Why Do I Have Two Facebook Accounts with the Same Email?

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✴️ It's easy to get confused between Facebook accounts and Facebook pages.

✴️ Two Facebook accounts with one email address
Facebook doesn’t allow an email address to be used on more than one Facebook account. Facebook pages, however, can be made to look like accounts, and might cause you to believe they are separate accounts when they are not. It’s possible you’ve created a page without realizing it, or you’re the victim of some form of impersonation.

0:00 Two facebook accounts with same email
0:20 The confusion
1:12 One possible exception
3:37 Facebook accounts and Facebook pages are two different things
5:50 Accounts represent people
6:10 Pages represent other things
7:15 Pages can look like accounts
8:00 Pages can act like accounts: using Facebook “as”
11:00 Interacting on your feed
12:50 Deleting a page
13:50 Impersonation

Reference: Could Someone Set Up a Fake Facebook Account in My Name?

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You don’t, but exactly what you have isn’t obvious.


Hi Leo I'm having an issue with my account. I had my first facebook account and last year I got hacked and couldn't get my old account back, therefore I had to create a new one and I'm log out on my new account and it wont let me change my password on my new account because it keeps bringing the old account up. So in this case what do we do because both facebook accounts have the same phone number and emails.


I have 2 Facebook accounts with the same email. It used to be 2 seperate emails but now it’s just one which is really annoying


I actually know someone who has this problem. She has only one account, one email, but when she started accessing Facebook on her phone, It started acting like two separate accounts. Two different pictures on each device, a Windows 8 laptop and phone. When she updates or posts through one it doesn't appear on the other. It is definitely acting like two different accounts.


I disagree with you 99%. I want my old Facebook but they both have the same email. I don’t want that new Facebook.


Somehow I thought I lost my FB account when I discovered my groups were gone. When I went to FB..I had to make one from start again. A few weeks later, I had found I had 2 accounts. I have no idea what happened, but I remember going to a sight and subscribed to it. Where did I go wrong?


i actually do have 2 tied to the same email. I think i made an account with my phone number. Then made an separate account with my email. The phone number one then asked for an email. And the email asked for a phone number, and now i have 2 accounts with the same info. It's being a pain in the ass right now.


I just logged in in two accounts by using two different passwords using the same email. WTF?! one password will log in into an account and another into a different account of mine, using the same email. I hope this is a bug because otherwise it's plain stupid. Basically all of my log in tries were login into the wrong account I wanted. I guess face book only cares about the passwords now. I had to reset the password in one account so it's different, then it worked on separating them


I have four accounts on one email, when I deactivate one & log back on to the other account it automatically reactivates the one I just got rid of. Very annoying!


I definitely have two accounts attached to the exact same email, my primary email. It means I'm unable to sign into my main account on new devices as it keeps signing into the pseudonym account I accidentally created years ago. It was created with a Gmail account but when I use my Hotmail account to try to log into my primary Facebook account, it signs me into this secondary account thar was created with a gmail account. I just don't understand how to unlink it from my Hotmail email so that I can sign into my original account. It also signs in with my phone number even though no phone number is linked to this secondary account.

I don't know how to sign into my main account that I'm still using on other devices and Facebook has no proper customer support 😢


I was confused for a long time. now it`s clear to me. Thanks Leo


Good to know because I still kinda struggle with FB. Sometimes it gets confusing.


Hi Leo. I used fb on my desktop. Then I set up fb on my mobile. It was using the Lite option. When asked, I did not allow my contacts to be accessed. This resulted in a different version of fb on my mobile. On my laptop, I have all my friends, photos, etc. On my mobile I had to set up my friends again. This resulted in people thinking I had been hacked.


I created a new account after closing older one on my P.C. When I went to facebook app on my PHONE it wanted me to log in. Also asked for a new password then an old account showed up. BOTH HAVE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS. Before I started over with new account my phone would show the one on my P.C. and the 2nd one I do not want shows up when I google it and yet the brand new one I created does not show up.


I saw this video and thought that if I could load up a bogus new Facebook page it would remove my old page. Now I have 2 Facebook pages with the same email address. I cannot pull up my old real Facebook page but my friends can. I can pull up the new bogus one.


I've been supporting small business and individual's computer use at least as long as you have.

These days it's mostly "geriatric IT" given that I'm 73 and most of these clients are older!

I know quite a bit about how Facebook works but this (too technical for 90% of my clients) post cleared up some of MY own confusion about users and pages.



my problem here is i have 1 email but 2 facebook account.. can't get rid of the other one... the other one is logged on my phone and the other one is on PC... can't delete the other one... wtf.. i want to fix it so i can logged in to my main account only and delete the other one


Facebook went to hell when they decided to make every account a person


On my phone in my accounts settings I have two separate Facebook accounts one called Facebook & another that is designated with a number. I delete it but it comes back after time?


You are totally wrong and it sucks bad!
I have two fb accounts with my same name. It keeps asking me to become friends with people I am
Already friends with. I have two profile pics and everything.
Two sets of friends all of that
It’s totally fucked and I have no idea how it happened.
