The Illusion of Reality (and How Time & Space Were Created)

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What is the illusion of reality in which we exist? Kabbalists refer to the revelation of the spiritual world as waking up from a dream. They liken all that we are familiar with, in this world, that we perceive through our five senses, to a dream.

By understanding how this “dream” was created, we can better understand reality. At first, the reality was a single created being. This single desire was bonded through complete equivalence with the force that created it. There was no space and time, as the source and created being was in complete equivalence and bonding without any separation, and without any separation, there is no space or time.

The created being is in perfect adhesion in the loving womb of the Creator. This is our true, actual reality. But we are not aware of that state.

In order to create consciousness, the Creator had to separate the created being from Himself.

As the created being moves away from its source, not physically but through the difference in qualities, it gradually shatters into different pieces and feels separated and shattered, moving away. This is happening as the created being becomes broken, a diverse collection of many compared to the singular Creator.

Coarseness, the intention for caring for the self, develops for all the separated pieces and they become isolated from each other in egoistic packages. Opposite to the absolute bestowing Creator, appear creatures with selfish intentions. This separation creates the construct of time and space, as the egotistic created being feels separated from the fulfillment.

The separated created beings awaken to consciousness and sense that they need something, feeling incomplete, far away from each other, and from their fulfillment that provides the sense of time and space. This is the basis of the reality in which we feel ourselves today. This is only our present perception, as our true state is the original, complete, perfect, and bonded state with our Creator.

Through Kabbalah, we can gradually awaken ourselves to that true state, but now we consciously feel and attain it against the contrast of the present “dream.” Through this we can understand the good and benevolent intention behind the shattering, as only by this can we achieve a realistic, tangible, true attainment, and perception of the absolute perfection of our actual state, being bonded with the Creator.

Kabbalah helps us to come to this realistic sensation and understanding of the purpose of creation and the process of correction, finally justifying the Creator instead of cursing Him for the suffering we feel in this dream.

This course is a journey into understanding life and how all its pieces come together. It aims to give you genuine, scientific answers to all the questions you've ever had about life, and most importantly, what you can do about it. Also, it aims to give you tools to upgrade the way you think about and perceive reality, essential knowledge about your nature and how to restore its purpose, and help you attain self-realization.

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Thanks, Joseph, for the very interesting and entertaining broadcast! Really worth watching! ❤😎👏👍🙏


It’s great how I sometimes ask questions in my mind and then get the answer through Kabbalah


Wow this was awesome ! Answered a lot of questions before my studying Kabbalah thank you much for a great teaching!


Thank you for sharing this! This is wonderful !


We have gone through the original awareness of our own existence in "I am" - to the egoic "I can" - to the fulfillment of the ego in "I will". Now our will must align with the creator to return home. We are and we can and we will go home when our frequency aligns with the will of the creator. But we will not 'turn out head' for home, until we have fulfilled our potential here.


The dream of existence is like a disco ball. Each one of us is one tiny mirror looking outwardly, reflecting what we see and think is 'out there' ... No mirror reflects exactly the same thing. It cannot. This is perception.... Until it's time to go home. Then, we turn. 180deg. There is a definite turning of the psyche, of that mirror, and we then look back into the center of that ball of consciousness and perceive from where and whence we came. And then we are able to see understand and comprehend the journey from this perception, from here. In wisdom of hindsight we then go forward which is 🔙 as a spiritual adult.
The rest of the story is literally mind blowing! 🌹


@9:09 This Is REALLY How It Happens... I Experienced It... The Best Synonym Is "Going Crazy" 
And The Origin Of The Word Craze/Crazy Means To Be Shattered...


This seems like an amazing, extraordinary concept - until you psychologically and emotionally experience it. Then you know for sure that life is not what it seems.🌹


It is awful to see that man's coaitings have grown too thick that we are now so individualized to the extent that each one is of his own. This ancient wisdom is the path to peel-off each layer to the measure whence we experience true LIGHT.
Thank you for the edification degree by degree. Shalom.


Each facet of the shattering came eventually to an isolating, one thought of existing and that thought was "I Am". And is still awakening on all levels of consciousness.


This teaching was really good. Thank you.


We are all thoughts in the mind of God. On individual journeys - of the mind! Still under pressure. Going 'home'.


It was pressure that made the one mind shatter. And that pressure still remains today, to push us into a deep and meaningful awakening of the psyche, to see our beginning from this level of consciousness we are in right now.


When this happens to the psyche, you will laugh and sing and laugh some more at the entire scenario as it's so incredibly amusing. There is great joy in this experience and it only happens once in your entire existence. It cannot happen again (only in memory) as you have now opened the door of everything, into the next level of human/god consciousness. And you go through, you head for home! 🌹


When the spark of his divinity emerged in the eternity,
love came into life and set the whole universe on fire.
Then he desired to see and to admire the image of his own face,
so he blended water and soil and created Adam out of this desire!
- Hafiz (1315 - 1390 A.D.)


Enjoying this video 😊 Can parents still curse their children? If so does it manifest or effect that child’s destiny? Will God allow that?


Just like the shattering of a mirror, one very large piece or individual consciousness is created and a few very large pieces, then many smaller pieces, then a mass if tiny pieces, then dust. Every piece separated and of a distinct and different size, so we are not at created equal. Each being a thought inside the mind of God, shattered under pressure. To wake up to their own existence and progress to perfection.


It is not Just the "I AM" it is the "I AM (that) I AM"
The "that I AM" is our becoming aware of the manifestation of the "I AM" in our existance...N2K
Think about this statement friends.


Thank you sir. Quite developed Jesod you posses.
Yet it puzzles me how dit proces of conscious adhesion would benefit the creator (and us as a part of it) ?
It is a dream anyway. If we exist in mind of the creator, are we a simulation program for testing the most suitable vessel for expressing divinity in form ?


No time, no space, no movment, no borders, no new experience. Sounds like state of prison.
