What If Africa Was Really Africa | The Africa They Don't Show You | Epic African Narrative

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Africa is rising. Africa is moving up. Africa is beautiful. What if you saw the true face of Africa? This is the Africa you don't see in the the media.

What if the Africa you see, is the Africa we know?

What if Africa was really Africa.
What if Africa was portrayed the way she really is
Not the one you have been conditioned to merely see
What if the picture of Africa is not that hungry child
Or those endless wars never reconciled
What if the Africa you see is the Africa we know
A place where many beautiful rivers flow
What if they showed the riches of the continent
And not the leaders that are incompetent
What if you knew the people, the culture, the music
And everything else in between and her mystic.
What is you knew the legends
Of the kingdom of the Mwenemutapa
Or the heroics Kwame Nkrumah and Patrice Lumumba
What if you knew about the penguins of South Africa
While you thought they were only in Antarctica.
What if we showed you the splendour
And grace of the Kalahari
And Africa's beautiful fauna
The ones you don't see on safari.
What if we allowed you to marvel
At the grace of the Zambezi
Or bring you to the tombs
Of the beautiful Nefertiti
What if you got to learn a thing or two
About the intellectuals of Dogon and Timbuktu.
What if we took you to the picturesque shores
Of Comoros and Madagascar
And showed you the wonderful beaches
Of Gambia and Zanzibar.
What if they taught you about Sao Tome & Principe
And the innovative youth that is abound in multitude.
Coupe Decalle
And Bongo Flava
And show you the beautiful tomatoes
Of the musician, Flavour.
What if you actually see
The trains terminals of Mombasa
And the grandeur
Of the street carnival in Nigeria.
What if you walk through the boisterous city of Buea
And taste the delicious food in Asmara.
Would you still treat Africa
Like a hapless leper permanently in need?
Or would you see her as a friend indeed?
Would you see her diversity
As endless & unlimited potentials
Or continue to fear her children
As a danger to your own credentials?
Would you still support the messengers of doom
Bringing you all those pictures and images of gloom?
What if you treated Africa like you ask to be treated
And opinionated?
What if you unsee everything
Everything you have been taught to see about Africa
And behold the beauty and uniqueness
That makes her so magical?
Can you trust yourself to unlearn
Everything you have learned
Can you be the true and equal friend
Africa would truly earned
It is all up to you!

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Filmed on location in Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Kenya & The Netherlands.

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Beautiful mama Africa, I love you, nakupenda, nkwagala nyo 💪🏽❤️❤️ your beauty has made me who I am and still growing. Thanks for this wonderful video 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Actually as a Dutch granny I feel al lot better when in Africa. Your soul speaks to mine :) <3


Great! 😄 Good production with a very positive message. I think it is time the world looked at Africa this way!


Please continue to show the Africa they don't show us. It's beautiful!


Wonderful, and I am re sharing with all of our students!


its coz the issues and problems of africa are much more dominant than the good side.. we cant be showing good tourism and good food when we still dealing with mere issues like tribalism, corrupt leadership and useless organisations like African Union, that fold their hands when theres conflict in neighbouring countries. We are proud to be africans when it benefits us, but in true fact, an african skin is a true sign of the uttermost ignorance and confusion.

Until we change that reality within ourselves, and make a tomorrow that we ourselves have built. let whoever is outside think what they must coz we dont control our own reality


You should instead show it instead of What if thing I recommend that


Tell your story and you will own it and defeat the liars


Y ix Victoria fall in Africa Ann Niagra fall in America or Amharic kha abundance sound like Guy fork Ann knife west minister have it stone love Mandela effect
