Broken by design: How civic tech and the justice system can collaborate

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At Brigade Congress (Saturday, October 17), Jeannette Eicks set the tone for a day of important conversations, starting with the disproportionate effect of legal issues (criminal and civil) on low-income households. As an expert on technology and law, she is uniquely positioned to provide some ideas on what changes will be necessary with both technology and in the legal profession in order for justice for those who can't afford a lawyer.


Jeannette Eicks is a Research Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Legal Innovation at Vermont Law School where she teaches Evidence, eLawyering, Cybersecurity Law, Privacy Law, Big Data and eDiscovery, and VLS’s start-up law practicum. She engages law students in collaborative legal technology projects with industry partners and individual lawyers as entrepreneurs projects focused on creating triple bottom line companies. Projects such as Text-a-Lawyer, Pocket Lawyer and VaultEdge had their beginnings in her Building Apps for Social and Environmental Justice course. Professor Eicks authored the “Evidence Challenge,” a serious game published by LexisNexis as well as an assortment of articles on modernizing legal education. She has been a CEO, CIO and the chair of a Computer Science department and enjoys the splendid outdoor activities available in Vermont.
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