Theories of Global Stratification: Crash Course Sociology #28

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Today we’ll discuss two theories of global stratification. First, we’ll go over modernization theory and Walt Rostow’s Four Stages of Modernization. Next, we’ll explain dependency theory, the legacy of colonialism, and Immanuel Wallerstein’s Capitalist World Economy Model.


CC Sociology course textbook: Sociology by John J. Macionis, 15th edition (2014)


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I like this presenter. Clear enunciation, reasonable pace, energy, and a minimum of uptalk and vocal fry. The content is very solid, and no "cutesy-poo" nonsense like eagle-punching and misplaced attempts to be clever. Very well done.


Aren't there 5 stages of Rostow's model? I think she forgot the 2nd stage which is preconditions for take-off( where society moves away from traditional society and has an increase in investments in agriculture and infrastructure; But still a primarily still in the 1st sector( Extraction of resources sector)).


I'm a sociologist, and though I've enjoyed what this series has produced thus far, this episode is flat out wrong.
The global poverty rate that they cite is so flawed that we don't even really recognize it in sociology and anthropology anymore (which there are a ton of reasons why [The "China exception", the "real" 5 dollar poverty rate, and the comparison of between/within county inequality]). The idea that "most evidence" suggests foreign investment helps is also wrong. The WTO, IMF, and World Bank interference in international markets, mainly in peripheral nations, has created MORE inequality WITHIN the country. Plus, most sociologists call it "world-systems theory", not dependency theory.


Hong Kong was not granted independence in 1997 but rather it was "given back" to China, disregarding any sovereignty. You could have said decolonized.


One could point out that talking about "nations" is a little confusing since wealth usually flows to cities. People it rural areas of "wealthy" nations often have more in common with people in "poor" countries.


I think it's a big thing to leave out the fact the almost all of the reduction in absolute poverty comes from China, Vietnam and other socialist countries. So maybe dependency theory has more going on for itself than the video suggest.


I thought I'd let you know Wallenstein took great inspiration from two latinamerican sociologists, Fernando H. Cardoso and Enzo Faletto, with their book Dependencia y desarrollo en América Latina.


Colonialism and capitalism as descending from modernism, left more than scars - it paternalized, dehumanized, invented race and created all sorts of ideas like what poverty and wealth are. The idea of 'helping, developing, or saving' children, the poor, women, colored people and 'other' peoples of the world is in itself a defining concept (earlier episode) of a particular worldview.


Thank you for the valuable course.
However, I'd like to point out that inflation should be taken into consideration when making the statement that fewer people are living on less than $1.25 per day compared to the eighties, unless you're talking in real terms


World systems theory (Wallerstein) is separate to dependency theory, not just a subsection.


I tend to be skeptical of a theory that espouses complicated global trends and patterns as a zero-sum game, but in this, they are correct (best as I can tell). The great powers of Europe succeeded at the expense of their colonies and anywhere that wasn't flying their flag (or *a* flag).


I think that one of the big problems we are facing not just today but throughout the history and all different areas of our lives is that we think that the way we live and think is the right one. It works for us, so why not for the others. And so we want to spread that to as many people as we can, trying to help or just minimize the void between ourselves and other cultures.
But often we forget that maybe other kind of life is not just possible but maybe even better for other cultures and individuals. We are quick to judge but refuse to judged.


Definitely needs an update to the ending - post-COVID and re: the World Inequality Report 2022 showing increasing wealth disparity within and between countries.


I wouldn't exactly call Hong Kong "gaining independence" from the British. More like the British pawned them off on the Chinese, and from what I hear, the folks in Hong Kong were NOT happy about it. Ever play "Hong Kong '97?"


Hong Kong's return to Chinese control was the first big news event I remember being aware of. I turned on the TV and there were all these people walking back and forth in a room full of red carpet and curtains.


Thank you for explaining in 12 minutes what 15 pages of a textbook and an hour long lecture couldn't


That was well done as always but there were a few serious missteps that ought to be corrected. Wallerstein's capitalist world economy model is a part of his world system's analysis which very much does not belong to dependency theory but instead came as an outgrowth of it as well as the Annals school and other intellectual movements in the way this video mentioned dependency theory come out of conflict theory. Furthermore, Wallerstein's whole point in the founding of world-system's analysis is the concern over the unit of analysis, namely that it ought not be states but instead systems of interactive power both between and within the states and the various bulwarks of power that make them up. Thereby lumping him in with dependency theorists and the tendency of that movement to not culminate into realistic solutions for the states analyzed in their theories is both unfair and a total misreading of Wallerstein. Nice to see him mentioned though


Anyone discussing topics like this needs to *study Japan* .
It went from a feudal society with no industry and little technology to a major world power in a generation after the Meji revolution.
It has no natural resources to speak of.
I am convinced that culture does play an important role.


God bless you crash course. I finally understand what my teacher couldn’t teach.


Lots of love and affection for this person including a higher degree of respect.
