3 Minute Sylas Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Sylas Mid!

Since his release Sylas has had a serious impact on the game! His insane mobility along with his ability to remove squishys from the map and outplay with stolen ultimates always makes him viable!

0:00 Why Play Sylas?
0:14 Sylas' Abilities
1:04 Combos
1:13 Match Ups
1:19 Masteries
1:22 Build Order
1:29 Skill Order
1:34 Summoners
1:36 Lane Phase
2:21 Mid/Late Game

In this video we learn HOW TO PLAY SYLAS - FULL INDEPTH GUIDE - RANK 1 CHALLENGER MID we find out HOW TO MASTER SYLAS IN JUST 15 MINUTES (#1 SYLAS GUIDE) - League of Legends and we go over 5 Quick Tips & Tricks to Climb Ranked: Sylas we of course go over HOW TO PLAY SYLAS IN SEASON 13! | Season 13 Sylas Guide | Sylas Mid | S13 Sylas Gameplay and learn HOW TO PLAY SYLAS AND CARRY EVERY GAME - League of Legends
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I just tried him as support because a teammate needed the quest done. Had no clue what I was doing as I've never played him before. Forgot boots all game. Went on a killing spree. He's fun haha.


Just one note, the combo is easier to land if you: E > W > E rather than E > E > W. E to dash, W (point and click) then the E skillshot should be easier to land :)


Always a fan of Sylas stealing a Malphite ult!


legit searched for this video few hours before this released


I see a lot of players go Ionia boots instead, what do you think?


i also find it enjoyable to max out Q for bid pipi damage


68% (and increasing) win rate on sylas here, (tho I only had like 20 games), mostly mid, some bot/support

I like to start with doran's ring and take no potions. Then I build the hextech belt, then lich bane, then rabadon, etc. I like to take a warmog armor late game but never got the chance, they end too quick XD. The 350 hp from the belt coupled with the warmog will give u out-of-battle hp regen (usually 160~230hp/s) so it's like instant full hp. If u were a champ like Mordekaiser who don't use mana, u'd be an unkillable demon.

If u start with W, u r crippling urself. Q is ESSENTIAL for early pokes. Unlike some champ's q which cannot go thru minions, Sylas can. And if ur opponent's stupid, they will also take the 2nd shot and u get to spin out the minions.

Take W second, bc u can engage in short trades with Q-AA-W-AA. The damage burst is usually so big at lvl 2 that ur opponent would be stupid to trade further.

Take E third. Now if u poked well, u can get a surprise kill. Sylas is an ass-ass-in and his combos r deadly.

Then, lvl up Q and W together, drag E 1 lvl behind and lvl up R whenever u can.

Hextech belt gives u a dash ability that u can use after E1 to further gap-close. There were many fights that if I used the belt, I would have won/gotten a kill.

Runes: I just use the default Electrocute + Conquerer runes. I've never had mana problems with Sylas ( I recall after almost every battle I survive)


I bullied an ashe and yummi today as sylas


at what time would you use the zayne clock ⏳ item thingy, like how should you use it


idc who the irs sends, i am not paying taxes



little late but bruh 2:40 best command you can get from your teammate xd


omw to first time sylas and for sure without a doubt go 20/0


Rod of Ages is a good mythic for Sylas too


i only know that good sylas players annoy the shit outta me :D


it must have been really hard thinking of cons for sylas :D


i think roa is better then everfrost tbh. anyone else agree?


japierdole imagine grać tym ściekiem, ale dobry tutorial dla tych zwierząt, powinni być przykłuci łańcuchamim całe życie :)
