Should I Flirt With My Ex? If So, How Do I Flirt With My Ex?

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In this video, Coach Lee answers the question, "Should you flirt with your ex?" And if you should, "How do you flirt with your ex?"

If you are asking, "should I flirt with my ex," Coach Lee answers in this powerful video on what to do after a breakup about the topic of flirting with an ex.

If you have been broken up with and want your ex back, Coach Lee explains what you should do when you interact with your ex. People often think that they should be cold and even distant from their ex when their ex starts reaching out. Coach Lee discusses whether this is true or not and gives direction on what you should do if you want your ex back.

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I have been binge watching your videos ever since no contact started to stay strong. We were in no contact for around a month until three days ago when she called me and asked if wanted to go to her place and talk. I ended up staying with her, being real, emotional, laughing, crying, but most importantly talking and recognizing where we went wrong, and we decided to try again. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your advice, i'm not taking our relationship for granted ever again…


I got back to my ex bf (current bf) after 4 months. I got broken up by him and I was super hurt. I always thought about him even after he did the most hurtful things to me because I really loved him and I started watching Coach lees videos and I FOLLOWED EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS in the videos. My bf texted me three times during the break up but I tried not to look pathetic and I tried to look like having a good life but I didn’t act cold to him. He asked me how my life was going or if I had a new bf things like that and I replied to him casually. Also I tried to work on myself to become a better person. I worked out and I studied and I started hanging out with my friends. I tried to look like having a good life to him but I actually tried to have a good life and I did. When I started feeling really happy without him after the breakup he messaged me he still loved me and how he made mistakes. And he told me he wanted to get back together. I got over the breakup but I still knew he was the perfect person to me. And I said yes. And we got back together. We are so much more happier than before we broke up. Thank you so much Coach Lee!!


There are many relationship experts in the net, with their own strengths, but the unique thing about you is that you empathize with the whole situation, you understand the deep pain one goes through in a breakup. That really makes you a man of heart. All the best to you coach.


that cold face "Oh yeah, best buddies" got me totally


My ex has been initiating contact almost everyday now for about 2 weeks. Last night I decided to flirt by bringing up a romantic memory. He came in full force and mentioned having sex. I laughed it off and told him that we aren't ready for that "yet". He agreed and we kept laughing about it. I got nervous at first because I thought that I may have came on too strong and scared him off. So of course I came here for insight. Now I feel like I made a good move and showed strength at the same time. Thank you so much coach. I love it here.


I think u deserve a snickers after this one.. KINGSIZE 🤣🤣🤣


If you understand the logic of no contact and they reach out, then you know they are still attached and attracted. If you don't make it flirtatious the re kindling will never happen. But you have to be calibrated, not flirting is just as terrible as flirting too strong. They'll be repelled.
Assume they still like you and work it up from there.
But the most important thing of no contact and them reaching out, is that you have to be on a point where you can either flirt and take them back or move on without feeling any hatred. If you're at that point then you learnt the lesson.

Thanks for all this content Lee. My girl never came back, but i moved on, met new girls and some of them have come back. I dont need them or anyone. I am enough company for my self, and they are welcome to come for a ride, or leave. I am fine either way.


Thank you, Coach Lee! I think this video helped me to move one huge step closer to my ex. We broke up a bit over 2 months ago and I went to NC, but he has reached out to me a lot during the 2 month period and I did several mistakes, showing how sad I am and so forth, but last weekend, it was the first time where we actually spent together like 3-4 hours and laughed our butts off, like on our first dates. He is a kite surfer and last weekend he called me and said the wind is good and he would like to go, but maybe I would like to come along to help him with the kite, keep an eye on him and hang out with our dog. While I was driving to the beach, I listened to this video. And the day was amazing! I centered my newly-found self confidence, optimism and playfulness on the beach, I danced around with my dog while he was surfing, I listened to good music, ran in waves barefoot and enjoyed the view of him on the sea. When he came back to the shore, we sat together, we laughed a lot, talked about fun stuff, we had a deep eye contact and smiled a lot, no negativity, no talk about feelings or relationship issues. I even went semi-skinny dipping which made his jaw drop, saying "Wow, that bravery, amazing!" I complimented his skills on waves, we played with our dog and later when I helped him to pack his things, he thanked me sincerely for coming along, his smile was warm, and I touched his arm lightly and thanked him for inviting, as I had such a great time. We drove by the store and he bought me ice cream and cider to show his thanks and later wrote me online once more that he is really grateful that I came. And a day later, he said that wind is good again on Wednesday, if I am interested. Fingers crossed :).


Thank you so much for the amazing advice, you’ve helped me get through my breakup, and now my ex is slowly coming back to me again. ❤️ couldn’t have done it without these videos


Yesss! This is EXACTLY the video I needed. My ex started contacting/wanting to see me and I made the mistake of acting neutral, like a friend. This caused me to be "friendzoned" and need to start the NC process all over again. It feels like a huge risk to flirt but it's not a mistake I'll make again. Great video, great info.


Hello King Coach Lee, honestly done everything you’ve said, I flirted like it was nobody’s business. Everything you’ve said it truly works. Ohmylanta King Coach you are looking so handsome, the hair and the color blue, perfection. Driving home from work (hospital) rough day but seeing your notification is a nice ending of the day. Thank you we all appreciate you. Be safe . 🥰


I think I’m in the flirty stage. It took him a time to even put an exclamation mark in a convo and now it’s inside jokes, lengthy convos, emoji’s and ‘remember this...’. I’m just waiting for him to turn round and tell me he’s got a new GF lol.


I love your advice. I'm in the flirty stage, however all I really wanted was to see signs that he still loves me.


Nice and improve audio coach.. I hear you loud and clear.. And it works like magic.. Your were right about everything.


Coach lee you were my bad days' partner advices are priceless, worked for me when i was upset and hopeless last year..on a lighter note i would say there is no harm in smiling sometime..u look very serious in your every video..wanna see yr smile🙂


When she reached to me, I did keep it short about the kids yet she kept wanting to know how things were and responded politely yet flirty. I think she's curious, thanks coach.


Coach lee 🤝..
It’s need a balls of steel to walk away from the person you love the most..
I think respect is more important.. respect should be little more then the way
Life is very long it’s better to focus on ourselves .. 👍🏻


Hello Coach Lee. 3rd time leaving comment here. Thank you so much. I got him back.
I was very restricted to your suggestions in the beginning but in the end I was planning to screw up everything because I did not want him anymore. Then things changed. He started chasing me.
This time it is him driving to me, hugging and kissing me, giving me message, bringing me drinks, making me meals and washing dishes. I would not believe it if you told me 3 months earlier!
Now we are in the stage of "acting like couple without a label". I am very OK with it. Even if there is no label back, my mental condition is healthy enough to say "OK. This is not I want. Bye."
I am suprised with all my change and growth. You are really amazing!


This is a really good one. Thanks Coach Lee.


I think the only way to get over your ex is to delete them off everything and never contact them ever again
