Silmarillion Summary: Ch. 7 - Of the Silmarils & the Unrest of the Noldor [10/31]

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A chapter-by-chapter series of summary videos for readers new to The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Pictures in order of appearance:
1. Creation of the Silmarils
Credit: Alexey Rudikov
2. Feanor and the Silmarils
Credit: Bella Bergolts
3. The Silmarils
Credit: toast171
4. Varda
Credit: Gerwell
5. Lucifer
Credit: Franz Stuck
6. Melkor (Morgoth)
Credit: Giovanni Calore
7. Ainulindale
Credit: annamare
8. The First Age of Arda
Credit: Karen Wynn Fonstad
The Atlas of Middle-earth (Revised Edition), 1991, pp. 4-5
9. Feanor
Credit: Bella Bergolts
10. Silmarils of Feanor (Commission)
Credit: Helena Nikulina
11. Finwë
Credit: kimberly80
12. Maedhros
Credit: Elena Kukanova
13. The Harp No Longer Sings
Credit: Jenny Dolfen
14. Celegorm
Credit: Elena Kukanova
15. Caranthir
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
16. Curufin
Credit: kimberly80
17. Amrod & Amras
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
18. Fingolfin
Credit: Jenny Dolfen
19. Character sketch - Finarfin
Credit: Elena Kukanova
20. Elvish weapons
Credit: Weta Workshop/New Line Productions Inc.
21. Fëanor
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
22. Drawing of the Sword
Credit: Jenny Dolfen
23. Fëanor Threatens Fingolfin
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
24. The Valar
Credit: Laurelin Artistry
25. Máhanaxar, the Ring of Doom
Credit: Jacek Kopalski
26. Mandos
Credit: Elena Kukanova
27. Map of Valinor
Credit: Ælfwine’s Road
28. Fingolfin
Credit: Mathia Arkoniel
29. Melkor Character Sheet
Credit: Mathia Arkoniel
30. Destination
Credit: Cyril Labranche
31. Melkor at the gates of Formenos
Credit: Nequarilj
32. Hades [film clip]
Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker
Hercules, 1997, Walt Disney Studios, U.S.A.
33. The Light of Valinor on the Western Sea
Credit: Ted Nasmith
34. Time-Lapse: Mesmerizing "Stormscapes" Dominate Skies | National Geographic
Credit: National Geographic
Pictures in order of appearance:
1. Creation of the Silmarils
Credit: Alexey Rudikov
2. Feanor and the Silmarils
Credit: Bella Bergolts
3. The Silmarils
Credit: toast171
4. Varda
Credit: Gerwell
5. Lucifer
Credit: Franz Stuck
6. Melkor (Morgoth)
Credit: Giovanni Calore
7. Ainulindale
Credit: annamare
8. The First Age of Arda
Credit: Karen Wynn Fonstad
The Atlas of Middle-earth (Revised Edition), 1991, pp. 4-5
9. Feanor
Credit: Bella Bergolts
10. Silmarils of Feanor (Commission)
Credit: Helena Nikulina
11. Finwë
Credit: kimberly80
12. Maedhros
Credit: Elena Kukanova
13. The Harp No Longer Sings
Credit: Jenny Dolfen
14. Celegorm
Credit: Elena Kukanova
15. Caranthir
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
16. Curufin
Credit: kimberly80
17. Amrod & Amras
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
18. Fingolfin
Credit: Jenny Dolfen
19. Character sketch - Finarfin
Credit: Elena Kukanova
20. Elvish weapons
Credit: Weta Workshop/New Line Productions Inc.
21. Fëanor
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
22. Drawing of the Sword
Credit: Jenny Dolfen
23. Fëanor Threatens Fingolfin
Credit: Katarzyna Karina Chmiel-Gugulska
24. The Valar
Credit: Laurelin Artistry
25. Máhanaxar, the Ring of Doom
Credit: Jacek Kopalski
26. Mandos
Credit: Elena Kukanova
27. Map of Valinor
Credit: Ælfwine’s Road
28. Fingolfin
Credit: Mathia Arkoniel
29. Melkor Character Sheet
Credit: Mathia Arkoniel
30. Destination
Credit: Cyril Labranche
31. Melkor at the gates of Formenos
Credit: Nequarilj
32. Hades [film clip]
Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker
Hercules, 1997, Walt Disney Studios, U.S.A.
33. The Light of Valinor on the Western Sea
Credit: Ted Nasmith
34. Time-Lapse: Mesmerizing "Stormscapes" Dominate Skies | National Geographic
Credit: National Geographic