Loathing (animatic)

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Love reading your comments! Some of the theories have gotten pretty close but literally all of them are great reads!


I have no idea what the story is, but it’s cute, so I don’t care.


NGL, I absolutely love how the Clone salutes the Mando's as they leave the ship. He's clearly accepted what's happening and it feels like something a Mandalorian would respect. After all, it's a warriors death, faced with courage, which feels like part of the reason the yellow Mando picks him up. Also, it's a beautiful reversal of roles, because let's be honest pretty much every other media would have the clone saving her like that.


I’ve always wondered could clones be considered both Kaminoan and Mandalorian?


I’d watch a show with a clone who falls for a mandalorian women


Okay but like, A mando-clone relationship would be like my dream


ok so this is my theory on the plot this takes place in an alternate timeline where a third party (seems to be a sith empire resurrection from the old republic) has taken over and won the clone wars. Meaning the clones are there own faction now most likely another rebellion and they work with mandalorians now so the new third party doesnt take over mandalore. If thats the case then this is really interesting and I want to see more.


This strangely feels like something that could be adapted into an actual story


Huge props on the aurebesh. Everything was spelled correctly and it used the correct font; none of that reversed backwards shit with cases


This channel appeases my love for both star wars and musicals


A clone commando working with mandalorian mercenaries, the leaders of both groups despising each other, and over time and some (mis-)adventures they grow to first accept, then appreciate each other, getting to trust, then rely on the other, falling slowly in love with each other.
That's what this looks like to me, and that's the premise of a show I never knew I needed.

I'm sure this would make an amazing show, and I'd definitelly watch it.


I like how at 0:11 there’s just that clone at the bottom looking so done with the mandalorians


I don't know who either of these characters are but now I want a full series just about those 2


How in the hell has no one done anything like these before these are amazing


These two fell in love just by looking at each others armor. Ladies and gentlemen, this means everyone should walk around in some armor drip


I have always loved the clone wars period the best when it comes to the Star Wars universe.
The grit and real stakes that the war shows are amazing.
This on the other hand took something I already love in shows, unpredictable romance + cute lovable moments and added it into the mix.
I fell in love with this so bad.
Thank you so much for making this~<3


Arc-Trooper: vibin
Chad Mando Lady: We’re now friends *s m i l e*


double rangefinders could work if one was significantly longer than the other. Then again, you could just use one rangefinder with two settings, or a slider. I guess try as I might, I cannot find a use for two separate rangefinders (she says, with a spiky metal crescent with next to no functionality reaching around the back to attach to both sides of the helmet)


So my headcanon (Sorry it's long.) is that these two are two clones from the 9th Sky Corps the one with Jaig eyes is a Captain from the 213th attack battalion, He's probably done some really dope stuff like Rex, Fordo, and Blackout to get them, you guys can imagine. The other is a regular paratrooper. Maybe a Captain himself or perhaps a Sergeant. Someone the Captain trusts. I want to say that the two removed their inhibitor chips at some point during the war. Maybe they fought alongside Fives or they knew Kix and he told them before he ended up frozen. I believe they are trying to find safe passage and haven having recently deserted the now Clone Imperial Army. I think they get into all kinds of bullshit but end up making contact with a group that’s willing to take them in, but they have to help them out by taking care of a few imperials giving them trouble, or maybe they have something they need or need to spring someone from jail. Also, they are Mandalorians and the only contact these two have had with Mandalorians is Deathwatch so they really expecting this to go left as soon as they see who they are working with. I think the Sky Corp Clone nudges the Captain to say something like. “So, what did you say these guys looked like again?” Or say something real smart ass. Either way, he doesn’t like them at all but what can you do? He ends up getting attached to them at the end of things though. Even if they did all dogpile on him a bit while the Captain talked to their leader. In any case, they do what needs to be done but as they are escaping the leader of the Mandalorians is captured and the Captain saves her. She says something real suggestive perhaps it’s why he looks at her for so long? Just thinking this woman is crazy. Well as everyone is strapping in and getting comfortable they are attacked by an Imperial fighter, they go off-world and to the nearby moon trying to lose it. But the bastard is good and eventually shoots them down. Perhaps he’s really cocky and considers them dead in the water so he just flies off, just for the Mandalorians and the Skycorps Paratrooper to fly out. Seeing as they all have jet packs, unfortunately for the Captain from the 213th, he doesn’t have one and is saluting them because he expects to go down with the ship. It’s ‘what a Captain does’ well little does he know the Leader of the Mandalorians who was flying the thing doesn’t forget her debts no matter how small so she grabs him bridal style and flies off. The clone is all types of flustered and pissed cuz she robbed him of his ‘glorious end’ but she just giggled and teases him just to finally drop him onto the ground when she’s close enough. Everyone seems okay, aside from the Captain’s pride. Trying to forget about it completely he offers to take the first watch. Which is pretty boring till she comes around he thinks it’s just to berate him but she actually says something sweet just to slap him on the side of the helmet when she’s got him really close to her. Probably mutters something like I won’t let you die if you don’t let me die. Or maybe He might say thanks for saving me finally and she’s like, don’t mention it I owed you one.


If this happened to Rex I would not complain. The banter of him being annoyed would be hilarious
