Theory & Deviance: Crash Course Sociology #19

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Last week we introduced deviance as a concept, but today we’re going return to our major paradigms in sociology and how each approaches deviance. We’ll explore how structural functionalism sees deviance fulfilling a function in society; how deviance is constructed, according to symbolic interactionism; and finally, how conflict theory views deviance as tied to power and inequality.


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Someone tell me why I can learn more from a 9minute crash course video then a two-hour college lecture hahaha. This series has been so much help! Thanks Crash Course!


This course is great! I never found sociology interesting before. I guess I've never heard it presented this well. One request though to the editor: please don't cut so closely between her sentences. It makes her sound like she's racing the clock or something. Her sentences are very rich with info and concepts and it would help to have a few more milliseconds to digest before the next one starts.


I have always gone against social norms and I'm not really sure why. I never went to college, I have a self employed job cleaning houses, female living by myself, I don't ever want kids. idk why I am like this I just never cared about what others want for me but doing what makes me happy


Given that Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat was not a spontaneous act of defiance, but something planned and carried out in the context of her work within the civil rights community, it may not be the best example of deviance: she may have deviated from the laws of the Jim Crow South, but she was upholding the ideals of her community/subculture, her fellow civil rights' activists. So she was deviant in a sort of the same way Neil Armstrong was deviant.


Take a shot every time you hear "Deviance, " you'll become deviant by the end


1 Dk
Deviance 4 function
Define culture norm, boundary of behavior, bring society together, encourage social change ( rossa park)

Merton strain theory
Means to achieve culturally defined goals
Deviance 1 invotion goal same means different
2 ritualism
3 retreatism drop both.
4 rebellion both New

Symbolic theory
Labeling theory
Moral failure
Retrospective and prospective labeling

2 differential association
3 control theory

Conflict theory
Norm reflect interest of powerful those of rebel labelled deviant.
Norms have inherent have political dominations. Laws just or not.


I always watch your videos before my exam, and they are extremely helpfull. I am glad I'm a sociology student.


I'm finally caught up! i can finally watch these as they come out. also it's good to see the like/dislike ratio has gotten less crazy, i love this subject. as a writer, especially, learning how society functions is extremely helpful to gain insight and construct believable worlds.


Cc Sociology has become one of my favorite cc series tbh 🙌🏼


There is an interesting theory, called 'a theory of delinquent cultures' (Sellin, Miller, Sutherland). It says that deviance is mainly caused by being influenced by a group that has deviant norms.

Also it would be nice to notice Durkheim's explanation of deviance as a result of anomie.


What about conformity within deviant subcultures? Like the South Park episode with the Goth kids all conforming to each other to keep from being called "conformists."


My exams are in a week, i am loving these CC series


These videos have changed me a lot meaning how i look at things much different in society i am more informed mainly when it comes to Theory and Devianvce they have caused me to have a better underatanding of the work of Sociologist and Scientist .Thank you


Great episode for explaining a lot of what is going on. Very dense though.


Great video! Thanks. (I recommend you watch in 0.75 though)


I think deviance is the societal equivalent of biological mutations. They allow societies to change and respond to different stimuli. Sometimes they can be harmful though.


Nicole's voice is just the right frequency to make my phone speakers buzz like crazy! Pause whole I get my headphones... Lol


Fun fact, I only decided on a major in history over sociology while applying to university. Could have been Step Back Sociology


This video is saving my life and my essay that is due in a few hours


All throughout the video I constantly got distracted by her catchy appearance! The cute shirt matches the lips perfectly, light and bright hair and cute and quirky teeth match each other and contrast the pinky red theme, the glasses fit her perfectly... Oh wait yeah, Durkheim...
