All Israel will NOT be mysteriously saved! | ROMANS 11:26 EXPLAINED in context.

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There is only one olive tree. Gentiles are the wild branches that are grafted in. One tree. One root. Unbelieving Jews are cut off but through belief can be regrafted. We are all part of the one olive tree.


Excellent stand for truth brother! Amen, let Jesus the Christ of Nazareth be glorified!


I met a Christian who believed that if you are a Jewish (not believing in Jesus, living in the OT) you are automatically saved: its your free pass into heaven . He also believed that we should rebuild a 3rd temple, reinstitute animal sacrifices and a priest hood. At the time, I was unaware that he embraced Christian Zionism and Dispensationlism. In hind sight, such theology slaps Jesus in the face.


The option you propose as "plausible" at around 6:30 is indeed the correct option. Paul is saying that the elect Jews and elect Gentiles together make up all Israel that shall be saved. He is speaking of "the Israel of God".


Thank you, Ryan. I usually just put this aside and plan to get back to it later. But you brought it together. ‎I have always understood that all people, Jew or Gentile, must be saved by grace through faith in Christ. ‎But I never gave it enough thought as to how that would happen. I always thought it meant in the ‎future. In Scripture, context always determines meaning. Sometimes we forget that or just gloss over it. ‎I appreciate your insight and you have just fully cleared up what "And all Israel will be saved" truly ‎means.‎


Dispensationalists have to add so many qualifications to this text in order to make it work in their system. For example, the text says ALL Israel…but they say only Israel who are alive during this time period.


To understand what Paul is saying.

Who is Israel ?
Who is Esau ?
Who is Jacob ?

Esau, the firstborn, is a picture of the flesh.
Jacob the spirit.

God hates Esau the flesh he loves Jacob the spirit.

Jacob put on Esau's garments the flesh and obtained the birthright but was still Jacob.

In the wilderness, he fought with the angel, layed his head on the stone, which is Christ.
Had his name changed to Israel.
A completed work of God.

When we come to Christ, we are given a new name written in a white stone.
Again, a completed work of God.

So, in the end, all of Israel, those who are complete in Christ, will be saved.

But there is a time of Jacobs trouble as well.
Jacob still has his birthright he hasn't taken the mark of the beast in the wilderness tribulation he has his name changed to Israel and is saved out of tribulation.

Esau, those who sell their birthright, take the mark of the beast.
He found no repentance those he sought it carefully with tears.

Today is the day of Salvation. Crucify the flesh. Follow Jesus he is the only way to heaven.

Israel those complete in Christ. Romans 9

Jacob those who have their birthright but not complete in Christ

Esau those who sell their birthright to satisfy the flesh.


No. The verb is in the future tense and so Paul from his perspective is speaking of a past condition (Israel's hardening-perfect tense verb) which resulted in a present reality: 1)"broken off branches" from unbelief and 2) only a remnant being saved. Paul warns the Gentile believers who were grafted in not to be arrogant in thinking they had replaced Israel as the people of God. He explained that if they do not remain in unbelief (vs. 23) they will be grafted back in. The texts Paul quotes in context refer to future events from Paul's day.


Isaiah 45:25 In The Lord, shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall Sadly, the masses in the church world today have no understanding who the Israel of God is!


What you’re saying makes no sense. Please start with the real context which is Paul’s discourse on the wild and natural branches.


Wow! Very well said. Thank you for using Scripture to bring the proper context to this verse. May God continue to bless you. 📖🙏


And if you believe that all of the ethnic jewish people of the nation of Israel will be saved, then your believing in another gospel and some strange and weird things. I tend to agree!!


Interesting view, on v26&27.

My question is, when does the fullness of the Gentiles come in or happen?
I'd think that would be the time "All Israel" would be saved.


Well said and very clear. I would point out another scripture that reinforces what you are saying is to continue to read on to v. 30-31. “BUT NOW” is used 3x in that sentence. Not in the future. I believe that references back to what Paul said in 3:21-23 “But now, the righteousness of God has been manifested……….through Jesus Christ for all who believe.” Does that make sense ?


Bang on !! That makes perfect sense ! Blessings ❤


I am a Pentecostal preacher. I got thrown out of the movement in the 70s when I realized dispensationalism and the pre-trib rapture (a/k/a The Great Escape) were hooey. Now the statute of limitations is running out on this heresy and people are thinking and rejecting it. I never could understand how faithful saints suffering persecution for Jesus were willing to give up their inheritance to people who hated Him. Now it is finally turning. However, it may lead to WW3 in the mean time and Christians being persecuted for being responsible for it.


Thank you for putting this verse in context. The word 'all' seems to be a sort of hinge. If by all Paul is saying every Jew in history and every Jew in the future will be saved because of ethnicity, he is not preaching the gospel. So all can not mean every Jew. If we use Paul's definition of Israel that he gave in Roman's 9:6, then all Israel who put their faith in Christ will be saved.This is not a mystery that we can't understand. It is the same mystery that Paul talks about in Colossians 1:26. This mystery is Christ in us. All who believe that Christ died for them will be saved.


Ryan, thanks, what a fresh breeze! I am glad to see that someone else has been led in very much the same way as myself! I think you are right on the money, especially about the fact that this text is centred around the Christ event and that the coming in of the gentiles refers to the generic inclusion of gentiles into God's plan of salvation! I came to the same conclusion around 2012-2013 when Romans 9-11 was the focus of my studies. I also don't think that the salvation of Israel points to some future event. The future "will be saved" can thus be understood as a logical future. I do think, however, that there is more to the salvation of "all Israel", which I think, apart from implying that believers from Israel in the time of the Christ event are saved by trusting in the atoning work of Christ, "all Israel" also includes historical Israel (that lived before the Christ event) is also saved by the atoning work of Christ in death in resurrection. I don't normally do this, but if you allow me, I have linked my two-part presentation that I have uploaded yesterday. I think it takes your exposition just a little further:


take a look at"the salvation of israel zachariah 12:1-13:9 john mcarthur, hope this helps.


God is a literal genius! If all Jews are going to be saved than God would not say until the fullness of the gentiles. Thank you for the extra ordinary explanation. I had a problem with the second part, didn't understand it.
