Why Adults Learn Languages Faster Than Children | Aussie English | Learn Australian English

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This video covers a reasons why I think adults can learn languages faster than children.

I'm often asked questions like, can adults learn languages as faster as children or can adults learn languages like kids can?

In this video I give you my reasons for why I think YOU can easily learn a language faster than any child.

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After to hear you I have changed my thinking :)

You are right!! because children take at least 5 years to make sentences and years and years to have a coherent conversation as you well said.

English is my second language and I am struggling day to day to speak better and more fluent, but I put a lot of pressure in myself and that of course stress me.

I have pronounced my first word in English four years ago when I come to Australia, at that time I was 38 years old. I have never image how difficult it would be to learn a new language. I continue studing and I will not give up!!


Great reflection Pete. One more point to add is that kids usually will have someone with them all the time, talking to them, whether it’s their parents, their relatives, their teachers; correcting them, explaining what is this, what is that etc, encouraging them to say more words etc. As adults it wouldn’t work for us the same way. So, it’s definitely as you said, comparing oranges with apples. In my opinion, it’s not overly easy but definitely possible that we learn a new language to perfection as adults.


Thanks for the encouragement. Point taken. It is true that adults can use many different strategies and tools to facilitate their learning of language. Also, they are able to acquire the rules of the language by learning abstract concepts. However, as you said, kids learn languages in a different way, for example, by picking up words, expressions, pronunciation, intonation and even big trunks of language without having to understand the 'rules'. Is there anything that we can learn from kids as language learners.


Hey, thanks for your great impact. I have recently found you. I'm moving to Melb to do my Master's. In one of your videos you mentioned that its ok to ask questions about life in the city. In my case the most painful current issue is rent (obviously :) You mentioned that living close to center costs you around AUD850\month. You also said that public transport is free of charge in your case, but that isnt going to happen with me coz im international.So is it smarter to get a bike or for inernationals the public transport is still affordable and it doesnt cost a billion dollars? My final question is - how far would it be from center if the rent is somewhere around AUD600\month and how civilized are the suburbs of the city? Is it some sort of a wild dangerous area :) or its totally fine safe civilized n shouldn't be a trouble. Thnx :)


I agree with you 100%. I don't know who started this myth that kids learn languages faster, but whoever did it may not have considered the experiences children have in their learning process and environment they were brought up in. Kids usually pick up the language in the safest of the environments, that is, in their home. Besides, people in general are more patient with kids, adults think nothing of it, when kids make mistakes. I often observe how my 2-year-old nephew learns my language. It's a different process from how people are taught in language schools. When you're an adult, on the other hand, you become more inhibited. People are more likely to be critical of somebody else's mistakes. They may think you're either uneducated, or just plain dumb. It kinda slows down your learning. Adults who want to learn a different language are not always forced into a situation where they have to do it anyway.So, it's comfortable to just try to do it sometimes.


Very strong reasons. I changed my mind and I think adults can learn faster. I am going to start learning another language too!!😃


Hi Pete I strongly believe that children are learning their native language in a proper way only because their parents constantly have been correcting their mistakes. Each day over the years. Indeed adults have an advantage because they can comprehend many of the constructions in all of their complexity a lot faster. But, the difference between person who is a native speaker and person who doesn't (even having a like 9 point in ielts and speaking at a decent lvl) very apparent. They can't use various hints or phrases which child have been learning from their culture. So cultural differences are the key. I mean all the life regarding specialities, like whether the person should or shouldn't take off their shoes when he or she enters the house. And many many other stuff. Like legislative system which also has a huge impact on society, any relationships between neighbors or I don't know there are tons of things. And I think not native speaker would never be having an opportunity to think in English. Your thoughts are quite encouraging though. To me it took something like 10+ years of constant self learning without knowledge of any grammar and other stuff and I think I'm still doing many things wrong and make tons of mistakes. However I'd say that study with all of that tutorial books and workbooks isn't good at all - because the examples in there are pretty dumb and not flexible at all, also have no connection to a real life and it affects you perception of the language.


I guess, adults didn't learn than kids becaus the same aspects: positive feelings as sympath with subject or how this in fact makes me happy... Sorry my poor english 😅 but I'm into stage write as child lol...thanks a Lot you chanel help me so much


I agree with you Pete, however if the kid has contact with the new language even without understanding vocab and whatever, when he becomes an adult, he will have a great facility to learn the language unlike the adult starting from scratch. Great video mate, I hope your channel growing ever more!


I m a language lover and learner. I had that reasoning or thinking before.


children have 2 Teachers or More sometimes. they can afford it.   if adults had such cheap Teachers or so Much Money. they would learn way faster and easier.


Just no way! When you want speak the second language, first mind come to your mind is your mother language, that is totally different concept, and principle.
