Top 10 Scary Videos of Creepy Things Caught on Camera

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The scary videos on this terrifying top 10 list have caught creepy things on camera of weird moments that will scare you good! You’ll be screaming loud like these scared people who caught a ghost on camera while exploring an abandoned house haunted by real poltergeist activity, a full-bodied apparition sighting at a hotel haunted by ghosts, a tunnel exploration video gone wrong after a giant humanoid creature appears, a ghost sighting in a scary TikTok video of a family ghost haunting the living room of a house, haunted activity in a kitchen with moving chairs and objects falling to the ground on their own, a scary haunted museum full of cursed and possessed items, scary black spiders bringing big scares, and many other scary things caught on camera. Creepy stuff indeed!


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It’s always so sad when this is finished. You just need to make them longer! Keep up the excellent work Tye my friend. You never disappoint!👍😉❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Great videos once again, what really makes me laugh every time is when so called ghost investigations, when the people ask for a sign like show themselves or do something they crap themselves and run like little chickens, always gets me


Nukes and BillNose back to back... nice


great video, as always x
would you be willing to so a top ten on haunted abandoned prisons and or mental asylums that be great although finding new footage can be tricky x


This was a great collection of freaky stuff. Especially that spider encounter.


Just what I needed to make my day better! 😁


What happened to me, in August of 1991, will NEVER be forgotten. I had gone grocery shopping at the store called Aldi's, and I had purchased their brand of soda.
The following week, I had opened one of the cans of soda, and was pouring the soda into a glass with ice. I had seen something that came out of the soda can, and I literally lost what I just ate. What came out of the can of soda was a dead cockroach.
I dumped out every single can, and in another can, there was a dead fly. From that day, I haven't bought store brand soda. I refuse to buy it.
I did call Aldi's headquarters, and told them what happened, but they attempted to say that I had placed the dead insects inside the cans in order to get free money. I used profanity ( I'm not going to lie), and said that I didn't want their f**king money, but I was going to call the proper authorities -- which I had done, but they "offered" to pay for my next grocery shopping up to $25. I said fine, but they NEVER sent me anything.


Catching up on videos I missed, thanks for another great video


I have often written to ben to react to your channel. I hope he gets in touch with you. Very spooky footage, as always!💚🖖✌👍


🎉So true.
40 Years Ago ::
40 years ago, children were gentle with their parents. Today parents have to be gentle with their children.
40 years ago, everyone wanted to have children. Today many people are afraid of having children.
40 years ago, children respected their parents.
Now parents have to respect their children.
40 years ago, marriage was easy but divorce was difficult.
Nowadays it is difficult to get married but divorce is so easy.
40 years ago, we got to know all the neighbours.
Now we are strangers to our neighbors.
40 years ago, people had to eat a lot because they needed the energy to work hard.
Now we are afraid to eat fatty foods for fear of the cholesterol.
40 years ago, villagers were flocking to the city to find jobs.
Now the town people are fleeing from the stress to find peace.
40 years ago, everyone wanted to be fat to look happy ...
Nowadays everyone diets to look healthy.
40 years ago, rich people pretended to be poor.
Now the poor are pretending to be rich.
40 years ago, only one person worked to support the whole family.
Now all have to work to support one child.
40 years ago, people loved to study and read books ...
now people love to update Facebook etc and read their whatsapp messages.
I received this realistic message from one friend and on realizing that it's hard fact for today's life,
Forwarded to all my friends


*Education Valueless*

*Government Useless*
*Parliament Clueless*
*_Everything is becoming LESS but still our hope in God is - Endless._*
In fact I am *Speechless* Because friendship remains *Priceless!!*
*If u don't share this, the message is worthless!*🙏


My ten year old son brings my phone over to me (he was watching this video on it) and says "Dad, I think these videos are fake!"
I replied "Yes, son. Yes they more than likely are."


Jeez the granma one just made me sh*t myself 😳


The video of ghost grandma has a lot more to the story, which makes it way more believable


If you see something on Tik Tok it’s definitely going to be fake like let’s be real lol


The first 3 clips..some of the most convincing footage I think I've ever seen...and I'm a die-hard skeptic


NUMBER 1! The cabinet with the moving drawer is a 'double', meaning there is no divider between the 2 doors at the bottom. There is room for their accomplice to sit in the closed cabinet and move the drawer. Same goes for the piano. Did he really call them "ghost hunters?"


9:11 He caught the Batmobile!!! (left)


gwam gwam... is u on the couch?
*shitty rainbow splotch appears*


I say all real except the ripple effect one. Not sure I buy that the ripple effect is genuine. Its a nice sentiment though. As for the spider: yuck! and absolutely terrifying! The sewer noises could be echoes of I don't know, as for the face could be real but most likely staged. The tesla could be a glitch in the technology. The glass cup moving could just be water and stuff moving the glass.


The cup going across the table is due to moisture underneath I worked as a bartender for years it happens all the time. The tall figure dark head above the door doesn't look real isn't moving at all seems to be a mask to me. The guys in the haunted house seems real but could easily be faked drawer could have inside electrical slider on it and the piano could be rigged as well screaming can also be rigged there has to be footage of drawer being pulled out and looked at, piano as well.
And the guys in the tunnel well that could be a friend due to the fact that it wouldn't just look if it was a rake it would attack
The flash lights yes most paranormal groups use it to make contact very few get movement but it doesn't mean it's not real. Chairs and food items and paper items in house seems to be likely poltergeist activity but more camera angels would be better. Historical museum it's iffy but could be plausible.
