RWBY | Is Nora Valkyrie a Good Character?

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RWBY | Is Nora Valkyrie a Good Character?

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I just didn't like how all of the sudden they realized Nora and Ren didn't have character arcs since V4 (even though them mourning Pyrrha with Jaune is RIGHT THERE), so they had Ren being all angst (with reason) and Nora suddenly wanting distance from Ren to figure out who she is... which yeah it would make sense, but not 8 volumes in would anyone want that. In fact, people want the opposite, for her to get together to Ren.
*sigh* At least she isn't worse than the rest... which isn't saying a lot when the bar is so low.


My thoughts are disappointment with how they set up Nora to break away from ren and get in the spotlight in volume 9... only to give it to Jaune AGAIN.

SMH it's volume 5 all over again


*Volume 08*
Nora: I want to discover myself and learn who am I before I dedicate to this relationship.

*Volume 9*
Writers: Yeah no, you’re gonna be stuck in Vacuo with Ren while Jaune spends 30+ years in Alice in Wonderland all by himself, this is gonna happen in the Volume where it’s theme focuses on identity. Something that we just established in your character last volume. Good luck with that offscreen.


She was... Until post vol 4 where someone lost the controller for the mute button.


Was not expecting Nora to be the next character video


8:30 My thing is this; there was barely much characterization involving Nora and her past at this point. So even IF we could say her past experiences are what influence her ire towards Ironwoods measures, there was so little consistency behind it to make it tangible or compelling. Its the same issue why Ruby's bond with her mother feels like a tacked on piece of her character rather than a meaningful backstory. They feel like bugs, not features so whatever actions they take come more from you headcanon-ing how sensible it is rather than the show exploring those concepts.

9:30 Fuck me I hate this moment. So its fine when YOU disregard the normal people for the sake of the planet but not Ironwood?? They should have had Ren go to Amity with the others and Nora stay in Mantle.


I’ll be honest, I’ve never cared about Nora. I enjoyed her and Ren’s backstory in Volume 4, but I still didn’t really care about her.

Then by the time they decided to do anything with her in volumes 7 and 8 I didn’t care enough at all. Even then, I gave it a chance, but I felt it was done badly because her moments feel forced, like they needed to give her something to do, rather than mattering. Plus I can’t stand how she treat Ren and his arc culmination by the end.


Nora was supposed to be part of the B-Team. These characters aren't really supposed to have much going on with them and we get snippets at best.

Unfortunately the writers seem to forget the series was supposed to be RWBY and not JNPR handing off pretty much the majority of the plot to the B-Team which wasn't all that developed.

The later seasons was them trying to correct that mistake but in the wrong way. Instead of shifting the focus BACK to RWBY they tried to develop JNPR.

Having an Arc or two focus on the B-Team is fine since it shows how the world is reacting and adjusting to the actions of the protagonists or even just let the Main Cast rest for a bit while we go off on an adventure without them. This is why I didn't have as much a problem with the 'Jaune Arc' while everyone else seems to have irrational hatred for it.

(While I still agree that he's unintentionally taken over a main character slot lately and deserves flak for it.)

Nora as a barebones B-Teamer is perfectly fine. Frankly I have no issues with how she was handled up to Vol 8. But then they started to focus on her like they were prepping to elevate her to MC status before cutting away to Vol 9 as filler. To build her up like that before cutting her legs out from under her? Yeah the character quality is going to suffer and turn people off.


Short answer: she’s Meh

Long answer: No, because it’s of little consequence to the main characters and overall story.


Her biggest perk Is that she doesn't have enough screen time to develop annoying character traits like Yang or Ruby but that just leaves her as meh character which Is good enough by comparison, better an Inoffensive meh than an actively aggravating one.


I like Nora, but she is doesn't have a character moment that defines herself specifically, it is always paired with Ren. I guess for a side character that is okay, but she definitely has more screen time that warrants more from her as an overall character with personality.


seriously what are writers planning on to do with Nora, while be separate from Ren?

I feel like they're not gonna do anything else with them


13:10 How the fuck can she figure out her own identity when they are still on the same team doing the same shizz? What can Nora do now that is different from what she was doing before? Get more scenes the writers didn't before??? It all feels so artificial to me man lol


Who was the most famous French skeleton?
Napoleon Bone-apart


I feel like Nora is the type of character that is supposed to die early on, i.e. Volume 3, as a tone setter. 😅


It's sad to see the writers tear down this relationship in v8 for the sake of drama....


She was hit the bad writing hammer. "She's nothing more then 1 half of a ship."


she's kind of weirdly written tbh, not bad, not good, just weirdly written
Edit - you know what's funny about RWBY characters, the men are the best written characters in the show ironically
Edit 2 - i forgot to say why she's werdly written, Nora just break her writing for no reason, most of the time she's acts how she was writen in all other times, but sometimes for no reason she just changes into another character entirely, for no reason and it's just jarring, it's not bad,'s just not Nora, it's weird


Nora is a better protagonist than Ruby. Lol


Nora should’ve been the one who fell into the Ever After with team RWBY instead of Jaune.
