The MOST Controversial Bans in Magic the Gathering History

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I owned every banned card. In multiples. I think the bannings are good for casual commander. For the longest time, I was in favor of banning crpt, lotus and dockside. Nadu is toxic, but not really a problem in casual imo, because noone wants to play against you anyways. The other cards are "too good not to play", Nadu is "just" a degenerate commander. Anyways, I'm glad they banned him too, just for being a design mistake.
I knew those cards could be banned at any time and bought them anyways. I bought them even though they are (imo) unhealthy for the format. I still stand by that. Honestly, it may be a financial loss for me, but if losing that money was a big deal for me, I shouldn't have bought cards that expensive anyways.


JL was a card made for commander. Not every deck needed/wanted it. Why in heaven's name would you ban the chase card of 2 sets and let it run for so long. Jeweled Lotus has seriously no home anywhere else. You hit the nail on the head. Never will again will I try for chase cards.


"should i get rid of my whole collection?" yes you should. even if they don't get banned, they will get reprinted and never hold long term value.


Yeah, the answer is to not buy or own these expensive cards. $100 secondary market cards exist to justify selling $120-$150 boxes. Chase cards and mythic pull rates represent an unethical business model.

I feel bad for the small businesses and people who got got by this. I ultimately think these bans make for a better new player and casual experience while highlighting the need for a separate cEDH banlist.


I feel like it's a bit weird to talk about consumer confidence in regards to commander given that the rules commite is not officially associated with wizards. I would say it's a good thing if the rules commite does not take consumer confidence into account, their priority should be the health of the format not the health of shareholder value.


Top online comment I don't understand "I never see these in casual anyways". I see at minimum mana crypt all the time at multiple LGS casual settings. At least pub is acknowledging cedh taking the massive hit.


I feel like this makes me wanna sell my whole collection of 20 years


I really think this hurts the places more than anything. These are all to playing and selling cards. I feel like the committee wants us to hate on wizards of the coast for promoting and selling these now worthless cards.


What does “banned” even mean in commander? Have the rule zero conversation and play what you wanna play. The rules committee is a joke


I agree with those who say there should be a separate cEDH ban list and regular unbanning reviews and "banned as commander but not banned in the 99"


When the people who are against the bans are primarily making mtg finance bro arguments, you know the RC made the right decision.


Magic cards aren't a sound investment. They are game pieces. WotC's first priority should be game play, not the secondary market.


Jeweled Lotus and Mana Crypt being banned while Sol Ring stays legal is such a blatant FU to the consumer from WOTC. As soon as they got the last of it out of the warehouse with those festival boxes… BAM! Hey Hasbro got paid and now we have to buy new cards to replace the banned ones. The fact they hyped these cards SO much clearly knowing that they were going to be banned soon is disgusting. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t think it’s an accident


No piece of colored cardboard should be worth more than a dollar, change my mind.


Consumer confidence was broken indeed!!😢😢😢


Consumer confidence is huge for sure. Gameplay issues aside, this is gonna hurt a lot of people's motivation to buy Magic product. Even if you aren't shelling out tons of money for singles, many folks were drawn to the LCI or Commander Masters sets partly out of the allure of potentially getting one of these big ticket cards. I didn't own any of these banned cards, but my motivation for buying new Magic product is shot, knowing how a big chase card can be banned in the main format I play with no warning.


I dont even own these cards, and I feel bad for those who own them


I see this situation as a dangerous precedent - I totally agree with your take, which next Commander "staple" will be deemed as "unworthy" and "unhealthy" for the format and without any warning receive a ban from Rules Committee, which officially is not part of WotC, yet seems to secretly discuss with them which cards are in their sights for a potential ban (and despite that WotC reprints those cards as "poster boys" of two recent big Magic expansions and proudly uses them to sell them)? RC was pretty stagnant in the recent years, it was not addressing issues that were talked about by the players and out of the blue wakes up from their slumber and decides to drop a tactical nuke on the community. IMHO tens of millions of dollars of card and sealed product value were wiped out by this decision and I don't recall that such situation ever took place in Magic history (correct me if I'm wrong). Some people shrug it off and laugh about it, but don't seem to realize how impactful this decision was. Also, the drama that is now being experienced by store owners who still have a lot of Commander Masters and Ixalan products in stock also seems to be overlooked - this product is simply dead to the customers and store owners were hit harder that people might expect.


Man i didn't even think about the whole festival in a box thing. That's wild


Yeah, this ban was a message to WoC: you guys made cards with absurd abilities, then premuim products that are pricy because of those cards and now you are killing formats for the sake of commander
