Anticipatory Resoluteness | Heidegger | Being & Time

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Welcome to 'Back to the Texts Themselves,' a series on phenomenology. This video examines sections 61- 62 in Martin Heidegger's Being & Time.

I address the following topics:
1) the relationship between anticipation and resoluteness
2) the circular nature of Heidegger’s style of thinking

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#resoluteness #anticipatory #dasein
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@62#308, Heidegger writes:

"The nothingness before which anxiety brings us reveals the nullity that determines Dasein in its ground, which itself is as thrownness unto death."

Wow. Just wow. I had to catch my breath. You could spend a semester on that. I get the idea that Dreyfus could spend three semesters on that.

Division II is blowing me away. These videos are helping to enrich the experience.


Hahahaha The unbearable weight of fame and wealth!
