my M3A's hardpoint choices which is kinda bleh. But no big deal. What I wonder about is if I go to a tourney will the app be mandatory?


Hey Nick, I think I have another kind of throwback list, but not exactly... check it out below.

4 y do you do this?

(42) Kavil
(2) R4 Astromech
(6) Ion Cannon Turret
(2) Expert Handling
(4) Han Solo
Points 56

(32) Crymorah Goon
(10) Agile Gunner
(6) Ion Cannon Turret
Points 48

(32) Crymorah Goon
(10) Agile Gunner
(6) Ion Cannon Turret
Points 48

(32) Crymorah Goon
(10) Agile Gunner
(6) Ion Cannon Turret
Points 48

Total points: 200


Thank god this video is almost immediately outdated! Of course no shame on your end, but a huge plus to FFG's app crew for patching and tweaking and fixing so quickly after release. It really has shaped up to be a much less awful experience.

Though as an android platform user I still very much intend to stick with Launchbay Next as my primary squad builder. Can't stand the ultra-zoomed in massive text interface of the official app.


YASB IS great but I will have to give launch bay a try. My local store is in a basement so the data service is HORRIBLE. So even ffgs app won't work.


I was hoping that they would include first edition in the new app, but I'd be happy if they finished second edition first.


Does the Launch Bay app explain how the bomb/devices work like YASB?


Was going to upgrade this week.

The broken app has got me going, "come back when it all works FFG"

Also seeing reports of conversion kits alignment of things like targeting arcs on bases being out.


Think I'll wait until the kinks are ironed out.
