Morals | Ethics Defined

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It's pride. It's not easy to be moral. You need to be proud


Morals = Core beliefs
Ethics = How one lives out those morals


Morals – one’s personal beliefs about right and wrong

Ethics – standards or codes of behavior expected of an individual or a group


Great video. Now I know more about ethics.


Thank you very much, very high effort video making, great work, hat's off !!!


Conformity is doing what everybody else is doing, regardless of what's is right. Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what everybody else is doing


Ethics are things seen fit by society morals are thing YOU see as right and wrong


Perfect video please how you make it! Witch application ?


What comes first, life or morals?
Which has the right of way, life or morals?
Are morals a single though or require multiple people to have effects worth notes in history?


GETHICS! Louisian ka no!?🤣 Required na panoorin🤣


There are all sorts of societies. Street gangs are societies, for example. Robbery and beatings are acceptable, even mandated in a gang society. So if you were ever robbed, you can't complain that what the robber did was wrong. All you can say is that robbery isn't customary in your society.


واو قد فكرت بنفس الفكرة الذي انت قلتها ... يبدو انني من امريكية🗿
Wow, I had the same idea as you said... Looks like I'm from America🗿


Try giving example in this videos please


Some people say morals are individual centric so how society is sanctioning something as right or wrong here?


Seriously. if we have a moral system which condones slavery it is not something which benefits society. It is something which benefits the winners in a society and is hated by the losers. Such moral systems are maintained by force. In the South prior to the civil war slavery was not only seen as profitable. it was seen as moral. Africans were seen as inferior and who could only function when their liberty was taken from them. The slaves of course had a different view of things. Moral systems are often contentious. Consider Iran at the moment. Society thinks it is best if women dress modestly. Women in Iran have a different view and a number of them have been willing to die as they seek to control their own bodies. Philosophy is something which is not learning. It is a series of thought processes which are little more than an ideology


We do not have a free will. For either we desire to be rich and can do no good, or desire to be poor and can do no harm.


"To work cooperatively in a group."
Causing things to, "work well, " sounds like math and science to me.
These standards should take a front seat. Coupled with mental health!
Every single culture in our world DESPERATELY need to focus on morals and mental health right now. There are so many immoral situations that are causing things to, "not work."
Mass shootings, wars, suicides, and many reprehensible activities do not work.
Defining what is right vs. wrong, should not be left up to the religious anymore.
If tested psychologically, or even temporarily monitored many, many religious people could come back with scientifically proven evidence for immoral behavior. Be it racist, abusive or other immoral behaviors.. Your religion can't hide your true identity.
I really hope we come in to a new age of reason. And fast. my heart keeps breaking every day listening to the news.
For whatever reason, we all have our lines. We all have areas we won't cross. Beyond that, we hold eachother accountable. Philosophically this is all pretty weird. How can we prove morals and ethics, preventative health, protecting life, etc, are, "worth it?"
But why is anything, "worth, " anything?
Our world needs to wake up and smell the philosophic coffee.
Suffering SUCKS. We should be more altruistic snd just END suffering every chance we get. Yes to the ends of days.
When we find out our attempt at doing good has caused harm?
Then work on doing better and different.
Never stop.
That is, "purpose." That is, "meaning."
No one enjoys experiencing pain and suffering in any legitimately unwanted form. We, "like and dislike, " things in this reality for some, "reason."
We are here. We are stuck in this reality anyway.
So why not work toward bringing the most inspiration for ending suffering possible?
Is the brains ability to feel empathy and guilt really all that is holding us back from doing absolutely disgusting, immoral things?
I truly hope questions like this make it somewhere important someday. I hope this affects policy and culture. I hope it trends.
We need to have some deeply scientific aids.
Without drugging people.
We were given these bodies and this reality..
We crawled out from the primordial ooze for WHATEVER reason. Or no reason at all.
But one thing is for certain. It sucks to suck! 😅


TRUE MORALITY: "No one shall enrich themselves upon the misery of another."
We do not have a free will. For either we desire to be rich and

can do no good, or desire to be poor and can do no harm.


Happy birthday Justin Bamba wag ka sana mag besyo


There is nothing divine about morality; it is a purely human affair. Author … Albert Einstein. And from the book ... The Final Inequality, by L. J. Ludovici. "Morals at any given moment have always been as good, or as bad, as our imaginations credit them, for the morals (from the Latin, mores: customs) means simply customs, and they keep changing all the time in all the corners of the world."
