Silmarillion Summary: Ch. 7 - Of the Silmarils & the Unrest of the Noldor [10/31]

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A chapter-by-chapter series of summary videos for readers new to The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Pictures in order of appearance:
1. Creation of the Silmarils
Credit: Alexey Rudikov

2. Feanor and the Silmarils
Credit: Bella Bergolts

3. The Silmarils
Credit: toast171
4. Varda
Credit: Gerwell

5. Lucifer
Credit: Franz Stuck

6. Melkor (Morgoth)
Credit: Giovanni Calore

7. Ainulindale
Credit: annamare

8. The First Age of Arda
Credit: Karen Wynn Fonstad
The Atlas of Middle-earth (Revised Edition), 1991, pp. 4-5

9. Feanor
Credit: Bella Bergolts

10. Silmarils of Feanor (Commission)
Credit: Helena Nikulina

11. Finwë
Credit: kimberly80

12. Maedhros
Credit: Elena Kukanova

13. The Harp No Longer Sings
Credit: Jenny Dolfen

14. Celegorm
Credit: Elena Kukanova

15. Caranthir
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska

16. Curufin
Credit: kimberly80

17. Amrod & Amras
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska

18. Fingolfin
Credit: Jenny Dolfen

19. Character sketch - Finarfin
Credit: Elena Kukanova

20. Elvish weapons
Credit: Weta Workshop/New Line Productions Inc.

21. Fëanor
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska

22. Drawing of the Sword
Credit: Jenny Dolfen

23. Fëanor Threatens Fingolfin
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska

24. The Valar
Credit: Laurelin Artistry

25. Máhanaxar, the Ring of Doom
Credit: Jacek Kopalski

26. Mandos
Credit: Elena Kukanova

27. Map of Valinor
Credit: Ælfwine’s Road

28. Fingolfin
Credit: Mathia Arkoniel

29. Melkor Character Sheet
Credit: Mathia Arkoniel

30. Destination
Credit: Cyril Labranche

31. Melkor at the gates of Formenos
Credit: Nequarilj

32. Hades [film clip]
Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker
Hercules, 1997, Walt Disney Studios, U.S.A.

33. The Light of Valinor on the Western Sea
Credit: Ted Nasmith

34. Time-Lapse: Mesmerizing "Stormscapes" Dominate Skies | National Geographic
Credit: National Geographic
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6:58 When Fëanor is exiled for 12 years, that's 12 Valian years, which would be about 114 years here on earth.


Re-reading Silmarillion and these videos are well put together. Thanks for the hard work!


I just discovered this series! Such good work. The clarity of the summary is amazing!


Great summary and almost Movie- like representation of what happens in probably the most important chapter in all of Tolkien’s legend (along with the Flight of the Noldor). Together these have the greatest moments of high drama. This, of course, is the catalyst that caused or impacted nearly EVERYTHING else downstream through the First, Second and Third Ages.

I could only imagine what you could do with a Peter Jackson- sized budget...

I also often wonder what might have happened if Feanor make slightly different choices which lead to him keeping the Silmarils in Aman. Strange, powerful and wonderful that this vast epic turns on a few simple choices made by one strong individual which ripple over many millennia.


been binging your content all night, love your humour and take one the this part of the story, clear and concise, i could never get past most of the text on my own. thanks


Your videos are so good with explaining, They all should have 10x the views.


Your videos and the pronounciation of the names are amazing!


Great job on the story. Just found you a couple of days ago. Keep up the good work.


Here the part that I believe the professor would have changed had he finished the Sillmarillion. There no mortal to protect the Silmarils from at that point.


I always wonder if Melkor's behavior throughout the Silmarillion was part of Eru's plan all along, or if Melkor was just being a jerk on his own...


these are like if Pearl from MST3K was recapping Tolkien chapters.
