Hogwarts Legacy - All 4 House Common Rooms RANKED From Worst To Best!

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Today we are Ranking all 4 of the Hogwarts Legacy House Common Rooms from Worst to Best!

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Guys we are well aware that Ravenclaw has an Eagle and not a Raven.
We realized the mistake after the first 20 comments about it lol


Another thing he didn’t mention is the RavenClaw common room has roof access so you can fly right to your house


Since our character (probably) comes from London, I think the vibe comparisons are best described like this:
Gryffindor: Aristocratic London
Slytherin: Gothic Victorian London
Ravenclaw: Fantasy London
Hufflepuff: Wales


Ravenclaw common room is absolutely stunning, couldn’t imagine it not being at the top


I also agree ravenclaw is the best, but my problem with it is that one of its lore features is that it has the best views to several areas of hogwarts, but here all the windows are opaque and you can't see through any of them :( it's infuriating.


I'd say Slytherin is deffiently #1 for me. The high ceilings and victorian style architecture really completes the look. (I also love it because it's by far the biggest commen room) My second would be Ravenclaw for obvious reasons, third Gryffindor, and least favorite would be Hufflepuff. It's deffiently cozy and does feel like I'm in the shire (I'm a huge LOTR fan), but it's quite small and not what I'm looking for in a commen room. It makes me feel almost claustraphoic with the constant crouching beneath doorways. I also don't like how plain the dormitories are. :)


The fact that Hufflepuff was ranked #3 should be a crime! The coziness, whimsical architecture, and all the PLANTS in Hufflepuff is unparalleled.


As a Ravenclaw I honestly agree with that being the best Common room but I'm shocked you put Hufflepuff as #3! Personally I had it as 1. Ravenclaw 2. Hufflepuff 3. Slytherin and 4. Gryffindor. I had the same complaints about Gryffindor it's just to bland for a fantasy game and the most "popular" house. But I loved the earthy feel of the Hufflepuff common room felt like it fit perfectly and I just barely had them over Slytherins gothic basement common room which still fits perfect I just liked Hufflepuff's better 🤷


I would've switched Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I love Hufflepuff's hanging plants and sunlight with the rounded doorways and things. I love the aquarium situation that Slytherin has as well as the cascading water and all the other beautiful details in that common room, but it's too dark for me to do full time.


I'd definitely switch Slytherin and Hufflepuff. I've got enough doom and gloom in life, don't need a common room to have even more of those bad vibes. Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't any higher su1cide rates for Slytherin students. That common room is depressing af.


Hufflepuff: luxuriously cozy, verdant, soft eye pleasing gold and green. Oozes of well-being and relaxation, and good health. The intricate wood work is on par with Ravenclaw’s stone work, but feels like a garden rather than a church.

Gryffindor: warm reds and gold, cozy with a hint of regal, but everything has a slapped together lived-in look designed to put you at ease. The familiarity does take some shine off the apple, but objectively it’s stunning.

Ravenclaw: dazzling beauty, yet sterile, regal, and aloof like a cathedral or a Vatican library. Lots of sharp edges and cold stone work. Pale blue and white like the distant stars or a snowy mountaintop.

Slytherin: posh but crypt like, dank, looks like it smells like a fish tank or embalming fluid. Nice view of the fish. The students are the biggest attraction here, not what one might expect from the movies.


Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are my top 2 for sure.
Slytherin is an easy last place; the visuals of it are very interesting and unique, but I agree with some commenting that it’s the opposite of cozy. I’d feel trapped as if I was living in a submarine, and it looks like it smells of mildew. I’d get depressed with the lack of sunlight.
Hufflepuff is really cool for the hobbit-like themes in the wood, plants, and circular doors, but it loses points to me cause despite the coziness those things offer, it has very sparse and uncomfortable-looking furniture. And there’s no real obvious comfortable looking spot that I’d look forward to being in after class. A little too open for me.
Ravenclaw is the coolest to me because of its colors, astronomy themes, refined look, and lighting. It actually seems like an environment that would make me want to learn. But still, not a place I’d necessarily want to call home. It’s too clean, a little too refined, and not warm enough.
Gryffindor takes it for me. It’s the definition of cozy in my mind, and it’s somewhere I’d definitely look forward to being after classes and in spare time. It’s warm and inviting, rather than having that very open and cold, stoney look that each of the other 3 have somewhat (especially Slytherin). It looks like it smells of books, wood, carpet and fire in the hearth. The lighting is great, it’s high up with a view (in theory), and I love the colors.


