Breeding And Mutation Guide For Ark Survival Ascended!!

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From wild dino to WILD tames, this guide shows you which stats to watch for, how to get them into a stabilized breeding line, and how to stack mutations to make the ultimate prehistoric companions in Ark Survival Ascended!

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This is the best breeding video I’ve seen online and I’ve seen many


Best breeding explanation video I’ve seen. Clear and to the point easy to understand. Thanks. Like and a sub earned from me


That last fact about being able to move the mutations to a higher base stat is a huge game changer. It makes it so it’s always worth it to tame high level Dinos.


Definitely gaining a subscriber.Really good video thank you


great video with basics. a few things I see are different then what I do.

1: for me it is not just the 3 stats. I normally breed 4 (I also breed weight)
2: sometimes depending on the creature and its need. Ox can be a good thing also. specially for soakers. to help with raiding Water bases.
3; food is also needed on some dinos. as food is needed to regen Stam and HP.
4: on official. I rotated the males for stat stacking while waiting for the baby to mature. as most times. the baby takes longer to mature then the breeding cool down. ( Just a bit more efficient then waiting for the baby to mature. )

and on official. Dinos do not delete at 450/500 Level cap for ASE. normal dinos just do not allow more leveling over 450 and 500 for tek dinos. this was changed a while back.

but as I say. it is how I do things. and what I see different then what you have said. Learning the way mutations show on ASA was a great help. Thanks again.


Fantastic! Thank you for clear & detailed explanation!!


This video was great very easy to understand and get I’ve always had trouble with breeding in ase and asa but this video give me a really good understanding this video deserves more love


Gigas max out at 1285 melee ☝️ If you keep breeding for higher melee after that, you’ll no longer be able to put any points into melee when doing the 88 level ups ☝️ But yes. Breed for the max melee and health. Gigas are stuck at 1295 melee if you accidentally get one final melee mutation. Basically once your gigas have reached 1285 melee, you can now focus on health mutations ☝️


Sure, if mentioned anywhere in the comment section but the giganto raptors can incubate eggs as well at this point in AS.A


This was the first video I’ve watched about breeding that I understood. So many others have made videos and just been to many numbers for my small brain to handle 🤣 thank you for this so much I was wondering why I wasn’t getting any more mutations once booth sides where at 20 each


The BEST GUIDE ON THE INTERNET! I have watched many videos and it never made sense until you explained it, thank you!


Your video really helped me out thanks!


I think there is a correction to be made. Because of how the stats are tracked separately in asa. Max mutations on any 1 stat is 254 but that is added on top of whatever base stat you have effectively letting you surpass the 254 point max hatch points from evolved. So you could end up with a dino with 300 pts in melee prior to putting any xp levels in.


Very nice, It finally all makes sense 👍


This was great bro…..I was a heavy breeder in ASE….I have one simple
So if you keep ALL mutations to the paternal side….can you continue on past the /20 mark?
In ASE we would have 3000 muts as long as we kept it to one side and the other side at 0/20….
Hope to hear from you soon….thanks


So what I understand is that I need to have a male and a female and breed them and exclude any mutation that I get until I get a lot of pure females and start breeding them with a mutated male until I get a better male with my desired stats and replace the mutated male that I already have with the better male…is it like that? And sorry for me being stupid my brain can’t handle this much of information


Bro, I’m doing the same thing he’s doing but it’s not even working. It won’t even let me access to behavior.


what are the stats you're using in your gameplay? i'm tired of having to wait hours while sitting there imprinting with my current stats


So my line is stabilized at 635. I started with 1 clean male and 20 clean females. Mutes start at 637 so I took that mut mate(health) and replaced the clean male. Now everything is popping 635 and 637 only but haven’t stacked yet. I haven’t seen higher than 637 did I mess up somewhere? Females are still clean just swapped them male as soon as mut showed


Can you better explain how you combine stats once you're satisfied with overall mutations? Also what's all your imprinting stats because mine only give 3% per.
