American Kids & The School-To-Prison Pipeline

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Back in the day, when you got in trouble at school, it usually meant you were heading off to the principal's office or to detention. These days? Getting in trouble at school can mean ending up in the juvenile justice system. But how does that happen and who does it affect?

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I have ADHD and I know it’s a minor issue but I’m always singled out. I’m always getting yelled at and bullied and it sucks! I have gotten 5 lunch dentitions in the past month. That’s more than in my whole life.


WTF being asian is a disability? I'm offensive and I find this asian.


The Education of the System of the United States.
What is it?: Broken, corrupt, and failing.
How can we Improve it?: Scrap it.


I found out first semester of senior year that my high school was disproportionate. In my school black students were 2.5 times more likely to be suspended than their non-block counterparts (2018 report). This lines up with the data fact that black americans are 2.5 times more likely to be incarcerated than nonblack counterparts. My own high school that I went to is part of the school to prison pipeline, and I didn't find out until my senior year.


expulsions normally result from a crime commited on campus; ex-students often arrested


Did the study consider number of previous infractions for those being expelled or suspended? Are there racial differences when controlling for number of previous infractions? These questions must be addressed in the video if your argument is to be valid.


I'm a black man, and I just want to be honest so we can have a productive conversation. When I was in high school 30 years ago, most of the fights were black kids. most of the classroom disruption was black kids, and most of the serious students were not us. The same is true of my daughters school. When I went to pick up my daughter from her high school a few years back, a white student was being carried out to an ambulance; he had been injured during "punch a white person day". I love being black, I love my people, and we need to do something about this school to prison pipe line. However, To ignore one whole side of a story will bring us to false conclusions and false solutions.


why is it illegal not to go to school? I thought this was a free country. If parents don't want to send their kids to school, why should it be illegal? Half the kids don't want to be there anyway.


Do you have this video in Spanish, or subtitled in Spanish?


I am not a racial minority, but to an extent, I have had to deal with certain issues. I have ADHD (inattentive), Anxiety, and PTSD. I almost always got into trouble just for asking clarifying questions, doing something wrong, or something out of my control like being sick.

I was constantly ill and I also broke my foot (5th metatarsal to be exact) in my Sophomore year. While I can never truly understand the struggles of being handicapable 24/7, I very clearly remember there being only 2 elevators, which were on the same side of the building. Teachers could use it regardless of visibility, they were half the size of regulation, only one had a camera, and only one went to the top floor. Passing periods were 5 min and it usually took somewhere between 10-15 minutes to use them just because teachers would use them, even if they didn't need them.
As a result, I was always late for class by 5 minutes and I had to leave 5 minutes early if I had to change floors. That, and the hallways were always SUPER crowded. (This was in a "good" school with around 3, 000 students btw.)
But, the worst was my chem teacher. I had to leave 5 min early to use the elevator and I was often late because of the elevator. So, I had to use my phone to check the time since the clock was always off. She accused me of texting multiple times, and once I got up to leave early, as I had for the past few weeks, and she YELLED at me in front of the whole class. It went something like this.

"Where are you going??"
"The elevator, I have to leave 5 min early."
"That clock says 7 min early, not 5, go sit down!"
"I leave the same time every day, see?" I showed my phone clock, which showed there was 5 min left.
"It says seven, now sit down!"
"No! I have to get to my next class! I will be late for it even if I leave not and have the whole 10 minutes from now to the end of the passing period, so I'm going!"

Then I left. I told my parents and the school...and they did nothing. They asked her and she was like, "What? No, I never yelled, I just told her to politely wait two more minutes and she stormed out of the class." Then my parents had to argue that I shouldn't receive detention because of that.

Literally, it was her first year teaching. I understand not wanting people to leave, but...bruh, I had a scooter and a cast. It wasn't like I was ditching 2nd period by 7 min.


Thank you for covering this. I'm not sure if you all have covered institutionalized racism yet or mass incarceration but that would be some great videos! P.S Being animated is a


Whether punished strictly or allowed to run wild in the inner city schools, either way government is TERRIBLE at education of children. Lack of discipline in the home or school leads to adult crimes. All children need taught to be logical thinkers, self-controlled, to be hopeful, and taught marketable skills before high school and during. Forced high school was always a bad idea. Apprenticeship should have continued to be legally allowed at 12 years old so the youth that don't do well in bookworm style education can learn career skills on the job & be paid to do it! Many youth just have too much energy to sit at desks all day, especially boys.


Those statistics are interesting and present a huge problem not only for schools but for society as a whole.  I would like to know how much instruction time is wasted trying to engage those students that DON'T want to be in the classrooms in the first place.  As a teacher I need to do a balancing act between engaging those students that are going through tough times (family issues, economic, or disabilities) with the other students that want to learn.  Continued budget cuts do not help as aides that can provide more contact time with these students is reduced.


im so glad I didn't go to public school.


I just really want to lead a rebellion or raid of destruction to show these horrible schools how to treat God’s people with respect.




The best type of person you can be in the US, is a white straight american male.


Well isn’t the students already in prison when they go to school ?


Government never should have been allowed to educate children. Government should never have been allowed to replace fathers economically. Children of broken homes do worse in school & behavior on average. Fathers in the home are that important.


There Basically The Same Thing So It Makes Sense.