I personally would rank it as such:

#1 Ravenclaw
#2 Hufflepuff
#3 Slytherin
#4 Gryffindor

Ravenclaw topped my list for all the reasons already mentioned, & plus i like the skies, stars & blue. the luxurious feeling actually is a minus in my book as i like things that look less grand instead, but it still ranked 1st. Hufflepuff came a VERY close 2nd. cozier than i'd imagine & for all the reasons mentioned as well, only getting knocked to second because of its low ceilings in most places (which has a penchant for making a place look smaller than it should). would have ended up in a tie with Ravenclaw otherwise. Slytherin ranked 3rd just because the first 2 feel better in my book. i love the Victorian London-styled architecture & the water around & the coldness in it. would see myself spending a lotta time in the place, even though it does tend to give me the creeps in certain places.

& then, there's Gryffindor, ranking below the others. fancy & cozy as it seems as a dormitory for students, it's just stone castle walls lined with a lotta red &... stuff. the whole place looks so bland & drab in comparison to the others, so lacking in character, that it almost appears boring. i personally don't have a very particular affinity for any of the houses & have actually been sorted in all 4 in tests throughout the years, i may just avoid getting sorted into Gryffindor altogether, just to avoid having to stay in a dorm like that in a fantasy game.


I'm a ravenclaw, but I ended up switching to a slytherin character and couldn't be happier. I find the slytherin common room surprisingly cozy with the underwater vibe. It's hard to explain, as I know warm light is usually associated with a place being cozy. Idk hufflepuff is too yellow, and ravenclaw is too bright and pristine.


Hufflepuff looks so amazing! So much natural light & nature. I’m obsessed with plants and the art nouveau style of all the windows and glass work is amazing. Ravenclaw is a close second.


I'm a Ravenclaw and the only ranking I agree with is Gryffindor in fourth. Here is my ranking:

1. Overall, I think Slytherin in the most unique common room in terms of vibe and architecture. Almost every aspect of Slytherin's common room feels special and full of fantasy - the entrance, the waterways, the underwater setting, the high ceilings and openness which make it feel like the biggest common room. While the other common rooms feel warm and/or bright, Slytherin feels cold and dark. I haven't advanced much into the game, but I hope there is a quest that will take me inside.

2. Hufflepuff's architecture is probably the most unique overall, so I'm putting it in second. I think the earth theme has been wonderfully executed, and, like OP has said, it's so cozy, just like it's residents. The hanging gardens are a particularly beautiful design feature.

3. Ravenclaw for me comes in third. I agree with OP that the sleeping chambers are the most unique, and as many have mentioned, Ravenclaw's rooftop is an additional feature that distinguishes it from all the rest. However, the rooftop doesn't feel really feel like part of the common room since you have to climb up to it and pass through a door to get there. Moreover, while the common room is beautiful, its vibe and architecture are very similar to the astronomy tower. The entrance way is also pretty dull, having had its unique feature removed: riddles. I would have liked to have seen riddles implemented at the doorway and players allowed to skip them using the Floo Network after the first time entering. In terms of vibe, I would have loved to see the common room full of night owls studying or practicing spells into the wee hours since we Ravenclaw march to the beats of our drums. Using the air element within the common room instead of astronomy theme, such as with balconies or elevating objects, maybe with wind to prevent students from entering the restricted dormitory, would have made the experience feel more uniquely thematic for me.

4. Gryffindor comes in fourth as the least unique common room. As someone stated in the comments, it's really that it feels like it could be any other area in the castle. Fire is underused like Air was in Ravenclaw, and there are no unique features like the underwater setting, the hanging garden, or the rooftop.


Even as a Ravenclaw diehard, the Slytherin room is top tier with Ravenclaw right after


I really love Hufflepuff's common room for the warm lighting and nature-y feel. The curved wood and texture details are also lovely. I immediately thought of the Hobbit Houses as well so you are not alone there. However, I do really like Ravenclaw as well. I am Hufflepuff though so I may be bias lol


Ravenclaw here. Very appreciative of your assessment of my house’s dorm. 😊


My ranking would be exactly the other way around.
1) Gryffindor because it's the coziest.
2) Hufflepuff because I enjoy the plants and the beer keg aesthetic.
3) Slytherin because it feels mysterious yet still cozy with the underwater aesthetic.
4) Ravenclaw because, although I like the astronomy-themed ceiling and wallpapers as well as the witch statue and multitude of instruments, it feels much too sterile and a bit empty. Also, Ravenclaw's bathtubs look nasty! What are you guys doing in there?
