Why do tendons hurt?

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Taming Tender Tendons 🤓
Runners get two types of injuries: bone stress injuries and tendon-related disorders 🦴🦵.

Let's break down those tricky tendons ⬇️.

Tendons serve a substantial role during running, providing the necessary to spring to hit the ground and propel yourself forward.

No wonder they can start to talk ta ya.

The patella, proximal hamstring, and achilles, along with the IT band and plantar fascia are notoriously frustrating structures for distance runners.

When a runner develops a tendinopathy (the likely more correct term for what your buddy calls tendinitis) they can fall into two camps.

1️⃣ Reactive (an acute irritation)
2️⃣ Degenerative (more prolonged symptoms)

Runners will report a decreased ability to run as often, as far, or as fast as they would like.

To learn more about the basics of tendinopathy and how to navigate tendon-pain during rehab, be sure to check out the related video to learn more.
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