There's No One Here But YOU | This Changes Manifestation FOREVER! (don't miss this)

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This video will SHIFT your energy and paradigm. No one and nothing exists outside of you and everyone you interact with, you create a version of them to experience. They act as your mirror.
You can have anything you desire because YOU are the reality, not the outer circumstances. If you own this power, you've unlocked the secret.
Watch until the end for PROFOUND shifts.
Magic & miracles are your birthright.
Juliet x

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Welcome! I’m Juliet Cleary, a Manifesting + Mindset Coach, and this is my channel where I speak about Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Healing & creating a life you love.
-- Follow me if you're ready to CHANGE your energy & call in your BIG vision through fun, flow & ease.

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Much love,

Juliet x

CREDIT: "Like + Subscribe + Notification Bell" by MrNumber112
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“Reality exists within you and not outside of you; what appears outside of you is the projection of your 5 senses; own your power”. Extremely powerful video.


Gonna watch this every single morning and evening. This is one of the only videos on life I'll ever need I'm so serious.


WOWWW.... I heard those things like 1000 times before, but this time it hit me differently. I had tears in my eyes the entire video listening to you. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us, I can't enough express my gratitude for you! ❤🙏


It is interesting to think that i'm creating this video while i'm watching it, and then i add a story to it saying "this is a video that was created in the past and i'm watching it now".

If time and space really are illusions and everything exists simultaneously, then this phone is made of my consciousness and this video that i'm watching is also made of my consciousness.

If everything exists simultaneously, then this video has always, eternally, existed, and it would still exist even if juliet did not create it, but juliet might have become the vibration where she has created it in that frequency, in the conventional, relative, level of being.

Then, all possible knowledge, past present and future, already exists within us in the vibrational and informational form which we perceive into imagination and physical realm by being that mode of unfolding, somehow.

Then it is like you, as the one, have already experienced everything that could ever be experienced, like, for instance, you've already read every book that has ever been written and will ever be written, and watched every movie that has ever been created and will ever be created, in the vibrational and informational level of reality.

Then, of course, there must be an intrinsic intelligence, probably an infinite level of intelligence, that organizes information in time and space modalities that are both being created in the now, but also have been created already, which probably, in that sense, would require an infinite level of intrinsic, self existing, intelligence.


"once you really get this, you start to feel extremely powerful" - exactly how I felt listening to this whole video, this was really freeing, the more I learn about manifesting, the more this "reality" seems like its all just a dream.


I promise I will never doubt my desire again regardless what the 3D shows me. I thank you such juliet 💗 God bless you always!!!


I did not want to hit like because you were at 444 likes and I did not want to ruin the angel number, it has since changed so I did. A lot of the things I have learned about manifestation came from what you said. It just clicks with me. My problem is I get impatient and even though I affirm that I know I can shift instantly, many times after, there is no apparent progress. But I have had things happen though. Instant hip reshaping, reality shifting in front of me into a vision of a different reality. In all though I got evidence it works so I keep plugging away at it.


KNOW THAT YOU ARE, THE "I AM"? Thank you for your emphasis that you placed on us "knowing" that each of us, is the "I Am! Once we truly, truly believe that we are the "I Am, then we won't have to be "needy" to try to find the right "Process" to use! What "Process" does King Charles of England need to use to "know" that he is the King? The Answer is: None!!! He doesn't need a Process to Know who he is, because he knows he is the King of England! Knowing exactly who we are, is the Knowing exactly who we are makes all of the difference in the world!!!! Knowing exactly who we are, should minimize our "need" for using Processes.


17:47 "...because its just you giving it to you."

Thank you for putting what I've known in my heart in such succinct terms. ❤


“Circumstances are shadows. They hold no creative power!” Goosebumps! I need to search your catalogue to see if you have a video solely devoted to this idea!🥰🥰🥰


that's kinda mind-blowing, Juliet! So does it mean that I manifested YOU and therefore I can SEE You now?😯


I love your analogy of the force field. Every time I watch, I understand a little more. I’m beginning to understand just what “owning your power” really is. The I Am. Just being you and claiming what you love and want in your life is really the key. There is no one else. We’ve been so conditioned to gaze upon our circumstances that we’ve all but forgotten who we really are and how to move through our world. Thank you so much. 🥹💗💖🙏


After listening to your previous two videos, I came to the realization of what you talk about in this video. The reason “we” are all connected is because “we” are all God/Source because there is only one. Like the many sparkling facets of a single diamond.


I’ve listened to all the teachers explain the same concepts over the past 8 years. You really do come across with a fresh and different way of explaining everything you speak on. You’re fantastic! I’ll be listening daily and watching the same lessons on repeat. Thank you. Keep it up please. ❤


“Let me just expect the best for myself… Let me just know that I am deserving…” thank you Juliet ❤ And the detailed explanation of diff versions of Earth 🤯


This is one of the BEST videos you’ve ever made! Such clarity. Thank you!🙏


This is indeed super powerful Juliet. I've saved this video to watch again and again. I wonder if you realize that what you are saying and experiencing is actually what enlightenment is all about? To recognize our true self and realize that we are all one? You are the best manifestation coach by far. Loads of love and blessings to you. May you soar higher and higher. ❤


Paying attention only to our exterior world is like having the lens cap covering the projector


I’ve watched a number of your videos, and this one was the most powerful for me. In fact, it was one of the best talks on the subject I’ve ever heard. I’ll be listening again for sure.


Thank you Juliet! I'm sure that I am not the first person to tell you this but for some reason I could not hear this message until now. I am sure that I have heard several versions of the same message from numerous known spiritual teachers and guides. I was floored the other day when I came upon this message, which seemed to be random, but I know that nothing is random in the Universe. Many of your videos have been showing up recently and I have begun to watch them because your messages resonate with what I am needing to hear in these moments. Muchas gracias ❤😊
