Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (1 of 28) What is the Normal Probability Dist.?

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We will learn what is a normal probability distribution using an example. Given: the random variable x, where x represents the number of baskets made from the free throw line out of 10 attempts (n=10). We are asking 100 high school students to participate.
Next video in this series can be seen at:
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (4 of 28) How to Calculate the Mean?
Ch 6: Introduction to the Normal Probability Distribution
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (24 of 28) What is Area Under the Curve?
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (5 of 28) Calculate the Standard Deviation
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (28 of 28) How to Calculate Standard Score, Z=?
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (20 of 28) Z Notation: What Does Z(0.05) Mean?
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (25 of 28) Area Under the Curve Example
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (9 of 28) The Normal Distribution Equation
MEDIAN - Concept & Calculation | Positional Average - 1 | Class 11 | Statistics | CA Parag Gupta
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (17 of 28) Find Area Between 2 x-Values: Ex. 1
Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (13 of 28) How to use Standard Score (Z) Part 1
Ch 6: Normal Probability Distribution Problems
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Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (18 of 28) Find Area Between 2 x-Values: Ex. 2
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Statistics: Ch 6 The Normal Probability Distribution (1 of 28) What is the Normal Probability Dist.?
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