Auto Forward - Reverse Cycling Motor Control 37217 RL

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Programmable timed control for motors & other cyclic uses. Set Forward & Reverse running time. Isolated Relay wired to reverse the polarity of the relay DPDT contacts. Cycles Forward/Reverse as long as Board is Powered. NOTE: Load Power must be removed to Stop motion, Removing Circuit Power stops the timed cycle leaving motor running continuous in one direction.
Load Power Circuit Power are isolated
Circuit Working Voltage: DC 5-13V
Working Current: 5V: Forward: 4ma Reverse: 36ma
12V: Forward: 6ma Reverse: 44ma
Relay Load Rating: 30VDC @ 2A max or 125VAC @ 1A max.
Recommend 5-12VDC Motor 2A
Run time set by programming & 3 jumper selections for X1 to X8 running. X multiplier is same for both directions Forward & Reverse base time are independent
Forward time: up to ~5000 sec. (X1) to ~40000 (X8)
Reverse time: up to ~5000 sec. (X1) to ~40000 (X8)
Terminal Strips for Circuit (Board) Power, Load Power & Load
Load Power Circuit Power are isolated
Circuit Working Voltage: DC 5-13V
Working Current: 5V: Forward: 4ma Reverse: 36ma
12V: Forward: 6ma Reverse: 44ma
Relay Load Rating: 30VDC @ 2A max or 125VAC @ 1A max.
Recommend 5-12VDC Motor 2A
Run time set by programming & 3 jumper selections for X1 to X8 running. X multiplier is same for both directions Forward & Reverse base time are independent
Forward time: up to ~5000 sec. (X1) to ~40000 (X8)
Reverse time: up to ~5000 sec. (X1) to ~40000 (X8)
Terminal Strips for Circuit (Board) Power, Load Power & Load
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