I Was SHOCKED When I Realized Who My Bar Opponent Was...

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I played a blitz chess tournament in Paris, in a bar called Blitz society, and faced someone that I really was not expecting. Hope you enjoy the video and let me know what you think about the voice over!

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#annacramling #chess #master
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The opponent is Wojtek Sochacki, he's an IM rated over 2300, over 2400 at his peak. Certainly a high class player


This is BY FAR the best gameplay/video you posted. I like the commentary. Hearing how you strategize and why you make the moves you make help a beginner like me. Keep it up!


The narration made this SO much more exciting -- and I'm not even a chess player. But I also appreciate the education that comes from understanding the thought process. REALLY cool. Best chess video I've watched so far.


The Serendipity of being recommended this video and instantly recognize a school mate from my grade from Lycee Massillon in Paris, Wojtek !!! I attended a couple of the chess club lessons he ran at our school when we both were in middle school ! I lost touch with him but I'm glad to see him do so well in chess! Bonne continuation Wojtek :)


I taught my son chess when he was 8-9. At 10 he started beating me regularly. Soon thereafter I stopped playing with him since I was taking him to adult chess clubs.

My son is now 40 and has kids 7, 9, 11. He and I started teaching the 11 year old when she was 10, she recently beat both him and me for the first time!

I will show her your videos - I wish I had them 60 years ago when I was trying to improve my chess! Love the overlay and you explanation of options, rationale for moves, and your bravery to play a 2300 Int Grand Master!


Loved hearing your clear commentary and thought process throughout this game so much! What an exciting match. Please keep these OTB games coming! Many blessings to you! xo


I love that you included your step by step thought process. I wish more chess streamers would do this.


I love the commentary! I do not play chess, I know the basic moves, but for the first time, I'm hearing the thoughts of someone who is playing the game. Thank you. I like your other videos too, 1 on 1 interactions and people being happy and laughing in a competitive/casual environment is always heartwarming. This one is more intense, but educational


The voiceover was great. The thing I appreciated most was the visual overlays that illustrated not only the moves you made, but also the choices that were available and the thought process you went through as you decided which move was best.


So much better in this format with a voice over! Clear and efficient!


With this kind of audio and voiceover this looks like a psychological thriller.


I have no idea how I ended up here, but that was such a fun and exciting video! I loved hearing you explain what was going through your head and your reasoning behind your moves. I'm going to have to dig up my old chess set now!


One of your best videos. Cool setting. Unknown and strong opponent. Suspenseful musical score. Great commentary and visuals on your thought process and chess theory. Good job on not over-talking which would have diminished the game's tension.


This is a great way of making your videos. I enjoy this way more than the ones where you just play and talk to the other player hehe. This way you get to explain a lot about moves and strategy and I get to learn a huge deal. I paused the video every single move and try to make my move and see if I could predict what you both were going to play. I really liked this video. Thank you


I can't stop watching these and I don't understand a single move. I just like to see their expression when other player makes smart move that surprises them.


I really liked this format of you narrating what your thought process was during the game. Good game, Anna! 👍


I commented how proud I am of your game and congrats to your Mom and yourself for playing that tournament a few weeks back. You are helping to bring back the Chess resurrection Anna, wishing you and your's Happy Holidays!


I got REALLY into the thought process as you narrated your moves. Please do videos like this more often with play by play evaluation


I don't normally watch chess games, but your commentary and hearing your thought process made it very clear and interesting.


Wojtek is actually from my hometown Szczecin in Poland :) He holds dual citizenship from PL and FR :) how cool you got to meet him and play together! <3
