Basement Declutter & Organization + 3 Tips for Simplifying Storage Spaces that Overwhelm You!

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I get easily overwhelmed by big projects! Today I'm sharing my favorite tips for simplifying and organizing our basement and they'll work for any storage space like a garage or attic, too!


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THANK YOU for watching! We greatly appreciate it! We hope you subscribe so that we can keep in touch!!! :) Also, I made the labels in Canva, found at!


“Having a simplified house is so much more valuable to me than any of the stuff in it.” That’s a great quote and is exactly how I feel!


I just love your videos because you are so real! You didn’t go out and buy all matching bins and baskets to glam up your shelves — you used what you had, decluttered, and tidied up. That is so refreshing in the abundance of YouTubers doing “hauls” and unboxing of all the stuff they’ve ordered and showing all the seasonal decor they’ve bought and then all the bins, boxes, and baskets they need to put everything in! I am loving simple more and more. Thank you, Dawn, for keeping it real!


Usually I watch videos at 1.5 speed because they are too long, they drag stuff out... I don't have to do that with your videos. You are an editing genius 😉. So much content, and I can watch it quick before my kids find me lol 😂. Thanks again Dawn! Now I want to tackle my laundry room!!!


I just took a load to goodwill!!! I have no problem sorting, simplifying and organizing it but my anxiety is high when I take it to donate!!! I need to remember that feeling....After driving away with an empty van. That feels so


THANK YOU for showing your real house. This is why I love your channel. It's not some big, bright, beautiful, tidy house that you're just showing me how to sort stuff in. It's an actual house that looks LIKE MINE (although mine is worse) and then you transform it to look SO MUCH BETTER 😭🤩


Today I did not totally clear off my counters but I have 70 % less out thanks to your inspirational talks.


As a fellow Minnesotan, I know all too well about water in the basement issues. We had water issues right after we moved into our home in 2015-2016 and it turned our basement into a dumping ground for clutter. We recently spent the entire weekend a few weekends ago going through all the stuff down there and on Monday we will begin the renovation! We are getting new electrical, flooring, drywall, paint on the walls and even the fireplace is getting painted! We wouldn’t have been able to tackle this seemingly impossible project without the encouragement and motivation I found here on your channel! Thank you Dawn!!! ❤️


The bigger the declutter challenge the better for me. I get a high when I'm helping people clean out their homes to better their lives. Enjoy your videos.☺


"Having a simplified house is much more important than any of the stuff in it." Can we just stop right there and frame that!?! I so, so, so agree with you :) For me, the comfort, peace and joy comes from the people around me and not the excess of things surrounding me. Well done, Dawn! Your basement looks great. I sure do understand the "basement declutter" and the fear of the "big area declutter." When we were in your season of life with littles, we used to have a storage room the size of half of your basement filled to the ceilings with containers for, ahem, "storage." I remember being so proud that everything was so "well contained" in those probably 20-24 large containers..oh my how seasons do change. We no longer have a basement and the garage and attic is the only vessel for storage. The containers are under ten in totality now, which include everything from photos to my husband's "keepsakes" to school papers from the kids to seasonal decor. I have been procrastinating going through the sentimental ones..the kid's papers. I need to let those go bc the cedar chest is packed full of cards and papers already. I am getting anxiety just typing


My life has been completely changed after discovering you. I have always been a ‘messy’ person, full of artful ideas, but then ‘stuffing’ the aftermath. My mom always got frustrated with me and would say, ‘Why can’t you be more like your sister?!’ I could never understand why, and I prayed to God to help me become organized. I struggled for years. Somehow I stumbled upon your videos and it instantly clicked with me. I finally understood that I need to just be simple and categorize. The biggest impact was the paper clutter. I literally had a whole dresser full of it, after my bout with breast cancer. I just stuffed everything, from cards to bills. WHAT A LIFE CHANGER!!! I don’t know why I was keeping all the papers. It was the ‘What if’ factor. I now have a tote which has compartments. I now can find stamps!! This is definitely God’s blessing to me. Thank you!!!


Suggestion: Sewing machine store on higher shelf or out of basement. They can be ruined by getting wet or damp. Love you you tube channel-you are what I need for encouragement at this time in my life. Thank you for sharing☺


I have watched a few ‘organizing the basement’ videos, this one by far the most helpful.


Wow. My house was also built in 1940's and basement looks like yours! I call it--The Final I'm working a little everyday to declutter it. It felt magical to post stuff online for free and see people carry it off! Now I'm working on an ancient "coal room" that is wet and dark. Thanks for your encouragement! You rock.


What a workout going up and down those stairs! 💪😊


I’ve learned so much from your approach Dawn. The cost of owning stuff is so much more than $$. I often quote you - “how much inventory am I willing to manage in my home.” And “I can always get the items again if I need them”. Thanks for the wonderful lessons


I live in South Dakota and I think all of this extra rain has helped my mom realize what is and isn't important in the basement. They've lived in their current house for 21 years and this is the first time they've had water in the basement. 4 whole inches! This is helping my mom go, "Oh, this stuff has been down here and now it's ruined/we had to move it... is it really that important?"

It's been SO NICE.


I really like your hair up like that!! I love the inspiration you give me!


OMG this is probably the first basement that looks real lol and raw, I love it. Mine is the same bare cinder block walls, concrete floors, open ceiling issue is condensing my stuff. Time to do the basement!!!!ty!


Thank you for setting such a great example for us to follow. My husband & I finally finished decluttering & organizing our garage so that we can fit our vehicles in there. As we were decluttering I kept thinking that I needed to go out & buy more boxes to store stuff, but I've forced myself to work with what I have instead. After helping my hubby with all his tools & stuff, I now have 2 extra clear boxes to use. I'm so glad I didn't go out & buy more. Also, I've waited patiently for 1.5 years for my hubby to be ready to declutter his stuff in the garage. I remembered to be super positive & to help him make decisions as to what to keep & what to get rid of. I've been decluttering our entire house for 3-4 years now & the garage is the last area that we needed to go through. I could tell it was hard for him but I'm so glad we did this together. Yay!
