How Burnout Culture Happens

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Can anyone name a cartoon that actually has a good functional boss?

Hey, if you're new here and don't know me, my name is Dallin. I'm a professional speaker and consultant that works with businesses and schools to make life suck less. I talk about communication skills, workplace culture, ethics, bias, and really whatever comes up in my research that I think is interesting.

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Thankyou for the video.
Burnout culture was something handed to me by my grandparents. They told me that being a good worker meant going above and beyond. Arriving early and staying late. That a good worker gives their work their all.
Back in the day, giving it your all just meant being really good at working when you were working. Now I have to check my emails or messages when I'm not at work. Even my time off is theirs.


Another huge thing for us gen zers is that on top of this portrayal of bosses in the media, we also were exposed to a ton of propaganda online (articles or videos) that showed young people always portrayed as being "entitled" or "whiny" for setting reasonable boundaries at work or demanding better treatment and livable wages. Watching millennials, who ironically I think are bigger pushovers and are less picky than previous generations, get brutally bullied by the media for rightfully complaining about terrible working conditions and low wages really go in my head as a teen in the 2010s. That sort of, "Well, I don't want to end up being seen as a bad employee like THOSE people when I get a job!" mindset. I really was under the impression that asking for a raise or saying no at work would instantly make me a bad employee or that I would deserve to get fired. I guess the media's plan to shame young people into being doormats worked.


I can only assume that cartoon bosses are like that because the people who made the cartoons have all had bad bosses and the cartoons are their way of venting about said bad bosses. Sometimes to their face without their knowledge (Lord Farquaad in Shrek was a direct insult to an executive somewhere).

As far as I can tell, we have never lived in an era of good bosses. The people in charge demand more money now or sooner, no matter how unreasonable their demands are.


I'm only burnt out because I have to keep explaining economics to my boss's wife after he got parkinson's disease and she started girlbossing while not understanding anything about anything


Interesting take.

I personally always saw those portrayals as caricatures, as wildly unrealistic and exaggerated for effect as any other cartoon character.

Totally agree with the message though.


To be fair, SpongeBob loves working at the krusty krab.


Also a new-ish creator here, but minuscule. Lovely take. Subscribed!


Well... but it's true.
There is nothing you can do, except maybe quit.
Or the very not very actionable "hope that your boss is a good boss". I mean you could say no, but then there will be a "something found in your pocket" you are fired.

The thing is these cartoons prepared the future workforce for the bleakness of work and the utterpowerlessness of workers.

The only thing that really gets me is that the cartoons never showed the inevatible uprising.


Definitely had a lot of clients where I experienced scope creep and went along with it for the exact reasons he laid out.


Unfortunately good bosses are not competitive in a world of bad bosses with a lower bottom line


Never would I accept another Youtuber referencing Leapfrog. I loved those animated movies as a little kid.


Wow that hit pretty hard. Gotta rethink a lot in my life.
